ChaLEAN required equipment??

Casi23 Posts: 138 Member
Hi -

I keep seeing awesome reviews about this ChaLean extreme exercise program. I like the fundatmentals that the program is based off of (I've always been an advocate of lifting), but I was wondering what sort of equipment you have to buy in order to succussfully complete the 3 months of exercises. The program is kind of expensive but I wouldn't mind buying it if the results are what everyone is saying they are, but spending an additional few hundred on weights, benchs, etc would stop me from buying it.

Any advice?


  • Casi23
    Casi23 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi -

    I keep seeing awesome reviews about this ChaLean extreme exercise program. I like the fundatmentals that the program is based off of (I've always been an advocate of lifting), but I was wondering what sort of equipment you have to buy in order to succussfully complete the 3 months of exercises. The program is kind of expensive but I wouldn't mind buying it if the results are what everyone is saying they are, but spending an additional few hundred on weights, benchs, etc would stop me from buying it.

    Any advice?
  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    You need free weights, or resistance bands.
    ChaLEAN encourages you to go heavy...I was doing 30#'s for lower excercise in one of the phases.
    If cost of equipment is the issue, go for some resistance bands that are much cheaper.

    I definately recommend this program, it is fun, Chalene is great for inspiring/motivating you to exceed your percieved limits.

    It is worth every penny that it costs, and I would purchase the deluxe version.

  • FluffnStuff
    FluffnStuff Posts: 387
    I have used bands in the past and LOVE them.... BUT... my 2nd week into ChaLEAN and no way was I going to be able to deal with the bands. The transitions are too quick (for me at least) to get the band situated in time... they'd be half way through a set before I was ready to start.

    I actually invested in power blocks (kinda like select tecs but a different shape). It was A LOT of money for someone like me, but I figure if I am trying to be serious about changing my life, I need the tools to make it serious.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Just weights. You could use bands instead. I LOVE this program and it is well worth the cost!

    Let me know if you have any questions! I lost 8# and leaned out all over from using it. I finished one 90 day rotation and am just starting my 2nd round!
