Cardio kick boxing...I hate being the fat girl....argh



  • brigg9
    brigg9 Posts: 104 Member
    Food for thought - Consider it an opportunity for self-empowerment and internal growth, as well as the obvious physical workout. Keep going, keep your head up, and keep rocking it as hard as you can. It can strengthen your confidence and empower your will to continue on your quest for better health with stronger determination. It's not easy, but it'll be worth it. :smile:
  • Good for you! I need to be motivated like you are.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Ok - so I did my first cardio kick boxing class last night at the gym...and it was great. There were about 9 ladies in there with me...and I was the biggest one by far....probably at least 30lbs heavier than anyone.

    So, I can look at this 2 ways:
    1. motivation
    2. defeat

    I'm trying to look at it as my motivator to move forward, but I just felt disgusted when I was in there working out...yes it felt great, but with the mirrors all over, I just went "ewwww".

    Maybe it was the mirrors, maybe it was in my head, maybe I just need to forget about it...and keep going, work it all off. I was just humiliated or grossed out that I was so big....blah.

    I'm 5'8" and about 200...but it looked a lot worse than that last night. Just wanted to "rant" - thanks!
    Being an instructor.........................that's why people come to class! They start fat and get leaner. Practically everyone that started with me started that way. Don't be too hard on yourself.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • You should never feel bad about getting to be a healthier you!! Don't feel defeated because for all you know, any of those 9 ladies could have been at your spot at a point in time. Eventually you will be right where you want to be and have no problem walking in anywhere!! It's crazy how anyone can get stared at in public by other for being 'big' and also get stared at in a gym for being 'big'.Your in a gym DOING something about it so people should congradulate not make u feel bad! Keep doing those classes it sounds fun and maybe get to know some of the girls,i bet you will feel much better. In time,you will look in those mirrors and be like 'damni look good!!' haha
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    DO NOT let it defeat you! I've been bigger BY FAR than most of the ladies in my water aerobics class. However, after a few months I can kick all their A$$es in the pool. I used to go many years ago to a high impact land aerobics class. We'd get some ladies complaining about one of the instructors because she was larger. Let me tell you, she could kick all our A$$es and used 3 levels of the stepper. She'd lost a bunch of weight and was still going at it, but she was FIT! I bet those ladies in your class are silently rooting you on and commending you for coming. I know I would as would the supportive ladies at my gym. GO GET 'EM GIRL!
  • AddA2UDE
    AddA2UDE Posts: 382
    There will always be those shallow people to make comments to their friends, but I'm willing to bet most of those people are thinking "good for you", because you're doing something which puts you ahead of the majority of our population who do nothing at all. Don't let your self image ruin a good thing.

  • Nurse_krissy
    Nurse_krissy Posts: 102 Member
    I WAS the fat girl in the classes six years ago (185 lbs & 5'4"). I'm so glad I stuck with it, though, because I can honestly say I am typically one of the fittest ladies there now (135 lbs and lots of muscle). When I see someone who has a little to lose, I don't judge, I'm simply THRILLED to see them there and that they're making that step toward healthiness.

    Hang in there! Like one of your previous posters stated - Most were probably heavier at one point, too!
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    If you stick with it, you won't be saying "ewwww," you'll be saying "yeeeeah!"
  • cweiler4
    cweiler4 Posts: 374 Member
    Keep in mind that a lot of people in class were probably bigger at one point, too. Use it as motivation. You should feel great that you are there and don't let the reflection in the mirror discourage you, but encourage you. After all, isn't getting healthier, more fit and losing weight the reason you are there? Like anything in life...there will always be someone heavier - or thinner....with more money - or less....a bigger house - or smaller..goes on and on :)

    ^^^^^^THIS!! Couldn't have said it any better!! I was one of the heavier ones when I started my kickboxing class 8 months ago. I stood in the back and didn't want to even see myself in the mirror, but now I am one of the veterans that stands in front and I am someone that the newbies look up too when it comes to form and motivation. Hang in there!! You will get there too!!
  • georgia98_98
    georgia98_98 Posts: 123 Member
    I am 5 7 & 245lbs.. I could go & u wouldn't feel bad.. ;-) Hope u smiled!!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I started going to a group exercise class 2x a week. In my very first class I was the biggest person. I felt awkward and fat. I told myself no one is looking at me, nobody cares, and I kept going, and eventually lost the weight. I am now one of the thin people. I don't think twice about the size of the people in my class. I became friends with one woman in a recent class of mine who is a little overweight and she was telling me how she felt when she first joined and we were all skinny. It was my "AHA!" moment. I never thought twice about her weight while she was internally feeling badly, just like I was when I started.

