Christmas ...

Will you log your calories, exercisie etc during christmas ?
For me that its that day in a year when i dont care about my calories and my weight going up :) i just enjoy it !!! Of curse i wouldnt eat as much as i did one/two/three years ago, but i wouldnt stop myself if i want something
What you do ?? Do you still count your calories? Do you still exercise? Do you say NO to yourself when you want something high in calories ?


  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    I will still log everything that passes my lips... but that won't stop me from over-indulging to the max... it will just remind me when I'm whinging in January about feeling a little porky exactly why that is... :laugh:

    I am also going to exercise a lot more to make up for the food excesses... that's what I did last year and I made it though the whole of Christmas just maintaining (we went to Lapland though so it was a bit different... lots of Skiing but lots of snacking!) I aim to do the same this year. Having time off makes it easier. I don't want to deny myself any of the lovely treats on offer, but I feel disgusted with myself if I do no exercise!

    Overall's just a few days - I am going to enjoy myself without too much concern and pick it back up come Jan 3rd and back to work...

    Merry Christmas!! :happy:
  • jenlarkin300384
    jenlarkin300384 Posts: 26 Member
    I am going to log everything, to purely see how crazy the eating gets on Christmas Day. But I am going to eat what I want to eat on the day. This is the reason I have done this weight loss journey, so I can have a pig out day, on the one day of the Year your allowed!!!
  • I'm still going log everything I eat and still try and limit myself to dinner and a desert and a treat later on but I think were people go wrong is they over indulge, like last year I was eating a tonn of chocolate and sweets even though I wasn't hungry just did it because I won't be doing that this year and will be sticking to 1,500 calories xx
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    I will continue to log all that I eat / drink. Going to try and kick up the activity / exercise a notch to help keep the overages at bay. Best of luck to everyone and enjoy the holiday season. :flowerforyou:
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    I'm going to log everything as usual and exercise like usual, I don't understand why a holiday would be any different than a regular day.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Will log (if I remember) but no exercise.

    I've been eating less all week so if I do overindulge I will be OK.
  • I'll try to log what I can, but my family tends to do a potluck kind of thing so it's hard. I'll likely guesstimate a meal total and quick-add it :smile:

    However I'm allowing myself to go 50% over on calories :blushing:
  • tmm01
    tmm01 Posts: 137
    I'm going to log. I have already planned my day with exercise built in. Hopefully to stay to my 1200cals limit. However, If I go over, I go over. I might have that mince pie I've been looking at all week.
  • happyheart15
    happyheart15 Posts: 383 Member
    I'm eating whatever the heck I want and am not logging anything.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I am not exercising Christmas day or the two days that follow (because we will be out of town and staying with family). I am still on the fence about logging. I might Christmas Day (I actually already have most of dinner entered) because I'll be home and will easily know the calories in what I eat but I expect I'll go over especially with no exercise calories to fall back on and I'm fine with that. The two days we are spending with family I would have a hard time logging (if I even feel like the hassle) because I won't know for sure what is in the dishes. I know I don't want to be tied to my phone so if I do log it will be later and I'll have to try to remember what I had so the accuracy may not be that great.
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    Definitely logging everything, and I might cut back on my usual exercise time down to only an hour or two, but I'm still planning on having at least a little deficit that day :)
  • I'm eating whatever the heck I want and am not logging anything.

    This. Took the words Right out of my mouth!
  • My family doesn't have traditional ham, turkey, potatoes, etc... So I will still log even though we are a having a "SEAFOOD" themed Christmas dinner this year. I would log so you could see what you were doing and it may even help to motivate you.
  • I'm not going to lie, I'm kinda worried about Christmas day, at my house there is always sooo much food and I try so hard to turn it down but it doesn't always work. I've been doing so well on my weight loss lately and I don't want to put it all back on and I doubt I'll have time to exercise either.
    I'm kinda worried that I'm developing an unhealthy way of thinking about food which panics me as well.
    I guess I'll just have to take it as it comes really, but I doubt I'll be logging, I can't deal with that guilt! LOL :)