How quickly do you lose muscle?

I am a self-admitted work out fanatic.
I usually run/walk on an incline for about 30 minutes first thing--until my HRM says 300 calories:)
Then I haul myself to the gym for spinning or muscle class (45 minutes and 60) After that weather permitting I walk with a few girls from the gym sometimes 6 miles sometimes only 4 (fast fast walking)
I almost ALWAYS eat my calories back and I am a pretty clean eater. I try to focus on eating all my protein and calories most days. If I don't eat all the calories I use em on Saturday for a big splurge meal. I have been doing this for months and my results are pretty good. I get about 2100-2300 a day with the exercise.
I'm 5'7.5" inches and this a.m. I was down to 129.4 I have dropped about 10 pounds and it has taken MONTHS. I exercise like a fool because I LOVE TO EAT and EAT LOTS. I am very healthy so please no lectures about too much exercise:)

Last Friday something really bad happened, and I haven't been in it to win it for a week. Not eating like I usually do (no appetite) and moping around the house. I started my running a bit 2 days ago on the "dreadmill" and I walked off about 750 calories yesterday in the park--boy are my dogs tired. LOL
This A.M. I did the 30 day shred with 10 lb weights for almost everything and really struggled. This is my go to when I can't get to the gym for a muscle class and I burned off 40 calories more than I usually do! And I was dripping sweat like I don't anymore when I do 30DS.

Can you lose muscle that fast (6 days) ? Even my cardio seemes to have suffered?
I have pulled myself together, and I'm back on track but is it 2 STEPS BACK? AND if it has how long will it take before I feel strong and fit like I did before Friday?
(Please if you peek at my food diary note that it is the Christmas season, and I have been indulging a bit but it's not the "norm")

I appreciate all your answers in advance! Thanks guys:)


  • DavidM310
    Losing muscle will all depend on your diet, taking in more protein will help with less muscle loss especially when cutting or dieting. There are several foods out there such as spinach, apples, nuts, olives that help with muscle loss. Generally speaking if you are taking time off for a bit i.e. 6 days you shouldn't have much to worry about. Testosterone has a great deal on muscle developing and muscle loss. Higher testosterone levels helps keep muscle loss at a lower level over time. As stated before you shouldn't have much to worry about seeing as it is only 6 days. If anything your muscles will come back "refreshed".
  • DavidM310
    Also, gym/exercise performance has alot to do with your pre-workout meal/snack. There are times that I do not get the right diet before the gym and I feel sluggish and tired. If I plan my pre-workout meal I ensure I consume my complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, oats, lentils, pasta.
  • carriedavis77
    carriedavis77 Posts: 141 Member
    Also, gym/exercise performance has alot to do with your pre-workout meal/snack. There are times that I do not get the right diet before the gym and I feel sluggish and tired. If I plan my pre-workout meal I ensure I consume my complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, oats, lentils, pasta.

    Great info! Now comes another question... how long before the workout do you have the meal? I'm always nervous about eating too close to my gym time ...
  • DavidM310

    It's definately a trial and error, and it depends alot on what you are consuming and the amount of calories. Another factor will also be the type of exercise you plan on doing that day as well. I.E. if I plan on lifting weights I will take in a pre-workout shake that consists of oats, berries, whey protein. I will usually have that 30 minutes prior. If I plan on doing cardio and consume the same shake I will have that 45-60 minutes prior. If I consume an actual meal ranging from 200-500 calories I will usually wait 60-90 minutes and even up to 120 minutes depending on how I feel. There are 2 types of carbohydrates, they are your complex and simple carbohydrates. In short, your simple carbs consist of sugars/glucose/lactose. They will give you a sudden rush, but will make you feel fatigued soon after. Your complex carbs consists of your wheat, grains, rice, oats, pasta, etc. They are the structure for your energy. Complex carbs are slow digesting, your body will feed of these foods as energy. Since they are slow digesting it is bad juju to consume complex carbs before bed time. Your body will not have enough time to consume all the complex carbs as energy and once your body goes into hibernation mode while you sleep it will then store your carbs as fat. This is how it works in the fantasy world, haha. In the real world there are times when I dont have time to consume a preworkout meal and find myself working out on an empty tank. There have been numerous times when I have puked from eating to close to gym time. You just have to make a rational decision based on how much time you have before you exercise and how much time you have to prepare your meal.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    Can you lose muscle that fast (6 days) ?

    Not likely.

    You should be able to go at least a couple of weeks without any issues. Many bodybuilders will arbitrarily take a full week off every 8-12 weeks (this is called deloading) and often times they come back STRONGER because of the much needed rest to the CNS and joints.
  • cheree1965
    I quit working out two years ago and lost muscle mass in about 3 weeks. My muscles atrophied and I gained weight fat fast now and shut down my metabolism.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    How about sleep patterns? If I have a few nights of interrupted sleep my workouts definitely suffer, but I notice if I get a great night's sleep I feel like I fly through my workout the next day. That's just personal experience.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    all great answers.... one more thing that plays a big roll is muscle maturitiy.. how long u been working out for etc. friend of mine has been lifting weight for 16 years n once in a while he takes off up to 3-5 months and he looks same as if he just got out of a gym..
  • BenderFitness
    I would guess that your lack of appetite has a lot to do with it. Sometimes when other things are going on you just get a general down feeling. You will rebound and be right back where you started.