Depressed about lack of self control

Today is my first day trying to diet, and I know I really shouldn't be too hard on myself. I was starving all afternoon and ended up snacking on everything in sight.

I ended up about 300 calories over target.

Which it could be worse...

I really need a buddy to diet with.

I am 325 pounds and looking to lose at least 100 pounds, hopefully getting down to around 180 (I'm 5'10 so it would be just right).

Let me know if you're interested in buddying up. I need someone to help me have motivation to exercise and just a great friend in general.

Caitlin :flowerforyou:


  • caite19
    caite19 Posts: 100
    Today is my first day trying to diet, and I know I really shouldn't be too hard on myself. I was starving all afternoon and ended up snacking on everything in sight.

    I ended up about 300 calories over target.

    Which it could be worse...

    I really need a buddy to diet with.

    I am 325 pounds and looking to lose at least 100 pounds, hopefully getting down to around 180 (I'm 5'10 so it would be just right).

    Let me know if you're interested in buddying up. I need someone to help me have motivation to exercise and just a great friend in general.

    Caitlin :flowerforyou:
  • gogo524
    gogo524 Posts: 4
    What type of diet are you trying? How many calories a day are you shooting for? If you are starving all day then you arnt' eating enough.

    Keep trying, I know it's tough but we can do it 1 lb at a time!

  • caite19
    caite19 Posts: 100
    I'm trying for semi-low calorie. On here it said my target calorie intake was about 2300. I'd like to be able to eat 1800, and I would have done so.. had the tootsie roll bag not found me. :tongue:
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    You can do it!
    I came here about 1.5 yrs ago and lost 30 pound sin 4 mnth
    I have the say the first 2 weeks was the hardest
    Don't sweat it over going 300 cals over...not bad and don't let that be an excuse to indulge more

    If you are truly hungry after picking high fibre low cal foods (100 cal english muffins, yogurt, low sugar oatmeal, string cheese)
    I say to listen to your body and eat....choose nuts or an apple

  • IUChelle423
    IUChelle423 Posts: 197
    You may want to check out the Over 300 Club on here. Just click on Community and then search "Over 300 Club". The ladies in there are great and are happy to provide motivation.
  • NurseMisty
    NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
    The fact that you feel terrible is great! :laugh: Well, what I mean is, tomorrow if your faced with the dreaded tootsie roll'll remember how you feel today and hopefully resist the urge.

    You can do this! Each day will become easier and easier. Even the very best of us have a not-so-good day.

    Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • cndylabrecque
    cndylabrecque Posts: 2 Member
    don't feel bad friday night I had around 250 calories left and had to pick from either 2 glasses of wine or 7 pieces of chocolate! I picked the chocolate, but I didn't go over. I'm on fit pal after everything I really helps. I also found that if you work out like areobics for 45 mins I burned 412 calories and was able to eat 412 more calories!!
    Good Luck !!
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    hi my name is debbie and i have been this way all my life but now well its been 72 days that i have not miss to much of the wii and today will be my first day that i came on the site and finish a day.. i am one who honestly knows how hard this is.. i started to be good about blogging here and keeping track of what i am doing it has not been easy i always let me time slide away. but last night i made a big promise to finsh today with my loggings and just reading others storys is so up lifting.. morning times are good and noon times are good but after four i give all my time away so now i have been giving myself breaks and moving i am a good one for not moving and now i am doing excercise.. so give yourself a minute at a time..... peace from our family to yours debbie
  • benw
    benw Posts: 211 Member
    I find that I eat more if I dont work out. So try working out a little bit when you feel like having a snack.
  • Families_R_Forever
    Also pick the right foods for your cals. By that I mean you can eat alot more of lets say fresh strawberries than cookies. It's like getting more for your buck. Load up on veggies and salads and trust me you won't feel hungry. Also it may take a few days for your body to get used to a lower cal intake. I used to feel hungry alot too, but I know before I came on here I was eating way over what I should have been. Just give your body time...GOOD LUCK:flowerforyou:
  • dclarsh
    dclarsh Posts: 364
    This journey is going to be probably one of the hardest things you'll ever do, but trust me, it is SO worth it!

    I have two incredibly effective weapons against catostrophic breakdowns of willpower. The first is lots and lots of planning, and the second is nail polish. Yeah, you heard me, nail polish. See, planning and packing my food the day before really helps me get through the day, until after dinner. I tend to fall apart then, especially when my husband is out playing hockey and I'm all alone. But you know what I've discovered? It's really hard to eat with freshly painted nails. So when I feel a bad craving coming on, I pull out the nail polish and give myself a nice manicure. It's a great feeling afterwards because not only did I successfully make it through the night without trying to drown myself in ice cream, but I also feel like a pretty princess with my fabulously done nails!

    Just whatever you do, don't give up! It might take a while for you to adjust to this new life style, but you'll get there, I promise. And I won't tell you that you won't have slip ups, but you know what? We all do. The most important thing is that you don't let minor setbacks give you an excuse to just pitch it all.

