were you bad yesterday?

Cuz I sure was! I don't know what came over me! Is that a chocolate marshmallow santa? Sure I'll have that. Oh I noticed there's pie...yes please. Chips and dip? Why don't I just pull up a chair next to the snack table. Sheesh! Those of you who did what I did - what are you doing to get back on track? And when? I'm already anticipating how I'm gonna behave on New Years when alcohol is involved!


  • tigertown11
    I love dips! thank goodness they only come around once a year for me!!
    would preferred mashed tatoes, but we never had a sit down meal this year. I think I would have fared better with that.
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    Well I wasn't very good at making food choices the past couple weeks, lol. So starting today I'm eating healthier and continuing my workouts.
  • nativeflgirl83
    nativeflgirl83 Posts: 1 Member
    Me personally, I lived off cookies..... and maybe a Reese cup or two...plus, why NOT drink Coke?? It's Christmas WEEKEND..... To get myself back on track I started with the dog walking last night after work to maybe account for a cookie....ok, half a cookie. And I'm right back to MFP this morning and lining up my NORMAL intake of food....which does not include soda, cookies or.... sadness..... Reese Cup trees : (
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    I was aweful. I need to leave the house today so that I don't overeat the leftovers and treats.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I prefer the word debauchery to describe my eating yesterday!
  • Jessicak02
    Jessicak02 Posts: 11 Member
    Ahh, hubby is not eating healthy, with no intent on doing so...we had potatoe salad, glazed ham, greenbean casserole, biscuits...blah blah! I did horribly and then had pound cake too. I'm feeling super guilty today. There are left overs all in the house and it's killing me. I was doing so well, then Christmas came and I went way off track!

    Here's to January and all the New Years "dieting". All the healthy, low cal food goes on sale! That I'm excited about, now all the yo-yo dieters in the gym for their New Years resolutions and possibly having to wait for tredmills and stuff BLAH! Oh well they'll be gone by February.
  • canegrovern
    canegrovern Posts: 21 Member
    Ok I was really bad I am from the carribean and most of our food is loaded with many many calories I am a clean eater only health food but yesterday oh yesterday was bad I had black cake it is prepared with rum and wine ,pepperpot,ham,roasted pork ,chicken rice and peas, baked ziti with cheese and sausage ,wine vodka and ginger ale but the cake was the worst and I am not done I am on vacation visiting my family I did not see them for about a year or so and I still have more homes to visit and more dinner to go too it's sad but when I go back home I will go back to my healthly life style and back to logging I can tell I think I gained 3lbs if not more but it will be gone before the end of Jan.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Im bad veryday:devil:
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
  • DoxieMama70
    DoxieMama70 Posts: 92 Member
    I know I was! I logged in everything on MFP and went way over 3,000 calories!

    I indulged in lots of casseroles and cake for dessert. Not to mention about 4 glasses of wine. I brought leftovers home and had more last night. To top it off, I'm sick with a sore throat so I can't get out and exercise today.

    I can, however, clean out my refrigerator and pantry of all the leftovers and goodies I've been eating that I don't normally buy.

    Today is a new day!
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    Ok I was really bad I am from the carribean and most of our food is loaded with many many calories I am a clean eater only health food but yesterday oh yesterday was bad I had black cake it is make with rum and wine ,pepperpot,ham,roasted pork ,chicken rice and peas, baked ziti with cheese and sausage ,whine vodka and ginger ale but the cake was the worst and I am not done I am on vacation with my family I did not see them for a year so I still have more homes to visit and more dinner to go too it's sad but when I go back home I will go back to my healthly life style and back to logging I can tell I think I gained 3lbs if not more but it will be gone before the end of Jan.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 403 Member
    Yeah - I logged, was around 2200 calories and I might have missed a bite or two. Yikes! Today I walked/jogged 8 miles and have slapped myself out of it. hahahahahahaha. I would not really be annoyed at myself except that I was so over full and I haven't stuffed myself to the point of being uncomfortable in years. ANyway, back on track today. Jogged and had Fiber One cereal for breakfast. Whew!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I literally have no family so it was just another day for me. I did however indulge in a vegetarian cheesesteak and onion rings because it was Christmas. But I exercised and had the calories for it. I came in at 3 calories under goal.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Define BAD?

    Sure I ate like a hog and I've no guilt. I did discover that my body doesn't like too much rich food all at once, but I had a great time and I wouldn't have missed it for all the tea in China.

    I've had a packet of my favourite biccies today... but I was in the mood and I've been otherwise good.

    Just about to go to friends' Boxing Day Buffet and will no doubt indulge a little there too .... Naw who an I kidding... I'm going to get pretty hammered on wine and eat like a hog again :laugh:
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I ate so much yesterday that I was up half the night sick with pains in my belly. :(

    That's no fun at all.
  • canegrovern
    canegrovern Posts: 21 Member
    I sure did my family made sure I ate everything they put on my plate and everything tasted so good the young kids was so happy to see me I had to enjoy my dinner with them but somehow I don't feel guilty at all I like to run sometimes 7 miles a workout session so i'll burn it off in no time when I get back home I still have 1 week of vacation left and I plan on enjoying it, thank you .
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I splurged at our "christmas dinner" which was a japanese/thai buffet. I had brown rice and mounds of mushrooms, fried tofu, garlic spinach and sweet & sour eggplant. I estimated the calories but didn't limit myself, I rarely hit my calories anyway. Merry Christmas!
  • hello77kitty
    hello77kitty Posts: 260 Member
    I was terrible, worse than thanksgiving :( I made creme brulee, brie sourdough bowl, deviled eggs. We had 3 days different cakes, haam, prime rib, pasta salads, potatoes, omg. I ate a little of every thing!! I am so scared to step on the scale. I thiink once the left overs are gone I wont have a problem staying on track.
  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    Of course I was ... but I had planned on it. I hit the gym a couple of extra times last week and ate everything in sight yesterday. I climbed on the scales this morning and I was up .2 lbs (2/10 lb) from the day before Christmas. Back to the gym today, and the journey continues.

    I hope everyone had a great Christmas and didn't stress out over the food you ate.
  • dmvmk
    dmvmk Posts: 3 Member
    So I am right there with all of you, or at least most of you. Except I have been off the wagon for weeks. I was the cook yesterday, it was so good. even the strawberry cake and the Chocolate delight cake with ice cream, oh the kids even went to the store around midnight and we ended up with ruffles- my arch enemy. ( there is still half a bag down there, i am hiding upstairs from them.)
    Ok, leftovers aside now though, I really want to get through this, I have to get through this. I have been online looking for a good shopping list so I can go to the store. when My teenager wakes up we are going to the gym (middle of the day but oh well, at least we are going.)
    I have got to do this for me. Dang, my body can feel better than this. I can feel better than this.