    Bottom line: Their is a good chance that the only person thinking about your size is you. So don't even worry and enjoy your class!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    I felt the same way - - - Boot camp??? Zumba?? There were people who did those workouts for FUN!!! Darn skinny people!!! Lol!

    I'm sure that feeling will go away - you just have to give it a chance to by going back for more. Those mirrors are horrible but, they're there, what can do it?

    Please take this as a motivator! You deserve it!
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    NEVER EVER look at it as Defeat! You are there to make a statement and make yourself healthier. Don't let the ppl who have been there longer to discourage you. You will not be a novice for long and will do an awesome job the longer you stick with it. KICK *kitten* AND TAKE NAMES LATER!!!!
  • shannypoo21
    shannypoo21 Posts: 329 Member
    Don't get down on yourself. The fact of the matter is that you're moving and wanting to improve your body/health. Stay with it, you'll be so happy with the results and that you persevered. Keep up the good work!
  • You are a motivation and inspiration to others!

    I have two examples from my life:

    I used to see an overweight woman at the gym every day and everyday, I saw her transform to a slimmer, stronger, happier person. It was amazing to see her dedication!

    I love to go salsa dancing, and this man asked me to dance. I swear he didn't even have rhythm. I came back 1 year later and he danced better than I did! He was so good, and he said he came to classes every week and didn't give up. It was so inspiring.

    You can do it. You are doing this for you! WIth time, patience and dedication, you will see results. They don't come for free. You rock! Remind yourself of all the reasons you joined the class in the first place. <- got that one from Jilian. :)
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    I have always felt that way! Fat, slow and lagging behind. It sure does make it hard to go in. Once I'm there though, I don't look at the other people at all in the mirror (except to ensure I don't hit someone:). I don't really look at myself in that way (edit to add: in the mirror). I try to focus on my performance and how that can be improved. I have, in the past, found myself suddenly, without even noticing, good enough that I jumped levels at the direction of the instructor. Everything else just works itself out.
  • Last year in September I started taking a Boot Camp Class I was definitely the biggest on in there plus there were 3 walls tha were all mirrors I got in the back of the class and tried to face as much towards the wall without mirrors. I got away with it the first class but before the second the trainer came up and very politely told me to face the right direction I told her I didnt like facing the mirror she asked me why and I told her obviously I can see everything jiggle and it was depressing she put her arm around my shoulders and said if ya dont like what ya see change it! Those words have stayed in my head everyday since. I was in a size 16 then now Im in a size 0 I didnt like it so I changed it!
  • rachelmorgan77
    rachelmorgan77 Posts: 131 Member
    I do feel your pain, but you have to keep going - for you. Then you will get to a point where it doesn't matter. I just finished my first session of boot camp and on test day, I was right behind that skinny lady in the shuttle sprints. She looked back in surprise when I finished a second after her, and I was like "oh yeah, put that in your pipe and smoke it!" You can do anything! And don't let "skinny" fool you, I've learned that just because they're skinny doesn't mean they're in good shape.
  • soccer8s
    soccer8s Posts: 238 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm definitely not giving up. I'll be there every week until I'm the skinny girl in class...and I'm sure you're all right - the other ladies could care less what I look like...ha ha ha!

    I'll keep going...and enjoy the girl in the mirror in 6 months from now!!!
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    Realize that most people are not going to think badly about you out there being active doing something about it. And in fact some will admire you for it and even some will draw inspiration from it.

    Keep it up. Don't give in.

    So true!! I've FREAKIN LOVE LOVE LOVE KICKBOXING and have been doing classes for months now... I know the feeling you mention about looking in the mirror... that is a real hurdle that we all have to deal with at one point or another. I'm finally at the point when I look at myself that I am damn PROUD of what I am doing. I push myself to sweat BUCKETS and when I do look up and at the mirror I want to see a FIGHTER staring back :) It's mind over matter! I promise! Learn to love that reflection and she will make you proud!! <3

    As Carrie's kickboxing instructor I can say she works harder than anyone in the class. Believe it or not, no one is looking at you. They are into their workout and looking at the instructor. You are there doing it and that is what matters. Anyone who criticizes, they are less of a human being. You are doing the right thing getting out there and working out. Kickboxing is a great cardio workout and burns a ton of calories. At 5'8", 200 you are probably not that much bigger than the other participants. As the instructor, I am 5'8" 160 pounds! Stand out of the crowd by being strong. Have strong punches and kicks. Get right into it and don't hold back. Punches should be at shoulder level, palm down. Pull that core in tight and be light on your feet. Show the rest of the class what a fighter you are!!!