

  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    It's a roller coaster for me -- sometimes I can do really well, others not so much. Usually I fall off the exercise wagon; I try not to get into the "I blew it, I might as well...." with my eating. Though there are days I just stop logging. I have a trainer, and I freely admit to her what my challenges are in order to get her perspective.

    Simple goals work best for me. Got in the habit of eating a healthy breakfast. Drinking water. My trainer is encouraging everyone to adopt one resolution for the New Year: eat five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. That is my next simple goal.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    For most of us, it is a daily struggle. You take it one day at a time.

    Hang in there. Just focus on today, then do the same tomorrow. Before you know it, working out and eating well will become a habit.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    Hi im Judith im 20 yrs old and i struggle alot with my weight i am in the obese category and im about 80lbs overweight like you i have a hard time with working out and finding the drive for it and even when i do seem to stick to eating well and working out it usually doesnt last more than 2weeks and i gain any weight i have lost back. Feel free to add me on here i would love having someone who can help motivate me and i can do the same for you :)

    I am totally where you are at!!!
  • bkw2488
    bkw2488 Posts: 190 Member
    You can do this. I have to take it one day at a time. I fall off several times, and this month has been really bad. But I keep telling myself I can do this right today!
  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    I have been working on this well over a year and for the last 6 months on MFP. I will be here for a real long time. I have huge problems with the exercise thing, and I am just now coming off of two weeks that I ate everything in site. And I can't blame it on work parties or family parties as I didn't go to any.

    This isn't something that is going to happen over night. I figure I have probably close to another year before I get to where I want to be. And after that, the rest of my life to try to stay there.

    Stay true to yourself. Do each day what you feel comfortable with at that moment. If it is exercising, fine, it is just walking a little further into work or into a store it is something. The little things will add up. You will fall of track, but as long as you pick yourself back up and keep moving you will be fine. I am dusting myself off today from the last two weeks. Time to get back on track.

    Good Luck and be strong.
  • DirtbikeGal
    DirtbikeGal Posts: 61 Member
    I agree with others that if you look at your total weightloss it will be completely overwhelming. Have you heard the saying how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Thats it. Dont look at your end goal. Set a goal for a day. Start a journal. Write down your goal in the morning. Write down what you eat througout the day. At the end of the day you will feel a sense of accomplishment when you can see on paper you exercised and ate accordingly.

    Also, I toally agree with changing one thing at a time. Not all smokers quite cold turkey. So why should that apply with people who are overweight. An addiction is an addiction. Cutting sugar cold turkey could be quite difficult as it acts like a drug in your brain. Try cutting just soda if you drink it. And switch all of your whites to wheats. Those 2 things in theirself can jump start weightloss. So if you eat white bread, eat 100% whole wheat. White pasta, whole wheat pasta. Potatoes, yams. Your switching simple carbs for complex which helps stablize blood sugars.

    You can do it. YOu have do dig DEEP within yourself and say that your worth it....and just do it! Every day, no excuses, just get it done. Wish you the best of luck!
  • enigrebua
    enigrebua Posts: 113 Member
    I've had a hard year really...I've always in the past tried to do things on my own with no support tool (except once I tried Weight Watchers and another time I followed Dukan) but I'm finding that some family circumstances have made me more determined than ever to be healthier. I lost my grandma who died of a heart attack before her time, a very good family friend who died of throat cancer and also my young cousin has developed brain cancer. There seems to be a lot going on around me which has made me firstly quit smoking cold turkey (I never smoked much, it was social, but now it's gone) and I have decreased my intake of alcohol and foods that contain saturated fats. Now I really need to get some exercise in there to get my weight down 40lbs ideally. I'm going to start going for long walks daily, and week by week increasing the length and pace of those walks. I'm also going to take up Zumba again which I did for a few months and really enjoyed, but the last job I had was terrible long evning hours and meant there was no class I could go to. I'm hoping that exercising will make me feel better inside and out. At the moment I'm fairly depressed and typically with that I would take comfort in eating and go to the doctors...but this time I'm going to take an active approach, get of my backside, and do something to change my situation. I hope you find that motivation that you have been is not easy.