    Good luck!
  • riri0301
    riri0301 Posts: 49 Member
    hello im new to the site im 280 n tryin to lose wweight its so hadd lol i loved ur advice about the polish will do :flowerforyou:
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    I found the first day to be the worst. The second day was the second worst. And on and on for the first week. I think I had to get all the sugar out of my system. When I first started, I was trying to stay below 1700 and it was hard. Now, almost 3 months into it, I find it easy to stay below my net calorie goal of 1350/day.

    I agree that exercising does help reduce hunger. Seems counter-intuitive, but it is true for me. Also, drink lots of water. That has helped me with hunger too. Lots of fiber helps me feel "full" longer.
  • caite19
    caite19 Posts: 100
    Thanks so much to everyone for the support. It's usually late at night when I'm able to resist food.. Afternoon time is the hardest for me. I have no idea why.

    I appreciate the tips on fruits and veggies and water.. I think my eyeballs are currently swimming I've drank so much today.

    Also, thanks bunches for the over 300 forum tip.

  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    Diets arent fun or easy for that matter, but with the help and support of everyone on here you will be able to do it. Anytime I feel like a snack or a treat that is no good for me I think about logging it on my food log for the day and that helps me a lot. I dont want any one food to be half my calories and this reminds me of that. Also as mentioned chugged a water when u get hungry. If its sweets that get to you keep something handy around the time you always get the cravings. There are great 100 calorie snacks out there, also fresh furits are sweet try that and low in calories. Just stick with it you can do it. Its going to be hard and you are going to want to quit but just think how much happier you will be when you reach your goal weight not to mention so will we!! GOOD LUCK!!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Today is my first day trying to diet, and I know I really shouldn't be too hard on myself. I was starving all afternoon and ended up snacking on everything in sight.

    I ended up about 300 calories over target.

    Which it could be worse...

    I really need a buddy to diet with.

    I am 325 pounds and looking to lose at least 100 pounds, hopefully getting down to around 180 (I'm 5'10 so it would be just right).

    Let me know if you're interested in buddying up. I need someone to help me have motivation to exercise and just a great friend in general.

    Caitlin :flowerforyou:

    325 is where I started, and let me tell you that if you're going to make it for the long haul, you need to kick that "diet" word out of your vocabulary. Diet is a 4 letter word.

    Look yourself in the mirror and say, "It changes now." Worry less about your calories to begin with. You need to build good eating habits, make sure you're eating 6 or so small meals through the day instead of 3 big ones.

    Make little goals for yourself and meet them. I remember when I started one of my goals was to eat breakfast every day for a week. Then another one was to work out in some way every day for a week... even if it was just 5 situps. Reward yourself for meeting your goals. See, one of the big things is building self confidence, and nothing builds that like setting goals for yourself and actually meeting them. The more you do it, the better you feel about yourself and your abilities.

    From there, start finding ways to replace the foods you enjoy with healthier versions of those foods... it helps if you can cook. You can't ever let yourself feel deprived. It's not something you're going to be done with, because its your new life. It's not a fad. So if you really want some cheesecake, then ask for an extra small slice and enjoy it. Deprivation leads to binging.

    For now record your calories, but don't expect to be under all the time until you get used to it. It takes some time and there is a learning curve. But its education that's darn important and once you get used to it, it'll become second nature.

    You can do it, I have faith in you. Good job for taking the first steps :smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    the first thing I did when I started this journey was to plan my meals and snacks ahead of time and then stick to the plan

    After I could do that, I concentrated on keeping the calories down

    Take it one day at a time

    Stay open minded to new ideas

    Take baby steps

    work hard at this and you will succeed.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    the first thing I did when I started this journey was to plan my meals and snacks ahead of time and then stick to the plan

    After I could do that, I concentrated on keeping the calories down

    Take it one day at a time

    Stay open minded to new ideas

    Take baby steps

    work hard at this and you will succeed.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    I'm trying for semi-low calorie. On here it said my target calorie intake was about 2300. I'd like to be able to eat 1800, and I would have done so.. had the tootsie roll bag not found me. :tongue:

    oh good god aren't those nasty little chocolately chewy delicious little bites the devil! I love em as well, I can't even have them in the control, cause I can't eat just one...I found that if I freeze them, I only eat two or three cause there a ***** to chew :laugh:
  • Jrgal
    Jrgal Posts: 46
    I am in the same boat as you. I have done really good until last week. I have lost 56 pounds since January 4th. I won the Biggest Loser challange at our church and its been easy until last week. All the sudden its like I want to eat everything in sight and now I am up about 4 lbs. I am so mad at myself and just feel out of control. I woke up this morning and said that I am taking control back. If you want an online buddy, HERE I AM! I could use one too. I think I need someone to be accountable too. Good luck with your journey. I know we all can do it.