Happy Holidays! Lets talk goals...

Happy Holidays MFP Friends! Only a week left of 2011! Did you meet your fitness goals this year? Do you have your goals lined up for 2012?

Ill start :happy:

Im happy to report I did meet my 2011 goals. I wanted to be at 190 by the New Year and with a week left, im already at 188.8 (yay!)

For 2012, im committing to reaching goal 2, 170 lbs, by April 1st and goal 3, 150 lbs, by my birthday in July. I have confidence ill be able to do this with the wonderful support of MFP!


  • morningbell
    morningbell Posts: 33 Member
    Of course you can!

    My goal to lose my last 20 lbs by March

    Good luck!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Way to go on meting your goals!! You've motivated me to do the same.... set goals and write them down!! I think that's key....
    BRITTBBGC Posts: 31 Member
    Congrats on meeting your goal!

    I didnt meet mines for this year but this time last year I was 27lbs heavier
    So im happy that I've come this far.

    I want to lose my last 14 before April
  • italianissima
    italianissima Posts: 140 Member
    You did a great job! Isn't it nice to set goals and meet them!!?
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    Ok my first goal loose minimum of 15 pounds by Easter...
    Second goal loose a total of 25 points by June 21. (total weight loss will be about 40 pounds) , won't be at my goal yet but getting closer...
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    Great Job! Keep meeting small goals and the big goals will come.

    I did meet my goal for 2011 - Have the Lapband surgery and I lost almost 60# to boot.

    my 1st goal is 299 by Feb 14.

    2nd Goal is 280 by May 4 ( 100# lost in the 9 months since surgery).
  • MaryAnn678
    MaryAnn678 Posts: 182 Member
    You are doing such a great job at your goals its very impressive and inspiring for all of us on MFP. I haven't thought about next years goals yet but I will now that Christmas is over and the family have gone home. I've met some of my goals for this year but have not completed my goals that I was hoping for during the holidays and by the end of this year, But I am close to meeting them and by 12/31 I will be closer.
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    Congratz to those who also met their goals! To those who didnt, its ok. Look at your overall progress you've made and keep a positive attitude going forward!