  • ziesergirl_66
    ziesergirl_66 Posts: 1,005 Member
    yup, sure am. I am a pro yo-yo dieter....over 15 yrs now. I have good weeks, bad weeks, even a few months at a time I can succeed. Since I have had a weight problems, never have I had a total 6, 9 mos, a *good* year. The ol' 3 weeks, 30 days and it's a new habit? Doesn't work for me. I have a library of weight loss books. They are all good books too...not the *quick-fix-extreme* unhealthy diets. I know what to do. Exactly what to do. I have been here almost 2 years and still struggling. I know MFP works too. My first run at it and I was down thirty-some pounds in 4 or 5 mos. I am within a few pounds of gaining that all back. For me, MFP is my #1 support that is. None of my family or friends have the desire to live a healthy life. I have made very good friends here. I totally get the person who responded that they have joined a gym or have a personal trainer to report to. That is me. I have no motivation. I make excuses. If I don't get it done early in the day, it isn't gonna happen.

    However...I love how I feel when I eat healthy. I love the energy exercise gives me. I **know** making good choices WILL get me to my goals. For some of us, this whole lifestyle change is **all** mental. I try hard to focus. I take one day at a time. Heck, sometimes even one meal, one hour. It's still a roller coaster of emotions...and I rarely level out. Lately, I've had more bad days then good days.

    But, each day, I still get on here, whether I log food, exercise OR not. I don't give up. I know that day, it will click again. We just never, ever gotta give up. [You] matter and nobody knows YOU better than YOU. Try to remember every, single waking day WHY you are here. Think of your goals. Goals that are reasonable. Think of yourself healthy vs unhealthy. Who do you want to be? It's a choice. This may seem odd...but do what your ~body~ wants, not what your mind wants. Be kind to yourself. Love yourself. Keep hanging on.....

    If nothing ever changes you will always get the same results.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Read success stories. You'll find that the only success will come from NOT QUITTING. Take a small new good habit and build on it. This is a lifestyle, not a race. There is no finish line. You will never be done. But you've got the time! There is more to life than food. I am in the process of overhauling my diet, too. It is surprising that eating "regular food" I gained 4 pounds in just 2 short weeks! But I am now on top of it and ready to go back to my clean eating plan. The weight will fall off.

    Find joy in other parts of your life besides food. You can decide to make things either better or worse! Your choice!

    You can do it. You just have to decide to do it!
  • JoAnn73
    JoAnn73 Posts: 161 Member
    I staretd out @ 298 pounds so i feel your pain. All i did for the first 6 months was walk 7 days week and a 1200 cal diet. The best CD Leslie Sansome@ Walmart about 10 buck. This CD plus walking on my lunch break help me to lose my first 50 pounds. You can do this take it one day at a time and educate yourself.
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    I agree with what other people have said about focusing on one day at a time. Although I believe in goals, I think that you should focus not on saying "I want to lose 60 pounds by March", but saying "For today, my goal is to avoid soda" or "For today, my goal is to walk one mile". The weight loss will follow the other goals.
    As for exercise, I believe starting slow and working your way into more exercise. If you run on a treadmill for an hour today, and hate it, chances are you are not going to want to get on the treadmill tomorrow.
    Good luck in your journey to better health. I would definitely stay on MFP for motivation. We all have dark days and it is nice to check in and have someone tell you to hang in there or telling you that you are doing a great job.
  • MrsJohnston
    MrsJohnston Posts: 43 Member
    YES. It's extremely difficult for to me to loose any weight. I don't know if there's something medically wrong with me or what, but I never seem to make much progress, and then I loose all motivation and quit. MFP has helped me to stay on track and stay motivated better than every before. Try reading people's success stories if you're feeling down, knowing that other people have succeeded can be a huge help!
    You can do it!
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    My weight always zig zags... I struggle because I dont know what adjustments I need to make to help me consistantly lose weight. I have been trying for almost a year now and I only lost 20 something pounds but I have 30 plus more pounds to go...Its hard because my confidence isnt improving and it gets me down. But all I can do is continue to stay dedicated....
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    I would just like to encourage you to stay the course. You CAN do this!! No, it is not easy, but it Can be done.

