Could do with some help here :(

OMG!! i feel like crying.. WTF.. Im like an effing emotional and indecisive rollercoaster.. I feel like screaming. I can't decide how to deal with the holidays and its causing too much stress for me. Do I log and watch what I eat or just enjoy myself? I can't decide. And I'm dying to post a topic with my weight loss success but it aint coming. LIKE WTF SAM???? I'm going crazy.. I'll make one good decision followed by a bad decision.. Am I making this harder than it should be?


  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Just knuckle down for the days before Chrissy (it's only a day or so away!) and enjoy yourself Christmas day. You're not going to put all your weight back on from one day of bad eating! Oh and congrats on your weight loss thus far. After Chrissy knuckle back down again. Once a week give yourself a cheat meal and once a day a little treat (hot choc, fun size chocolate, glass of wine) Simple as. You don't have to stress yourself over it. Make the decision/ plan and go with it! :smile:
  • Gioooo
    Gioooo Posts: 301 Member
    Enjoy the holidays but just use portion control. If you want a piece of cake have some, just dont shovel down half a pie ;) I dont believe in restricting yourself during holidays . just dont go overboard!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Get it all out and get back to work. Good luck
  • romesbabe
    i have been really bummed as well because I am following this plan and liking it, but I recently weighed in and lost 12lbs. then within a week gained 3 back:( can't understand why???? sad and worried i am not doing something right.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    . Do I log and watch what I eat or just enjoy myself?
    .. Am I making this harder than it should be?

    I would recommend not logging anything and having a great time. Enjoy your holidays. In the long term, this one day is not going to make or break your diet and it's mentally healthy to practice letting go. You've probably heard the expression that this is a lifestyle change and I fully embrace that idea. Enjoy your holiday and realize that you're not going to undo weeks or months of progress on one holiday. It doesn't work that way.

    Yes, you are making this harder than it should be, but lots of people do that.
    i have been really bummed as well because I am following this plan and liking it, but I recently weighed in and lost 12lbs. then within a week gained 3 back:( can't understand why???? sad and worried i am not doing something right

    I would make a new thread about this so that you don't derail the original post.
  • Legalchica
    set urself to maintenence :) get some breathing room :) somone suggested it to me and it let me breath without feeling the guilt. and remember breath. Holidays are supposed to be fun not stressfull!! ( this is totally the pot calling the kettle black) But try to enjoy it. a week or two will not sabatoge all of your hard work!! We will all be here for you after the new year too :)
  • seehawkmomma
    Yes you are making this harder.

    This is how I see it: I am changing my life. This isnt a diet. This how I am living my life now. I made it thru thanksgiving like a breeze. Didnt stress or over eat and got to enjoy a little bit of (almost) everything.

    You can do this.
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    . Do I log and watch what I eat or just enjoy myself?
    .. Am I making this harder than it should be?

    I would recommend not logging anything and having a great time. Enjoy your holidays. In the long term, this one day is not going to make or break your diet and it's mentally healthy to practice letting go. You've probably heard the expression that this is a lifestyle change and I fully embrace that idea. Enjoy your holiday and realize that you're not going to undo weeks or months of progress on one holiday. It doesn't work that way.

    Yes, you are making this harder than it should be, but lots of people do that.

    Thanks for this Sidesteal. As much as I hate to admit it - I often appreciate your posts as they are intelligent and down to earth. I was careful on Thanksgiving, but had decided that I would throw Christmas Eve and Day to the wind and enjoy myself (provided that I did well in the weeks leading up to it, and continued with my exercise). Although I had made the decision, I still felt some guilt about it (crazy,eh?)

    Seeing your post solidified it for me. Thanks - and happy holidays...
  • ms_erica
    ms_erica Posts: 173 Member
    oh honey i know how you feel! and **HUGS** to you! you have been successful so far and dont be so hard on yourself. Holidays come once a year so enjoy yourself. maybe take a mini break from logging and just eyeball on not over stuffing your face with the first thing you see...i have faith that you will succeed and overcome this
  • ms_erica
    ms_erica Posts: 173 Member
    oh honey i know how you feel! and **HUGS** to you! you have been successful so far and dont be so hard on yourself. Holidays come once a year so enjoy yourself. maybe take a mini break from logging and just eyeball on not over stuffing your face with the first thing you see...i have faith that you will succeed and overcome this
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    I get ya, I'm up 4 pounds but I have plans for the new year so I'm trying not to stress over the holiday.
    I don't have the money to go out like in the past and buy my friends the gifts I want to give,
    so I made cookies, and fudge. ( also enjoyed them)
    New Year is going to be a new me, 20 to lose, will be slow, goal lose 10 by March 27, my birthday
    Merry Christmas to you
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    Yes you are making this harder.

    This is how I see it: I am changing my life. This isnt a diet. This how I am living my life now. I made it thru thanksgiving like a breeze. Didnt stress or over eat and got to enjoy a little bit of (almost) everything.

    You can do this.

    I totally agree.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Enjoy the holidays but just use portion control. If you want a piece of cake have some, just dont shovel down half a pie ;) I dont believe in restricting yourself during holidays . just dont go overboard!

    Totally agree. Im not going to log, but I also will try not to stuff myself either!!!
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 631 Member
    I agree with the others... Don't stress yourself out over Christmas... It's a time to be happy and enjoy with family.. I do understand where you're coming from b/c that 's how I was around Thanksgiving... I stressed myself out and it wasn't worth it.... Portion control and moderation!!

    Happy Holidays!!
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    I agree with the others... Don't stress yourself out over Christmas... It's a time to be happy and enjoy with family.. I do understand where you're coming from b/c that 's how I was around Thanksgiving... I stressed myself out and it wasn't worth it.... Portion control and moderation!!

    Happy Holidays!!

    why get stressed??

    portion control
  • 4hotmama
    4hotmama Posts: 112 Member
    how I got through Thanksgiving, I went for a quick run in the morning, then I was allotted those few extra 100 calories for the day to eat. Maybe u could squeeze in a workout somewhere, it helps not to feel so guilty when u have that little extra. What I am scared of is the stuffing 4 xmas, I make it homemade- & it is my fav holiday food. eek
  • psychpatti
    Hi thanks for the friend request. LOVE YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR, btw how much does an elephant's penis weigh? Try mindful eating, here are some tips: before you put something on your plate think do I really want this now? After the first bite of each choice think is this really worth the calories? Slow down and savor each bite, notice how it feels in your mouth, notice texture, flavor, try to identify the spices. Practice mindful eating with a raison or hershey kiss etc. See how long you can keep it in your mouth before swallowing, notice texture, flavor etc, and how this changes as it stays in your mouth. Think of it as SENSUAL eating, quickies are ok sometimes but there is nothing like lingering pleasure! Eating can become so automatic. Have fun with trying mindful eating!