BMI Confusion....

Sooo I was looking up my BMI and I was calculating what I would be under if I reached my goal weight....

Being 5'3 if I got to my goal weight of 145 I would still be considered overweight.
I would really have to lose 5 more pounds to be at a healthy normal weight.

Honestly I really dnt even wanna get down to 145... id be happier at 150.
I really dnt wanna be "Skinny" i just wanna be healthy.

Anybody else battling with this same confusion on wat to do?!


  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    BMI is not designed to be used by individuals.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    You have to take it all with a grain of salt. BMI charts are not necessarily completely accurate for everyone - for example people that do a lot of strength training and have a lot of muscle might be extremely healthy with a low bodyfat percentage, but their weight might be higher and the BMI chart might tell them they are 'overweight' even though their bodyfat is in a low healthy range.

    Also, 145 lbs is a long way off for you. You never know how you are going to look and feel when you get there. It might be that you are in great shape from working out and have muscle and look and feel amazing - if that's the case, then yeah don't stress over those 5 lbs if you look and feel good and your dr. says you're healthy. On the other hand, you might get there and not be in quite the shape you were expecting and might find that yes another 5 lbs sounds like a good idea, or maybe that you're happy with the number on the scale but want to workout to condition your muscles and decrease bodyfat but not stress over the number on the scale. Don't feel like that goal weight is set in stone. Focus more on your progress and how you look and feel rather than worrying too much about that long-range ultimate goal - a lot of people find that as they get closer to the goal they set, their idea of a healthy and happy goal changes. Just worry about the journey for now, and worry about the destination when you actually get there. :-)
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    The BMI gets a lot of hate, but it's not as bad as people make it sound. It's not accurate if you have a lot of muscle mass, but other than that, it's a decent general guideline.

    That said, missing the BMI target by 5 pounds, even if you're not muscular, doesn't mean anything. Keep in mind, however, that people usually underestimate how much weight the need to lose.
  • ANMUR43
    I think what's important, is to be comfortable with how you look and feel. Everyone is different. Personally, I've never been down to "normal weight. I am looking forward to seeing how I llok and feel at each weight. I will keep going down if I feel I need to,. but I also have a sponsor who will also help me determine if I am at a good weight, or need to lose more. My doctor will have her say as well. They have my back!
    Best of Luck in All your endeavors!
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    BMI is, as others said, just a rough guideline. If I didn't lose any lean muscle mass, I could be at 0% body fat and still be within my "healthy" BMI range! Percent body fat is a far better indicator.

    That being said, as others have said, you may change your mind when you get there. I never thought I wanted to go below 145 because I wanted to keep some curves, but when I got that low and even below that, I was surprised that I could still look strong and curvy. It just seemed like such a low weight when I started. BUT you might get to 150 and realize that for your build, that is a healthy weight. It's all individual!
  • mysteria_
    mysteria_ Posts: 44 Member
    Once you get there you may feel differently about it... the number might sound small but just wait and see once you get there. :)
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    Once you get there you may feel differently about it... the number might sound small but just wait and see once you get there. :)

    At around 160 I didnt like how skinny my face looked even though I was still in a size 13.
    So I already know that I dont wanna be skinny like that.
    Its not a look I personally find attractive. Lol.
  • mysteria_
    mysteria_ Posts: 44 Member
    Once you get there you may feel differently about it... the number might sound small but just wait and see once you get there. :)

    At around 160 I didnt like how skinny my face looked even though I was still in a size 13.
    So I already know that I dont wanna be skinny like that.
    Its not a look I personally find attractive. Lol.

    Well whatever, stay overweight then. You don't have to go and say how skinny is unnatractive though.
  • robbiefreeland
    robbiefreeland Posts: 50 Member
    I have been looking at BMI also lately. To have a perfectly Healthy BMI it says I should be in the 150lb range. I have never been that small in my entire adult life. I wrestled 168 weight class in HS and have been 170ish in my 30's and I was skinny. So, just wondering how much faith should be placed on BMI for long term weight loss goals??
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    It's quite a big range, tho'. For my height (5'5") the range is 111 to 150! I would never go as low as 111, but there's 30 lb. range there. I'm in the average, now, or 131-133, and that seems to be fine.
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    Once you get there you may feel differently about it... the number might sound small but just wait and see once you get there. :)

    At around 160 I didnt like how skinny my face looked even though I was still in a size 13.
    So I already know that I dont wanna be skinny like that.
    Its not a look I personally find attractive. Lol.

