Can I lose 50 pounds in 2012?

Okay so pretty much I am 180 pounds atm, my next goal is 155 but after that I wanna get down to 130 or so...
Is this possible?


  • whalertly
    It is very easily possible, especially as choosing a pound a week is a great option. I lost roughly 60 pounds last year alone, so I think you can do it too
    (also, hopefully you won't fall off the wagon for weeks at a time, like I did)

    Heck, since I am looking to lose about 40 more pounds myself, want to be motivational buddies this year?
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    YES you can and so can I!! :) This site is so motivational and helpful!
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Yes, it's very possible. Just sick with your diet as close as possible and you can do it.
  • elcieloesazul
    elcieloesazul Posts: 448 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I'm looking to clean up my diet more in the new year, eat more veggies and fruits, cut out sugary drinks, and hopefully work out 4-6 times a week. Good luck, it IS possible!
  • Packerfan23
    Packerfan23 Posts: 225 Member
    Definitely! I lost 70 pounds in 2011 and hope to lose my next 70 in 2012. I think it is definitely possible.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Yes stick with it..when I started in June my weight loss was very slow I didn't even think I'd make it to 11 stone for Xmas day (a 21lb loss) , but as I got going it got easier to exercise too for longer and the weight started coming off regularly and I actually made it to 10st 5 (145lbs) so a 30lb loss since Ihad started in June. I have under active thyroid too and mobility problems that restrict what I can do so had originally given myself until next June to get to under 147lbs (10st 7) which is the top end of healthy for my height.

    I'm now thinking I might make it 132lbs for my next birthday!..which would put me right in middle of my healthy range.
  • raindropwishes
    I don't think it's that unrealistic! Good luck :)

    I'd really like to lose about 53lbs in 2012. I figured it wasn't that unrealistic as it would work out at approx 1lb a week.
  • WarriorWomanMaxine
    WarriorWomanMaxine Posts: 162 Member
    I would say its possible i want to lose 70/90lbs feel free to add me for support (anybody) its always great to have support
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    You certainly can! I lost over 50 pounds in 8 months in 2011!!! You just have to show restraint, work hard and splurge occasionally!!!
  • curlyslim
    curlyslim Posts: 64 Member
    I want to do something similar! and I'm hoping its possible- and by the comments it certainly looks it.
    I am 5.8, and 187lbs.

    I'd be happy to buddy up too, (and like someone else mentioned, by anyone too!).
  • cherokeetracey
    well ive set myself a target of 56lbs for 2012 and anymore will be a bonus as i need to loose over 100lb anyway. You go for it girl xx
  • elmsallmissile
    I have gone from 238 lbs on 7th July to 185 lbs now (53 lbs) and intend to get to 138 lbs (100 lbs) by the end of june. go for it!