Kinda new to this

Hi! I'm Sara and I'm from Colombia. I'm 18 years old and I'm in college, still living with my parents and sister.
As you can see, I can speak english too :)
I have been in here for about a month, maybe less. When I first made the account, I stopped using it for a long time, but now I'm back!
I believe in a healthy lifestyle.
Add me if you want to talk! I'm good at that. :laugh:


  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    Hey girl,
    You might like my site than :P It is about a healthy lifestyle :) Check out and share some healthy recipe that you guys eat there :)))
  • lovinbutterflys
    lovinbutterflys Posts: 131 Member
    Hey you can friend me! Glad you came back!! Rachel
  • runwithmike
    Welcome may add me.
  • penk65
    penk65 Posts: 7 Member
    I am new, too. My name is Penny from Canada and I need to lose around 40 pounds. I would like to chat with a few women in their forties to find out about dealing with premenopausal weightloss challenges....or if that even influences their weightloss attempts. Also, can anyone tell me how I can increase my healthy carb intake through the day? The truth is I am always below the daily goal.
  • sissonlee
    i am also new to this with only 2 days in. Also in my 40's.Hope to hear from you sounds like we have same thoughts in mind regarding menopause.