Have you had a tummy tuck and lost more weight after it?

dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
So here is the deal, I am currently at 156 pounds and am having a medically necessary tummy tuck next Wednesday. My goal weight is to be around 135-140 pounds and I am guessing that they tummy tuck is only going to get rid of around 5. I am going to have around 10-15 pounds left to lose after the surgery and I am scared that losing those pounds is just going to create excess nasty skin again. I can certainly live with it if it does, but just wanted to know if there is anyone else out there that has lost more weight after having a tummy tuck?

P.S. I also have to have my gallbladder removed. I had two BIG babies and got HUGE with both of them so I have major muscle pain issues as well as a large amount of excess skin from losing all the weight that I have. Also, their are two reasons I am not waiting to have the procedure until I am at my goal weight. One is that I have already lived with this pain for 15 months and can't handle it anymore. I can't preform some daily things like getting my kids dressed in the morning because just sitting on the floor and bending over causes pain and #2, I have already met my deductible on insurance this year and next year we are going to a high deductible health plan. eewww


  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    Curious to what your responses will be...so I am bumping this.....based on before and after pics I've seen....I think you'd lose more than 5lbs. Have you had a consultation yet?
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    Curious to what your responses will be...so I am bumping this.....based on before and after pics I've seen....I think you'd lose more than 5lbs. Have you had a consultation yet?

    yes I have. I actually have my pre-op appointment tomorrow with the plastic surgeon and another pre-op appointment with the surgeon (removing the gallbladder0 next Tuesday. I will hopefully have a better idea of how much weight tomorrow.
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    OP: Totally off topic - but I absolutely love your profile pic!!
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    I had a tummy tuck about 6 years ago...My weight has fluctuated since then...sometimes 15 lbs lighter, sometimes 15 lbs heavier than what I was a surgery. My stomach is just as tight and flat as it was post-surgery....even with the flucuations.

    I would do it all over again...it was a bit difficult for the first week after, on the recovery, but so worth it! I couldn't lay flat in bed, and slept in a recliner for about 4 weeks after surgery. I also remember losing about 10lbs after surgery, from it all which did not afffect the look of my stomach at all....The scar is hip bone to hip bone, and was really ugly, but I can hide it under bathing suit bottoms, and frankly I will take the scar anyday then having all that extra skin from pregnancies

    Good luck with it all...you will love your end result!
  • This is pure speculation on my part, but I can't imagine 5-10 pounds creating that much skin. You don't lose weight JUST in your stomach, so you might lose a few pounds from your arms, legs, etc. I wouldn't be overly concerned about it.
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    OP: Totally off topic - but I absolutely love your profile pic!!

    Thanks! :-D
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    I had a tummy tuck about 6 years ago...My weight has fluctuated since then...sometimes 15 lbs lighter, sometimes 15 lbs heavier than what I was a surgery. My stomach is just as tight and flat as it was post-surgery....even with the flucuations.

    I would do it all over again...it was a bit difficult for the first week after, on the recovery, but so worth it! I couldn't lay flat in bed, and slept in a recliner for about 4 weeks after surgery. I also remember losing about 10lbs after surgery, from it all which did not afffect the look of my stomach at all....The scar is hip bone to hip bone, and was really ugly, but I can hide it under bathing suit bottoms, and frankly I will take the scar anyday then having all that extra skin from pregnancies

    Good luck with it all...you will love your end result!

    Oh my gosh! Thanks you sooo much for responding! I am almost in tears! I am so glad that you had awesome results and that you are able to hide that nasty scar. I was so worried about that! I just got used to my c-sections scar and was sad that I would have this much bigger one to look at! How long did it take you to feel 100% back to normal and to be able to exercise again? I only have 6 weeks off from work and I am wondering if maybe that isn't long enough?
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    This is pure speculation on my part, but I can't imagine 5-10 pounds creating that much skin. You don't lose weight JUST in your stomach, so you might lose a few pounds from your arms, legs, etc. I wouldn't be overly concerned about it.

