Ditch the gym membership?

I signed up with a local gym about a year ago because the other gym that I'd been going to just got too gross (bugs, mildewy smell, too many kids). A girlfriend of mine goes to the current gym, but we're on different schedules. I bought an exercise bike from her friend. It's a nice, recumbent Nordic Track that I paid $70 for, complete with another full year remaining on the warranty. I had stopped riding it because the display conked out. I have an order in to get the display replaced any day now.

My husband started getting into yoga about a year and a half ago, as a means for helping with back pain. We had been going together, but stopped when his schedule changed and because the gym and yoga was costing me too much. (He's a student, so he gets a student rate.)

So the question is this:

Since I usually use the bike at the gym anyway, and since I own free weights, do I cancel the gym membership, put the money towards yoga classes, and work out from home when I don't have yoga? Am I kidding myself, thinking that I can workout from home? Do others do this successfully without a home gym?

Or do I keep the gym membership so that I get out of the house? I like the idea of going to the gym and being motivated by other people, but I'm not sure that I'll hit the gym as often as I should (parking, weather, etc.).



  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    That's a tough question since you are already so used to having the membership. That said, I haven't had a gym membership this whole time and I have found other ways to stay motivated...like the accountability of my MFP friends and running buddies. As of yesterday I do have a gym membership for a few months since my husband and I are both unemployed right now we figured it'd be good for us to have somewhere to go!
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    As a student and mom of three, going to the gym is unrealistic for me. I have successfully worked out at home or outside for years.

    I think the trick is to keep enough of a variety in your home to keep yourself excited. And also designate specific time periods where you work out. Even if you don't think you're going to work out, put on your workout clothes and it'll happen. (I am doing that right now, actually, haha!!)

    I run, bike, lift free weights using Women's Health plans, and do P90X. I've also used Netflix streaming through my Wii to get different workouts in when I need a more drastic change.

    Going to yoga classes with your husband also sounds like a fun way to get out of the house!!

    Good luck!!
  • KMSForLife
    I successfully work out at home with a recumbent bike and a treadmill. I do exercise nearly everyday in the morning before I have to get the kids up for school. This works for me now but it is lonely and boring sometimes.

    I MISS the gym! I used to go every morning before work and it was incredible! I stopped because of switching jobs and no longer being able to fit it in to the morning schedule (gym was in the opposite direction). I liked it because I felt accountable to the trainer, who would weigh me once a week. It was nice to have the freedom to switch up on machinery and do some free weights and swim if I was in the mood.
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    I think if you plan ahead and know what workout you want to do from home and have a schedule it CAN be done. That being said I have done both and I personally like the gym aspect of getting to know people and then when you dont show up when you would normally be there, they ask where you were, for me I love that accountability!

    In regards to the cost, if you work does your work or insurance do anything to reimburse? I get reimbursed $20 every month IF I go 12x, so that helps me also.

    I really think its what you think will work best for you!
  • jiggs31
    jiggs31 Posts: 117
    Think it is a personal choice but the only times I have really managed to lose the weight, it was by being at the gym.

    You can't slack at the gym as people can see you whereas at home you can ease off as nobody is watching.

    My gym is a train stop away so I go on the way home from work - I stayed glued to my seat when the train stops at my station (so I don't get off and go home), I stay on another stop and then have to go to the gym. Always feel much better for it too.

    I have a cross trainer in my back room but I use it as a back up when I can't get to the gym (it is currently broken anyway).

    If you are disciplined enough then you will be ok at home but for me - it is the gym all the way!!!

    Hope that helped! :)
  • rachelmorgan77
    rachelmorgan77 Posts: 131 Member
    I think it all depends on YOU. I need to go the gym, I find it a social outlet, I'm motivated by others around me, and my kids love playing at childwatch. I sign up for classes, and that's how I keep myself motivated and accountable to someone. It would be very hard for me to do it on my own. I would always have "something else" I had to do - laundry, dishes, yardwork, a screaming kid. However, it may take trial and error to figure what's right for you. Good luck, and I hope you find a solution!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I personally much prefer the gym for workouts. It has a better range of free weights, and I feel tons more motivated getting out the house and going to the gym to workout.

    But then I'm seen several people who have great success working out at home, it's different for everyone :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If I had weights and a bike at home, I'd dump the gym. I'd probably work out more if I didn't have to GO to the gym. However, I often work out longer when I do go because I don't want to waste 45 minutes or so in travel time just to be there for a half hour or so.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    I work out exclusively at home with the exception of yoga class. It's not hard to do - just throw on a DVD or jump on the bike - and then you're done without having to get out of the house. So much more convenient than dragging to a gym.

    Why don't you try it for a few weeks at home and see if you like it before cancelling?
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Even though I have a treadmill and some weights at home, I have kept my gym membership. I go to the gym at 6am before work and then get ready there (shower, make-up, blow dry hair, etc.). I have two young children and not having to get on the treadmill and chance waking them up at home is a huge plus.
  • likeaphoenix28
    I think you have to ask yourself what is realistically motivating for you. If you know deep down that you won't exercise at home, then keep the gym membership. If you can honestly say that you will have the motivation to work out at home, then save the money and put it towards yoga. Personally, I have to go to the gym to get my workouts in because at home, there is always something else I'd rather be doing. At the gym, there's nothing else to do but workout.
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    I have had a gym membership for a year and a half and I joined with my MIL and few other people even joined after me so I thought great Ill have people to go with..NOT anyways went some by myself over the summer then school and work started and never really had the time during the day so I woke up in the morning and exercised at home to DVDs so recently I gave up my membership and I have decided with the money Id be paying for the gym Im going to buy me some of the favorite things I did like at the gym (my fav the elliptical) I already have a treadmill the belt just needs to be oiled and then ILL still have my DVDs and my husband has a weight bench he just needs to put back together for the arms and legs so Im deciding to go that route with my own home gym due to my own time issues its easier to wake up in the morning and in a matter of minutes start my workout, Ive lost the majority of my 68 lbs doing at home through DVDs and walking in the summer-I used to think I was one who would NEED the gym to workout but since I dont drive I did have to depend on people to get there and when I realized I couldnt just wait for everyone and I was really serious about my weight loss I had to just go by myself or do it at home,I have found that I would do the same whether at home or the gym put in my music on my headphones and tune everything out whether at the gym or not
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Definitely a personal choice, but as someone else said, I slack off at home, where at the gym I feel like I can't do that because people might be watching, and judging. Some people are way better doing the at-home thing.

    The other big benefit to the gym, is at least having the OPTION to try new machines and classes that are available to you.

    I recommend getting comfortable with going there alone, and NOT counting on a workout buddy. My iPod is my workout buddy, and I always find friendly people to chat with. You can't let your own motivation be determined by someone else who might not be able to go with you all the time.
  • clarissa08
    clarissa08 Posts: 31 Member
    I say go for it - you can also follow along with BodyRock.TV. The great thing is they only take 20 minutes maximum! Here is a link http://www.bodyrock.tv/category/daily-workouts/fitness-tips/ this way you can do this at home, take yoga classes, and have the bike - you'll be a bodyrocker in no time!
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    its diff for everybody and their goals... my goal is to build muscle... i need all the equpiment and weight they have in the gym because i simply wouldnt have the room or the money to buy all that stuff for my house lol

    also i find if you are tired.. and u start ur workout at home ur still tired... now if u r tired n u go to the gym u get an energy boost and have one of ur best workouts ever!

    i have done both n deff personally seen 10000 times better results in the gym than at home
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I don't use one, it is simply not in budget and I've done fine without it. But if it works for you, stay with it.