Need support please xx

Mon 12/26/11 11:03 PM
hi all

I keep using Mfp for short while then quitting - I want a healthier life and a slimmer one. I don't get much support at home to be honest - my partner has seen me fail a lot recently so keep saying I won't do it so don't blame him really - a friend or should I say almost family has been using Mfp and is doingnreally well and she is very supportive which does help but she lives across the other side of the world from me to we Skype etc so that is good.

I am getting married in 21 weeks and have this year gained 40 lbs so really want that off for my wedding - do u think this is doable? Any tips or hints to help?


Lou x


  • jplucheck
    jplucheck Posts: 275 Member
    Not sure if the 40lbs in 21 weeks is exactly healthy weight lost more like 20lbs but I still think it is completely do-able. Feel free to add me if you would like some motivation, I understand how hard it is to live with a de-motivator
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    That's a tough one. I for one struggle with losing 1 pound a week even though I stay within a calorie deficit and workout at the gym 6 days a week. I know some people can lose 2 pounds a week, but I really don't know how they do it! To lose 40 pounds in 21 weeks, I think you really need to find a dietician or personal trainer that can figure out a program that works for you.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Of course, you can lose the weight! I don't know if you can do it in 21 weeks or not. I typically lose a pound a week at best, but everyone is different.

    My best advice is to keep it slow and simple. Take a good hard look at your lifestyle and figure how where you stand. If you are currently eating 2300 calories a day, and MFP wants to to eat 1200, don't make that drastic change in one day. Gradually start to eat less by a couple hundred calories until it becomes comfortable, and slowly reduce.

    If you haven't been working out, pick something simple, like walking or jump rope, and do it a little at a time. For example, today, you can walk around the block. Do that every day for a week. Then, the next week, go a couple of blocks.

    Honestly, whatever you do, just get going on it sooner rather than later, and try not to get overwhelmed. Don't do anything to lose weight for your wedding that you aren't willing to do for the rest of your life. Working out and eating right are things you should be doing anyway.

    I've done really well with MFP and fell off the wagon for awhile. You just have to dust yourself off and try again.
  • atg1234
    I need support too!! If you want we can always go at this together and be buddies. I think you need help from others. My husband is the same, he keeps watching me fail!
  • tonybdavies
    Hi. I'd like to support you and say that anything is doable. Including 40lb in 21 weeks. In the last 4 weeks when I started MFP I have lost 12kg / 26.5 lb. I don't think that is extreme weight loss. I've just made some changes to my food consumption and the weight is dropping off like that. I'm not in starvation mode, I'm eating healthily and sensibly, and I have tons of energy. The weight I'm losing is not water either, it's fat from my midsection.

    What I don't do is I don't eat fat. I don't eat sugar. I drink only green tea or water. I eat brown rice with springwater tuna and a sauce for taste. I eat chocolate high protein low carb bar for craving satisfaction, and a small bar of dark chocolate if I need sweetening (once every 2 - 3 days). I drink prune juice small in the mornings for energy.

    Don't crack under pressure or under temptation. Just be tough and disclipined and I swear the weight will come off and you will have tons of energy and not be in starvation mode. My calories total is about 1800 per day which is great.

    And I do workout and my job is physically demanding but I used to workout before and my job has always been tough but my weight still didn't change no matter how hard I worked. The only change that I've made is to my diet.

    I used to eat 2 family sized pizza to myself, or 3 macdonalds burgers plus lge fries or a 10 piece KFC bucket etc. That's the change I've made, I have stopped eating rubbish, and yes I'm eating healthy now.

    OK I also gave up coffee and all fizzy drinks as well, but I don't think that change has made the difference. NO because I have been gradually weening myself off all unhealthy things for a while now. Like I gave up cigarettes 7 years ago. In 2011 I have only consumed about 6 beers and a bottle of wine in total. It's not that I'm against alcohol, but it's rather that I have been stripping my body of things that control me rather than me controlling it, such as coffee and sugar and alcohol. I'm in charge of my body now, I'm not addicted to any things. Things no longer control me. And that's what I've been working myself towards.

    You can do it. I don't agree that losing 20 pounds in 4 weeks is unhealthy. I am very healthy and active. I think you could lose 60 pounds in time for your wedding if you don't give in to temptations and weakness. It's in the power of your mind and the determination of your will to persevere. Have backup contingency plans which is where my protein chocolate low carb and small dark chocolate bars come in. But don't use those bars *kitten* every day snacks. i only resort to those fallback bars when I would otherwise be tempted to go for a drive to MacDonalds or KFC.

    It's up to you though. Your discipline. But yes in theory you could lose even 60 pounds by your wedding.
  • louiseburrows12
    Thank you guys and well done on all your success so far that's great :-)