Discouraged already

Hello all.
I am 46 and live near Chicago.
I joined 2 weeks ago, starting weight 230 pounds.
I just weighed in at 226 pounds.
I actually gained 1.6 pounds this week!
Week one started out good (obviously) but now I just gained and I have not gone over my calorie count once.
I have been eating very healthy and have basically gone vegiterian.
Was not my intention, just the result of trying to eat healthy.
What gives?
Is there such a thing as not actually eating enough?


  • EddieG77
    EddieG77 Posts: 185 Member
    We all fluctuate with our weight....and yes sometimes when I don't eat enough, I gain...it is your body....it needs food!!! Try to change it up once in a while....feel free to add me if you would like support!!

    Happy Holidays
  • Sexi4eva
    I think so... I was informed by my support team on MFP that I should eat more... Sometimes the more water intake will aid you in elimination that extra fat and liquid stored in your body. I am not an expert.. I urge you not to give up so fast...
  • victoria1957
    victoria1957 Posts: 44 Member
    No need to be discouraged. It is very normal for a person to lose some weight and then hover and yo yo over the the same lb or two but if you stick with it and don't give up then you will begin to see the scale drop again. Remember as you lose weight, your new body will have new requirements. Add on an exercise. Something modest and just build as you go. You will get stronger and slimmer. I added juicing to my diet about 6 months ago and walking and then running....so you can do it too. I am 54 and am training for a half marathon now. 10 months ago I was at my wits end, I was so sick and depressed. If you can watch the documentary by Joe Cross. Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, it has been a major inspiration to me. It is on Netflix. Check it out and don't give up! We are here for you Don.
  • queendebor
    queendebor Posts: 112 Member
    Hi Don! Don't be discouraged. While I am only a few weeks in, I've been fighting my weight since I was a kid, so I've been there, done that. Yes, you can eat too little. Your body reacts by storing fat. I lost thirty pounds doing Weight Watchers a couple years ago, and they recommend no more than two pounds a week. So, you are actually now right on track.

    I look at it this way. It took me fifty years to gain it. If it takes me awhile to lose it, that's okay. Mfp is very similar to Weight Watchers - recording everything you eat and drink is important, and taking pride in small gains without beating yourself up over the setbacks is crucial. You can do it!
  • Jesuslover59
    @queendebor; thank you that encourages me too! Don you are doing fine, and have lost over a pound a week! Congrats!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I routinely go up a pound for a couple of days and then drop back down. I don't count any weight gain or loss as real unless I see it for at least 3 days in a row. Some things to consider:
    1. Are you eating all of the calories MFP suggests? If yes, try going up or down by a hundred or so for a few days to shake up your metabolism a bit - works for me.
    2. May be TMI, but could you need to use the bathroom?
    3. Are you exercising? Remember that some folks put on weight as they start to gain muscle. The good news is that muscle is more compact, so where you may not see results on the scale, you might in your measurements. If you haven't taken your measurements, do that now.
    4. What's the ultimate goal - to be skinny or to be healthier? If it's healthier, don't worry so much. Everything takes time and the scale is only one small gauge of being healthy.
  • Qexxlia
    Man, keep it up. The first few weeks and months are hard, you'll want to slip into your old habits. If you can get to the six month mark, then your lifestyle and habits will fit the more healthy category. The habits you want to slip into now will seem uncomfortable or repulsive then.

    For me it is Five Guys hamburgers. A little over a year ago, those greasy meat stacks were my go-to fast food. Today, I shiver to consider actually eating one. It takes a while for that change to occur though.

    The results will come with the lifestyle change. Try not to worry about the numbers too much.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    Don't be discouraged(I"m from CHICAGO TOO!)

    I was so good. Even through Turkey day I was so good. I was mainly doing low carb and trying to do Paleo and lost a great deal of weight. Then boom. Christmas goodies and parties started arriving my way. I am also on a budget so instead of buying things I make fudge and pies and breads to give away. Well I found myself partaking in the goods while making them.

    I went from doing so well on my low carb food to trashing in by the wayside and indulging in WAY too many carbs.

    And I think also being too strict with my carb intake lead to my binges. yup, binges. While making holiday cookies.. I devoured a WHOLE tin of frosting YESTERDAY! The whole can. Gone. In my mouth.

    Not m proudest moment.

    I am learning that being too strict = overcompensating later. I am at a good weight right now but still struggle. I eventually want to learn to be at this weight without the severe strictness and overeating.

    I fluctuated from a low of 112 last week to 116.8 this week.

    Noone can tell though. But I can tell and feel it and was/ am discouraged.

