How often do you weigh yourself?

Just curious? I used to weigh weekly, it was nice, but frustrating as if I got stuck at a weight for, say, 4 weeks, that's 4 weigh-ins where you're the same. I've been contemplating fortnightly. How often do you all weigh/plan to weigh?


  • Nos150
    Nos150 Posts: 150
    once a month.
  • ILoveFroggies
    ILoveFroggies Posts: 120 Member
    I weight myself sporadically... probably once a month on average!

    I affirm your proposal of weighing yourself once a fortnight, because really, weighing yourself any more often than that may breed obsession re meaningless fluctuations.

    And it's not like your weight's going to change dramatically one way or another just because you're not monitoring it every single week.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I belong to a six-week challenge on the boards, so I usually weigh in once a month. But since weight training, the scale is not being my friend. So mentally I am going by whether or not my pants fit me, and how they are fitting me. I am happy to say that even though the scale has NOT been my friend, when I put on newly washed jeans yesterday I hadn't worn in awhile, I didn't have to do the "pants dance" images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQRtZEb1_z45N_ckoBw-EIgtBcbbwuBt01czdqdTpvjtnhoT72KSQ and actually had a little wiggle room. So I'm all for suggesting measurements as a better indicator.
  • About twice a week, but I only update MFP once a week on my "official" weigh in day (Monday mornings)
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    about once a month
  • Once every week, usually on a Monday
  • CnocNaCu
    CnocNaCu Posts: 536 Member
    I used to step on the scales every morning. No, not because I'm obsessed!
    I watched carefully what I had eaten the day before and the results from weighing. Now, after 2 months, I know my sodium limit, how much protein I need and so on. It helped me. From now on I will weight myself once a week until I've reached my goal.
  • i used to weigh in weekly and then i started school, i havent had an official weigh in since probably sept or i mean ive weighed in since then but dont record them bc theyve showed ive gained or stayed the same, and it will be awhile longer before i weigh in due to the holidays! lol. i mean ive just been so busy i tend to forget to weigh in, but its not all about losing at a quick pace, its about losing it and keeping it off no matter how long it takes me, slow and steady wins the race and eventually ill get down to where i want to be! :)
  • oberon0124
    oberon0124 Posts: 10,524 Member
    Once a week!
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    too often...I'm a weighing addict!!
  • Agito
    Agito Posts: 45 Member
    I weigh myself whenever I start to wonder what my weight is. It could be anything from twice a week to twice a month.
  • Every Sunday.
  • I only weigh myself first thing in the morning after the "morning pee" and before I eat or drink anything. I prefer not to weigh myself everyday only becuase I know that my weight is going to fluctuate. I try to go by how my clothes fit rather than the number on the scale. But, mainly for curiosity sake, I will weigh myself (usually on a "fat" day) just to make sure I am still within my weight goal numbers and not over.
  • Sirenism
    Sirenism Posts: 100 Member
    I weigh myself first thing in the morning but track my weight every few days to weekly.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member helps keep me focused every day and stay on track.
  • Usually once a week on Monday.
  • sheppeyescapee
    sheppeyescapee Posts: 329 Member
    Once a week normally a thurs/friday. Then once a month at the drs so I can get my printout from the machine and prove to my dr that I really am losing as much weight as I say I am. Since my city was voted the fattest in the area they have been hot on trying to get people slimmer, the average waistline around here is 40", mine was 45" at my highest and is now around 36-37" :) Our drs get a bonus if they get people to a normal BMI, stop smoking or some other health targets.
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    Tuesdays and Thursdays - after my swim workouts
  • Once a week, on Saturday mornings.
  • I weigh myself whenever I get curious. Sometimes thats once a month. And then sometimes its 3 times a week.