Am I doing something wrong?

It's only been a week that I have been counting calories, but I have also been working out alot, more than I used to. I've ran ten miles this week along with a ton of strengthening excercises, and I havent reached the number of calories Im allowed to consume once. I've been drinking a ton of water, and I take vitamins that have things to help boost/support your metabolism. But this whole week my stomach has been in pain (not just sore from the workouts, although thats it too) and I keep shaking.

I'm just wondering if this is normal or if I'm doing something wrong.


  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    You might not be eating enough?
    I can't see your diary but I'm just guessing.. when I don't get enough I get really shaky.
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    You most likely aren't eating enough.
  • shelbyalexarich
    Oh I had no idea my diary was private, but thank you that could be it.
  • Lillemeddy
    Aw, you're barely eating! So that must be it. You can safely increase your food intake and still lose weight, if you're just consuming the right foods :)
  • shelbyalexarich
    Thank you, I feel like Im eating too much if I even get close to the calorie amount Im allowed to have. I'll deffinately eat more healthy foods. Im already a vegetarian of five years, but I think my problem is eating too many foods high in starch like bread and potatoes.
  • gonzalezmona
    gonzalezmona Posts: 60 Member
    Might wanna check out your vitamins as wel, especially those with "metabolism" boosting abilitiesl....when are you taking them? Are you taking them with foods or seperate? Also, what type of vitamins are you taking?
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    You are eating way too little, especially if you're exercising that much. When you don't eat enough, your metabolism freaks out and holds onto every calorie it can. Please, eat more! Your body needs fuel.
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    My metabolism boosting vitamins contain caffeine which has caused me to shake in the past too.
  • shelbyalexarich
    Im one vitamin every morning, their One a Day Womens Active Metabolism vitamins, which do contain caffine so I'm sure that has something to do with the shaking. As for the not eating enough part, I do think that might be it but can I go over the amount of calories allowed if its with healthy foods without gaining any weight?
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    Im one vitamin every morning, their One a Day Womens Active Metabolism vitamins, which do contain caffine so I'm sure that has something to do with the shaking. As for the not eating enough part, I do think that might be it but can I go over the amount of calories allowed if its with healthy foods without gaining any weight?

    You should be netting the amount of calories that you are expected to have. This means you should be eating back your exercise calories as well. For a very simplified example:

    You're daily goal is 1200
    You exercise for 400 calories
    This means you should be eating about 1600 calories when all is said and done.

    Your daily goal is already your deficit to lose weight.
  • elysecea
    elysecea Posts: 161 Member
    From My opinion and from also reading several articles, it is always best to try to get most of your vitamins from your food. Also If you are exercising that much you are firing up your metabolism therefore burning through you calories quicker. Eat more ;)
  • italianissima
    italianissima Posts: 140 Member
    Eat up! I just posted a similar note on my page- I have been eating the lowest amount of calories I have ever had, and I didn't lose a darn thing! Boo! So, next week I am eating up!

    If you are looking for clean and healthy eats read anything by Tosca Reno.

    Best of luck!
  • shelbyalexarich
    Thank you all! Ill deffinately be eating more now :)