Any barefoot runners out there?

I have tried the C25K programme twice before and both times crashed out. The first time I think it was from expensive but wrong for me shoes, and the second time I possibly pushed too far too fast.

I have just started it again from week one day one, and this time will stick to the programme and not be impatient. While I think my fitness could move me ahead faster, I am mindful of both previous attempts ending in buggered knees so need to stick to the pace as set.

Also, this time I am doing it barefoot. Tonight was the first time I have run barefoot (as an adult!) and I have to say it felt really great!

I am keen to connect with anyone else who runs barefoot and have started a group on here if anyone would be interested to share tips and stories.


  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Are you running completely barefoot or withe the barefoot shoes? I have thought about this, but would have to get the shoes so I didn't hurt myself.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Completely barefoot but on grass. The only minimalist shoes I have seen are the VIbrams and I hate the look of them!
  • msierk
    My boyfriend had horrible foot pain and had to stop running then, of course, gained weight. His doctor said he had to lose weight and he read "Born to Run" and began running barefoot and using the Vibrams - NO PAIN! He runs all the time with no problems physically and loves it.
    I read the book and it is SOOO good! It's a great true story about a village in Africa that run up to 40 miles a day FOR FUN - basically barefoot. The author studied them and learned how they look at running differently and began the barefoot revolution here. Chi Running is another great, motivational barefoot running book. OK - I'm babbling. But good luck!
  • msierk
  • zenarche
    Hey there,

    Just thought I'd post because I'm also doing the C25K program (hopefully starting Week 3 tomorrow) and doing it with minimalist shoes. I've been walking in Vibrams for years and recently bought a pair of Pace Gloves from Merrell since the Vibrams get awfully wet and cold this time of year.

    I just wanted to say, from one beginner to another, to be careful and take it easy. I think I was a little overzealous and maybe overconfident since I've been walking in barefoot-style minimalist shoes for a while, but my muscles are not nearly as strong as I thought they were. During Week Two, I strained my soleus muscles (I think) and I still haven't fully recovered.

    Learn from my mistakes, don't skip your rest days and give your muscles - especially your underused lower leg muscles - plenty of time to recover. You'll regret it if you don't. I know I do. :)
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member

    Learn from my mistakes, don't skip your rest days and give your muscles - especially your underused lower leg muscles - plenty of time to recover. You'll regret it if you don't. I know I do. :)

    Thanks yes I will be taking it slowly, and will silence the inner rebel that wants to push ahead!
  • mehaugen
    mehaugen Posts: 210 Member
    I just bought some Vibrams for the first time in a flash sale on Left Lane sports, but they were the wrong size and are sold out, so since I don't feel like paying full price for a pair of Vibrams I think I'm going to get some VIVOBarefoots ($47 on Left Lane). I am training to run a half marathon. I'm up to 5.25 miles. I'm super excited about getting some minimalist shoes!
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    bump. Interested in this too.
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    I don't run but I do walk barefoot most of the time. There's no other way for me! I'm hoping to get a pair of Vibrams in the next couple months so that I can wear them on my 5k in April and Relay For Life in May.
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    I have run barefoot on asphalt for short distances. It takes some getting used to.
    I usually run rocky desert trails and for that I wear New Balance Minimus Trail shoes. They are a thin-soled minimalist shoe. I can tell the difference from regular shoes because I can really feel it in my calves and achilles tendon area now. Not pain, just soreness from getting used to a different running style. I'm running up to 7.5 miles over rough hilly terrain in these shoes now.
    I was plagued with IT Band pain for months on runs less than half this distance, but between a couple of stretches and these shoes, my knees don't hurt anymore.
  • zenarche
    Regarding sizing for the Vibrams, everyone is different but my first pair was a pair of Sprints and I realized after the fact that I bought them way too small. Plus the strap on the top made fitting difficult - I could never get the shoes locked onto my feet just right; I always had extra space in the heel, or a rubbing issue with the top strap.