    You aren't alone. THe holiday season is TOUGH!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    definitely dont be discouraged! its ok to flucttuate as long as you are consistently losing. you have to be patient! my scale always jumps up and down during the week. just the way my body is and because of food and water you do that. you are losing perfectly and the first couple wks are the hardest like someone else said, dont give up! keep plugging away and it will finally pay off. it take at least 2 months to creat the kind of habits that you need, you're doin great!
  • angee1126
    angee1126 Posts: 185 Member
    Don't be discouraged! Everyone has minor setbacks and although it sucks, you just gotta dust yourself off and keep on truckin! You can do this! :drinker:
  • dmouse0225
    Don't give up!! The key is to look at what you average. I have a tendency to lose 3 or 4 lbs, and then the next week either gain, or barely lose anything, But I average 1.7 a week! You are still down 4 lbs!!! Definitely make sure you are eating enough, but otherwise, keep up the good work!!!
  • azzacca
    azzacca Posts: 126 Member
    I've been at a plateau for 3 months (well, lost 5 pounds). My husband has been at the same 25 pounds since he started his weight loss journey a year ago (lost the weight fast then stopped. It's all been very disheartening. Especially when people tell me I look good and don't need to lose more (I have lost half the weight I want to and still have a lot of fat).

    For him, it's a matter of not eating enough. With working out, he should be at a mimimum of 2500 calories and usually gets under 2000.

    For me, it's because I eat too many unhealthy carbs (sugar, potato chips).

    It's very discouraging, but I can't let myself give up - I know the weight will start coming off again eventually and if the numbers don't change, I"ll be happy if the %body fat goes into the normal range (3% to go).
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    You seem to be losing well, everyone's body loses weight differently, and a lot of people will lose a few pounds, gain a pound, lose some more, gain a pound, etcetera. It's really, really discouraging but just look at the bigger picture and give yourself a little (non food) reward every so often just for sticking with it well. That in itself is a real accomplishment.
  • Don26
    Don26 Posts: 46
    WOW...so many great replies...nice group!
    You are all spot on and I am not giving up, was just really mad when I got on the scale and feeling low.
    Feel better already, many thanks.
    I think I may have a sodium issue that is behind this.
    I LOVE salt and put it on everything.
    My biggest problem is diet coke and not enough water.
    When I drink to much of it my hands swell up as they are right now so that is probably the culprit here.
    I am switching over to Diet Rite (no sodium) and will try to drink more water and lay off the soda all together.
    That should probably help.
    Also, I need to start hitting the weights and get out and start walking.
    Excercise is key and so far I have not been doing anything, just concentrating on the diet aspect.
    Thanks again everyone!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    so many people go into diet mode and think all they can eat are egg whites and vegtables. just be mindful of your portions and what you are eating. no, doritos can't be a regular of your diet, but some baked tostitos and low sodium salsa? yes.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    Hello all.
    I am 46 and live near Chicago.
    I joined 2 weeks ago, starting weight 230 pounds.
    I just weighed in at 226 pounds.
    I actually gained 1.6 pounds this week!
    Week one started out good (obviously) but now I just gained and I have not gone over my calorie count once.
    I have been eating very healthy and have basically gone vegiterian.
    Was not my intention, just the result of trying to eat healthy.
    What gives?
    Is there such a thing as not actually eating enough?

    Open up your food diary and perhaps folks out here can make suggestions pertaining to your diet. Going completely vegetarian can be a shock to your system and perhaps you need to make some adjustments. Maybe your not eating enough.

    Good luck with your journey... baby steps!
  • Don26
    Don26 Posts: 46
    Good idea, I will do that.
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    I routinely go up a pound for a couple of days and then drop back down. I don't count any weight gain or loss as real unless I see it for at least 3 days in a row. Some things to consider:
    1. Are you eating all of the calories MFP suggests? If yes, try going up or down by a hundred or so for a few days to shake up your metabolism a bit - works for me.
    2. May be TMI, but could you need to use the bathroom?
    3. Are you exercising? Remember that some folks put on weight as they start to gain muscle. The good news is that muscle is more compact, so where you may not see results on the scale, you might in your measurements. If you haven't taken your measurements, do that now.
    4. What's the ultimate goal - to be skinny or to be healthier? If it's healthier, don't worry so much. Everything takes time and the scale is only one small gauge of being healthy.

    Great answer!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i went from drinking a 20oz diet coke a day, to drinking about 1 every two weeks. i used to use it as a pick me up at 3pm. i read somewhere that one apple has the same amount of energy as a soda, and i just swapped my coke for apples. i'm not dragging *kitten* in the afternoon either.
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Give it some time. As they say Rome wasn't built in a day. If I got discouraged every time I didn't see a change or gained a little I wouldn't be where I am today. 54lbs down, 26lbs to go.