New here and Looking to make Friends!

Hey everyone.. So a little about me... Check out my No but really I am new here and hoping that as much involvement as possible will help keep me on track this time! I have updated my ticker posted on my blog and log into my app almost after every meal so far. lol But of anyone in interested or looking to lend a little support by all means please add me!!

But seriously, this is the year I am finally going to get healthy somehow. Whether its through the support of you guys and my fiancee then so be it- but dont get me wrong this isnt a weight thing. I am not looking to stay within 1200 calories just to look good in a size four even though that is an awesome perk! But I am finally starting to realize that my palate alone just really isnt cutting it when it comes to getting those necessary proteins, vitamins etc that my body needs just to even feel good. IF you read my first blog you'll see what I mean I'm like a 6 year old kid trapped in a 27 yr old's body when it comes to my diet- whatever you would make your kid, stop and grab on the way home for your kid... that;s me....and I'm looking forward to expanding that "convienient" palate and really explore some healthy tasty options too. So a lot on my plate??? I think so.... But i'm looking forward to the journey for now, and hoping to make some friends along the way!

Anyways looking forward to talking with all of you :) can't wait to read some replies and get motivated!!!! I think I'll try and get some of that yoga in that I've been neglecting this week. :):)


  • Nosila0815
    Nosila0815 Posts: 143 Member
    I completely understand being a 6 year in an adult body. I have finally eating outside my comfort zone...I have moved past the potatoes and the cheese. Hopefully we can help each other eat healthy and lose some weight in the process. I am sending you an add request now. :-)
  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    I'll slide ya over a friend request! Always happy to add new friends along this journey whatever our goals are!
  • susiecuse
    susiecuse Posts: 6 Member

    I am new as well so here's to reaching our goals and achieving great things together!

    I want you to know that your palate has to be trained" like anything else. It is necessary to try new foods over, and over, and over, and over... to get your palate used to tasting them. Fruits and veggies are some of the most convenient foods that you can eat. Side by side, to me, an orange tastes way better than a brownie. After a while the taste of the sugar in the baked treat starts to taste phony and yucky! But the flavor of a "naturally" packaged food always wins, hands down and doesn't lose its appeal after the first few bites.

    Keep trying new things and you will be surprised how healthy "convenience" foods can be.
