Friend Requests



  • curvy_ca_mama
    curvy_ca_mama Posts: 110 Member
    Funny people, people with the same weight loss goals, and/or people who have amazing results that inspire me....

    That and I'm an attention *kitten*, and I need just as much support and atta boys as anyone else!! LOL
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    I love everyones responses! I also love when there are funny sarcastic comments in the boards!

    I love ALL people and you are right we are all here for the same reason :) I am not a friend collector but I look at it this way: The more support the better!!!
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    I have friended a few people and had them friend me based on a mutual love for Firefly. Hey, us Browncoats have to stick together! :wink: (and I think blog reads add to it as well. I have gotten many requests based on a blog entry alone)
  • p0stdramatic
    I added one guy because he lost 285 pounds. Amazing.
    Another because she had a boxer like mine in her profile picture.
    Sometimes I just add someone who posts a topic asking for friends.
    One added me because I said somewhere that I wanted a letter from Hogwarts.

    I had someone delete me for joking about eating cookies. Apparently, cookies are nothing to joke about.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    I had someone delete me for joking about eating cookies. Apparently, cookies are nothing to joke about.

    Thats funny. Some people take life and this site far too seriously!! They want to preach to you. I'll eat cookies if I want, thanks!!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I had someone delete me for joking about eating cookies. Apparently, cookies are nothing to joke about.

    Thats funny. Some people take life and this site far too seriously!! They want to preach to you. I'll eat cookies if I want, thanks!!

    :laugh: lol, I love cookies ate them yesterday
  • LytnBreezy
    LytnBreezy Posts: 6 Member
    Options ALL sound great! Enjoy your holiday, everyone! I want to send a friend request to y'all. (no, I'm not from the South)
  • LytnBreezy
    LytnBreezy Posts: 6 Member
    I had someone delete me for joking about eating cookies. Apparently, cookies are nothing to joke about.

    Thats funny. Some people take life and this site far too seriously!! They want to preach to you. I'll eat cookies if I want, thanks!!

    I just ate a cookie! My daughters made them...and, there was one left.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    ahhh I am eating after eights, bite me
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I usually go by cup size.. if your a C cup or bigger you can be my friend!!! LOL!!!
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I'm sorry, I can't share that with you. It is a proprietary formula.
  • seehawkmomma
    I added one guy because he lost 285 pounds. Amazing.
    Another because she had a boxer like mine in her profile picture.
    Sometimes I just add someone who posts a topic asking for friends.
    One added me because I said somewhere that I wanted a letter from Hogwarts.

    I had someone delete me for joking about eating cookies. Apparently, cookies are nothing to joke about.

    Cookies are serious business. You will get flogged if you dont share :))
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I usually go by cup size.. if your a C cup or bigger you can be my friend!!! LOL!!!

    LOL!!! At work trying very hard not to laugh out loud for real! :laugh:
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I had someone delete me for joking about eating cookies. Apparently, cookies are nothing to joke about.

    Thats funny. Some people take life and this site far too seriously!! They want to preach to you. I'll eat cookies if I want, thanks!!

    I just ate a cookie! My daughters made them...and, there was one left.

    I had one last night!!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I've mostly sent request to people that I'm in a group with, but I agree the more the merrier - love having the support.
  • JeremiahStone
    JeremiahStone Posts: 682 Member
    People who motivate me. And have a good sense of humor along with some good morals lol.
  • rocketpants
    rocketpants Posts: 419 Member
    I friend people if they are funny, and we have mutual friends already. Also if they are really hot, or offer me pizza
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    I have added about half of the people on my list. I add people if:

    - They make me laugh or seem to share my sense of humor
    - Inspire me
    - Look like they really need some encouragement.

    I deny them if they seem to be shallow, self centered people who are just "takers" in life.
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    I ate a christmas cookie eff you cookie police!!! LOL

    I love this I'm going to add everyone on here now just because I wanna :)
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I rarely add people, but when I do, it is because they are smart, funny and supportive. I don't accept many friend requests because I like to keep my list small.