    Thank you so much for your response! That makes a ton of sense and I am hoping that the extra weight I lose comes mostly from my arms and legs and not my boobs! lol
  • So glad you posted because I am planning a tummy tuck in about a year. Once I have had my weight off for 18 months I want to get one too. I too had 2 babies and gained ALOT of weight. Good luck to you and I hope all goes well with your surgeries! Don't forget to take your own before picture.
  • vlj1008
    vlj1008 Posts: 7 Member
    I had a tummy tuck 8 months ago and love it - I wasn't at my lowest weight but I currently on my way back down. I love the results I to had two babies - c-section both and was very heavy 295lbs and lost 125lbs. I didn't not lose much from the surgery even the PS told me he removed 16 inches of skin - I am going back to revise the belly button scar and remove skin from my flanks next week. Don't go into surgery expecting to lose weight because for the first 6 months I was swollen and that got me really depressed but in the last 2 months no swelling and I can work my abs full throttle. But I would do it again!!! Good Luck!!
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    So glad you posted because I am planning a tummy tuck in about a year. Once I have had my weight off for 18 months I want to get one too. I too had 2 babies and gained ALOT of weight. Good luck to you and I hope all goes well with your surgeries! Don't forget to take your own before picture.

    My original goal was to have a tummy tuck once I got to my goal weight and stayed that way for 12 months. :-D I was bummed at first that I had to do it so soon without getting to my goal weight but at the same time I am sooo ready for this pain to be gone! I will certainly take before and after photos and thanks so much for the well wishes! I really appreciate it!
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    I had a tummy tuck 8 months ago and love it - I wasn't at my lowest weight but I currently on my way back down. I love the results I to had two babies - c-section both and was very heavy 295lbs and lost 125lbs. I didn't not lose much from the surgery even the PS told me he removed 16 inches of skin - I am going back to revise the belly button scar and remove skin from my flanks next week. Don't go into surgery expecting to lose weight because for the first 6 months I was swollen and that got me really depressed but in the last 2 months no swelling and I can work my abs full throttle. But I would do it again!!! Good Luck!!

    We sound a lot alike! Both mine were c-section babies as well! I have also heard that you may not show a loss at all afterwards because of all the swelling and whatnot. I didnt realize that it would be for so long though so I am VERY glad that you posted! I am glad that you are happy with the results and to hear that you would do it again. I have been freaken out quite a bit these last few days. I have been having multiple appointments to figure out what was wrong for over 5 months now. I called to schedule the surgery about a week ago and was told that it would be end of November, beginning of December. They called me on Tuesday and said "see you next wednesday" so I think that I am still in shock actually! I bit of a nervous wreck trying to get everything in order with the kids and whatnot. Just go and get it done I guess. :-D
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member

    It did take a few weeks to feel completely normal but I was back to my normal self by 6 weeks...Don't be surprisaed if you are not allowed to life anything heavy in the beginning...the dr will tell you what you can and can not do....I didn't exercise my stomach muscles for about 6 months post surgery...they didn't need it and they were really tight so it felt weird.

    I had some swelling that had to be drained by the dr in his office, but for the most part my stomach was good

    Everyone recoverys differently from each other, so don't get upset if your recovery is longer or not...You will be fine, and loving your new belly!
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member

    It did take a few weeks to feel completely normal but I was back to my normal self by 6 weeks...Don't be surprisaed if you are not allowed to life anything heavy in the beginning...the dr will tell you what you can and can not do....I didn't exercise my stomach muscles for about 6 months post surgery...they didn't need it and they were really tight so it felt weird.

    I had some swelling that had to be drained by the dr in his office, but for the most part my stomach was good

    Everyone recoverys differently from each other, so don't get upset if your recovery is longer or not...You will be fine, and loving your new belly!

