Need new motivation!!

Hi everyone! My name is Cassie! Over the past few years, I have lost over 90lbs!!! But, this last year around 50lbs have come back... :( I started my journey at down to 158!!! Now I am back to 211!!!! Looking for friends to help remotivate me!!!


  • MGleason2010
    MGleason2010 Posts: 105 Member
    Hello! I'm Megan. Feel free to add me! I have been on the site since March 2011, but took some time away from focusing on weight loss when we moved and I switched jobs. Now i'm back at it again. :)
  • hbiffle
    hbiffle Posts: 156 Member
    Welcome!!! Feel free to add me!! I'm also wanting to lose at least 50 lbs. We can help motivate each other!!
  • loriamcq
    I've been on that roller coaster for most of my life too. It's time to get off. I'd love to be part of your support system.
  • FidalgoGirl
    FidalgoGirl Posts: 39 Member
    I'll help cheer you on!
  • Bheller234
    Hello Cassie, My name is Brandi. I've only been here since November but you can add me if you like and i can try to motivate and support you as much as i can. This site is really good, people are always supportive and are willing to help all the time. I was on a site before this that they showed so much support and i tried to get some help and support and they shoot me down really quick, then i found this and have not had that problem at all! :smile: So welcome and best of luck in your weight loss!

    Positive Attitude = Positive Results :happy:
  • jhuft
    jhuft Posts: 5 Member
    If you have done it before you can do it again girl!:) This time just think why you failed and prevent it from happenining again. For me I have to enjoy the food I'm eating. I'm not going to force myself to eat something just because its healthy. I have learned to eat the healthy foods that I enjoy.