New year, new body :P

Play college baseball but im tired of being known as meatloaf on the team.. sad part is im not "fat". time to shut them all up n go from 16% body fat to 8%. was 200 down to 190 already, goal is 180-175. wish me luck, ill post pictures later


  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Best thing to shut them up is to ignore them. Be happy in your own skin.

    If you WANT to do it for YOU, go for it.

    They are probably jealous.
  • PrincessGlitterTush
    good luck with that.. you'll be great :)
  • chchchristi7
    chchchristi7 Posts: 6 Member
    hey ctown27!

    it was Christmas day and my family and I decided to spend lunch with one of my sisters inlaws home and a lady that I did not even know came up to me after I took a plate of food and told me this " you are getting fat!". I was taken back at that, so my goal is to shut them up and rebuild my confidence. I love myself and was blessed by my parents, but for myself I want to get to a healthy weight, where even if I decide to pig out on holidays it won't really affect me!

    :o) goodluck!
  • mac0311
    Good Luck
  • carpediem4263
    carpediem4263 Posts: 167 Member
    Good luck!