    Switched to a pair of KSO TrekSports and never looked back. The fit is much better with the closed design. And now that they have styles that have proper laces, I think more people are having success finding a proper fit.

    If you're unsure of the size to get for your first pair, I'd shoot a little bigger, not smaller. There should be a little bit of wiggle room in the toes. Once your feet start to stretch out and you really start to move, you're going to notice any tightness really quickly. :)
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    I don't often or for great distances, but whenever I do run, I wear my Vibram KSOs ( They aren't much to look at, and my last boss officially told me to never wear them to work again if I want to be taken seriously, but I don't get the knee, back or ankle pain I get with other shoes (even after trying multiple orthotics). I even wear them when I'm jogging in the fall/winter.
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    Super interested in this!!!!! I'm on week 6 of c25k and definitely having some knee issues here and there. I have considered adding in yoga to help and/or barefoot running in Vibram. I don't have sufficient grass area and honestly even if I did...I'd still be freaked out. We have tons of bugs down here in Florida.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
  • Jhulet
    Jhulet Posts: 32
    I don't exercise any way completely barefoot, however, I do everything in vibrams. Jog, walk, hike (yep over rocks and such too), aerobics, yoga, and just general walking/shopping around. Even being tall and overweight (putting the added weight on my feet), the vibrams are without a doubt the best thing I have ever worn. For me, worth every penny. I found mine on sale at REI.

    They are definitely UGLY, mine especially as they are kind of a fuchsia/hot pink- really not attractive, but I just don't care since they feel so good on. My husband is a ballroom dance teacher and on his feet about 12-14 hour days, and he wears the vibrams and feels better than he has in a long time.

    Running in grass would feel nice, but I would still be worried about rocks/glass/unexpected stuff having been tossed there with you having no protection on your feet.

    Husband and I both wear the vibrams with "trek" soles because we do alot outdoors so they are a nice "all purpose".

    Good luck with your C25k whatever you decide to wear (or not wear) on your feet! :smile:
  • MummyHungry
    MummyHungry Posts: 82 Member
    Just joined your group. ^_^ I wouldn't call myself a runner just yet, but I do everything barefoot if I can get away with it. I used to walk/jog on the treadmill either barefoot or in socks, but I eventually broke down and decided to try some vibrams. Fortunately there is a local store that stocks them, because there was no way I could have figured out my size without trying them on. I got some Treksports and love them! I just recently got myself a pair of Sprints so I could have a clean pair for exercising indoors and use the others outside without tracking in dirt. So far so good. ^_^ I still prefer exercising with no shoes at all, but something about strapping on the vibrams makes me feel more motivated, like I'm suiting up for battle. =)
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    I'm starting to do the barefoot thing again. I've gotten repeatedly injured (tendonitis of the ankles) due to my shoes, so I switched them to a shoe that was recommended for me (the other ones were too), and I'm still having issues. I overpronate and am hoping I won't crash and burn in the process of switching over...
  • kathyjo
    kathyjo Posts: 24 Member
    I run in Merrell Pace Gloves - they have the the Vibram sole (same as the five finger shoes), but without the crazy look! I love, love, love it.
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
  • FabMrFox
    FabMrFox Posts: 259 Member
    My boyfriend had horrible foot pain and had to stop running then, of course, gained weight. His doctor said he had to lose weight and he read "Born to Run" and began running barefoot and using the Vibrams - NO PAIN! He runs all the time with no problems physically and loves it.
    I read the book and it is SOOO good! It's a great true story about a village in Africa that run up to 40 miles a day FOR FUN - basically barefoot. The author studied them and learned how they look at running differently and began the barefoot revolution here. Chi Running is another great, motivational barefoot running book. OK - I'm babbling. But good luck!

    I read the book too and agree it was a great read.... this from a guy that hates to run.
    I do currently run in vibrams and love them for light trail running/hiking in AZ. I am probably wrong on this but I thought the village in the book was in Mexico for some reason...again probably wrong lol