    I've read some of the other replies and would encourage you to ignore those that are making grossly retarded statements. At the end of the day, you only have one life to live. How you look and feel are the most important thing in any of this. A couple of the posters gave some really good advice regarding BMI. My bodyfat is 25:3%, yet my BMI is 33, not taking into account the weight lifting that I have been doing over time and now the muscle built running. I admire the fact that you are brave enough to say and recognize that health is far more important than the numbers. Always chase your health and fitness first, and the numbers will work themselves out. If you look into that mirror, are healthy, and you like what you see, then that is all that matters. Stay strong, beautiful, solid, committed, and keep that fantastic mindset! Peace!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    You're better off setting a body fat % goal. Your ending weight would be different but a person with ideal body fat% is going to be healthier than a skinny person with no muscle. Those people are still at risk for the same diseases as obese people. Your goals will probably change as you get closer so why don't you set smaller goals like lose 10% of your body weight, then 5% body fat and so on. It makes the small victories much more rewarding as you see your progress, and it makes your progress easier to measure. Good Luck!
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    The only people who are going to know your magic number is you, your doctor and whomever you chose to tell. If you are happy and HEALTHY what else matters?
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    The BMI is simply a ROUGH estimate. It doesn't take into account your muscle mass, if you have bigger boobs or butt, anything like that.
  • pthomp2268
    I agree that it varies depending on the person. For example, my boyfriend's BMI says he's overweight (he's 6'8 250) but because he was a professional athlete he has a lot of muscle. My plan is to try to get down to the suggested BMI range (if my body will allow me) and see if I like how I look. I figure as long as you're healthy and happy with how you look, that's what matters most.
  • lonelydove04
    you have to remember that BMI leaves usually has error, but as everyone is saying is a general rough guidline. Skinny is not unattractive, BUT you have to be able to feel good about yourself as well. If its so confusing, forget about the BMI factor and just make yourself healthy by eating right and exercising. BMI is NOT the only factor in weight loss
  • lonelydove04
    You're better off setting a body fat % goal. Your ending weight would be different but a person with ideal body fat% is going to be healthier than a skinny person with no muscle. Those people are still at risk for the same diseases as obese people. Your goals will probably change as you get closer so why don't you set smaller goals like lose 10% of your body weight, then 5% body fat and so on. It makes the small victories much more rewarding as you see your progress, and it makes your progress easier to measure. Good Luck!
    very true, this is some great advice
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    It doesn't really take everything into account. The smallest I ever was was maybe 140lbs at 5'2". I was a black belt in karate and training a lot. I would love to be that size again or close to it but according to bmi I would be overweight.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    BMI, also known as the Quelet Index because it was designed by Adolphe Quelet, who was a statistician and not a focused on exercisers or how to maintain fitness but on the statistics of weight in relation to disease, is simply a ratio used to classify large populations of people for weight to determine if there was a correlation between weight and disease and mortality. The graph for all cause mortality is actually a J shape with being under weight according to BMI having a higher rate of death then being normal weight, and about the same as being overweight, with obesity having the highest correlation to all cause mortality. Anyway, that is why people say it shouldn't be used for individuals because it is just a statistic (And we all know there are 3 types of lies--Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics! LOL) and not an actual measure of body fatness. That is why we were taught to use body composition to determine over fatness or under fatness instead of following the BMI scale for our clients in the exercise physiology program at college.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    And just to show the difference in being obese by BMI and actually over fat by body composition standards, here is a cute pic that has been around for a while.


    it is not uncommon for someone who is losing weight and weight training to weigh more then what BMI says they should but be healthy or athletic on the body composition charts and it great health, not to mention look good. Personally, I'm obese according to BMI but I'm only 14.5% body fat and fit in a size 6 in pants and I'm no where near body builder standards yet with my exercise programs.