    Wow! thanks for this post! I am thinking of doing one in December (merry christmas to me!) and I wasn't sure of my down time. Of course, in my mind..I'd be back at work within a week in half. Is that unrealistic? I realize that I may be moving a bit slower....but...wow! I don't know if I can go a long period of time without working out! LOL...I haven't even had the consultation yet..so I guess I had better do that first!
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member

    It did take a few weeks to feel completely normal but I was back to my normal self by 6 weeks...Don't be surprisaed if you are not allowed to life anything heavy in the beginning...the dr will tell you what you can and can not do....I didn't exercise my stomach muscles for about 6 months post surgery...they didn't need it and they were really tight so it felt weird.

    I had some swelling that had to be drained by the dr in his office, but for the most part my stomach was good

    Everyone recoverys differently from each other, so don't get upset if your recovery is longer or not...You will be fine, and loving your new belly!

    Wow! thanks for this post! I am thinking of doing one in December (merry christmas to me!) and I wasn't sure of my down time. Of course, in my mind..I'd be back at work within a week in half. Is that unrealistic? I realize that I may be moving a bit slower....but...wow! I don't know if I can go a long period of time without working out! LOL...I haven't even had the consultation yet..so I guess I had better do that first!
    I think 1.5 weeks recovery is pushing it....it is major surgery, alot of stiches...I came home with a drain in for the first few days, that was ick! I sent my kids away to Grandma's for the first few days and I am glad that I did...
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    Yes I have, and 5 pound weight loss from a tummy tuck would be an awful lot... for a visual, look at a one pound tub of margarine and compare it to how much you are getting removed.
    I was unable to do anything for a couple weeks. My hubby had to help me shower so I wouldn't fall because I could not even stand up straight! I had to prop myself up in bed with pillows to keep from getting blood clots and clean the drainage tube 3 times a day...so gross. It was a lot of pain, but I would do it again in a heartbeat. No more spanx or control top undies! I don't have to wear baggy shirts over tight pants to cover the belly pouch. Totally worth it.
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    Yes I have, and 5 pound weight loss from a tummy tuck would be an awful lot... for a visual, look at a one pound tub of margarine and compare it to how much you are getting removed.
    I was unable to do anything for a couple weeks. My hubby had to help me shower so I wouldn't fall because I could not even stand up straight! I had to prop myself up in bed with pillows to keep from getting blood clots and clean the drainage tube 3 times a day...so gross. It was a lot of pain, but I would do it again in a heartbeat. No more spanx or control top undies! I don't have to wear baggy shirts over tight pants to cover the belly pouch. Totally worth it.

    I will update this thread after the surgery to let you know how much they removed. :-) I am planning on sleeping in our recliner as the bed is pretty high and I think that I would struggle just getting into it. The drainage tubes don't sound fun at all but hopefully it is just a few days before they come out. Thanks everyone for all of your advice!!!!
  • Interesting thread. My tummy tuck is scheduled for tomorrow, November 9th. Dr. advised me not to count the excess skin removal toward weight loss. Thankfully I'm at goal weight and any additional off will be counted as a blessing. I'll post when I'm able to.
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    I am home. got home about 530 Thursday evening. Been pretty naseous the whole time. Doing pretty good though. They removed almost 3 pounds of fat and addition to those 3 pounds, 13 INCHES of excess skin! I couldn't believe that!! Anyway, pretty out of it still so short and sweet for now. Will post more at a later date.

  • I recently had a TT on 12/1/11 - I was losing weight prior to the TT procedure; and have noticed that I have continued to lose weight; whether this is a result of swelling going down, I can't tell, since technically I do still have swelling. My doctor removed 8.5 lbs of skin and fat, which I didn't see right away on the scale (probably why some sites say you shouldn't weigh yourself right away), but over the past few weeks, I can now see the difference on the scale.

    I'm glad though that I had this done, despite the discomfort.
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