    I have been a part of a weight loss study this past year and they gave me a few fliers in reference to working out, creating a realistic workout goal plan and other stuff. It sounds just like what you need. Feel free to check them out here:

    I hope they help. Start small and Stay Positive! YOU CAN DO THIS!!

  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    I have my up and down days, and lately I've been struggling bad but I am trying to stay positive. It helps to have MFP friends motivate me, and I try to do the same for others.
  • bander21
    bander21 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi, I'm Brittany! I am 20 years old, and a nursing student. I am struggling with my weight! Every single day is a struggle! I fall off the exercise wagon and then I get discouraged! I live with someone who eats less than healthy and makes it hard to stick to a healthy eating pattern! All I want is to look at pictures of myself and look at myself in the mirror and not feel disgusting! I wish you the best of luck along your journey! Its a struggle. Make a calandar, with goals, it may help!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    You can do it!! I am over a 100lbs overweight which puts me in the same catagory as you per the doctor. I find setting small goals helps. I started with a workout goal and watched portion control along with substituting a yogurt for a sweet treat. I don't deprive myself just use portion control. The mind is very powerful so just staying positive will help with motivation. Remember every day is a new day. Start small and realistic so you will stick to whatever your goal is. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I am still a work in progress. Off the top of my head:
    Make exercise something fun! Dance, play games, hoola-hoop or just "hula" :smile:, play Rock Band.... anything that gets your arms and legs moving long enough to get your heart rate up into a burn zone. My ex-boyfriend plays Rock Band (drums) and ends up sweating his butt off ....and he's dropped nearly 70 pounds since this year.

    Know your numbers. If you don't have one... you might like to consider the "Polar" series of Heart Rate Monitors. If you know what you are burning then you won't feel like you are failing if you go over on the MFP calories daily allowance and the deficite balance can be really encouraging.

    Make it REAL - don't try to survivie on frozen Weight Watcher and Lean Cuisine meals unless you plan on doing that the rest of your life. They are full of sodium and eating those doesn't teach you about portion control. As soon as you stop eating them and haven't learned to measure, weigh, and cook real foods for yourself you will go back to your old habbits. PLUS -- if you look at those frozen meals... you can make them yourself for pennies compared to the prices they charge. And that goes for 100 calorie packs. If you are going to eat 100 calories of something - grab a piece of fruit, nuts, or yogurt.. not 100 calories of cookies. They are a trap

    I'm a single Mom and I forget to put my own needs/wants first once in a while....especially when it comes to buying groceries and cooking meals. I rarely cook a meal that one of my children wouldn't eat so I tend to not make things with that in mind instead of just making something simply because I like it. I tend to think of me and the kids as a group instead of us as individuals so if one is craving carbs or chocolate after dinner... I fall right into letting their lack of self control get the best of them and suddenly it's my problem too. If I'm going to fix my weight problem I have to think more about "me" and still be a good caretaker for my kids.... and that's harder than it sounds.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    The more time I spend on MFP, the more motivated I am able to stay. And I mean if I am able to read bogs and threads and statuses every single day, it helps me stay on track. I log every day, but for me that is just not enough. I need to know every day that I have my pals for support, I need to be able to see pictures of successful people too, every single day. Often I am just a Lurker observing, but I know I can also put myself out there any time too. The biggest thing for me is that I am not alone. You are not alone. You really can do it. For the longest time, I did not believe I could. So I decided to lie to myself long enough to believe that I could. Now I know it isn't a lie, I wasn't lying, just doubting. Now I KNOW not only that I can do it, but that every day I AM doing it.
  • NeshBeMe
    NeshBeMe Posts: 148 Member
    I've watched my mom struggle w/ her weight and health my entire life (she's also close to 400 lbs.) When I noticed I was starting to gain weight and was considered obese, my health also started to decline. At that point, I knew it was time for a change. I started w/ my eating habits first (I hated the gym and working out). MFP was a blessing because I was able to record everything I ate and kept me focused. I started losing weight just because of that factor. It took me 8 months to finally join a gym. Now that I've joined, I actually like it. I still have my bad days but that's normal. We must crawl before we walk. Baby steps. You've taken the first one by deciding you want to make a change, the second step was joining MFP. Now it's time to take another one and stick to your calorie allowance. U can do it!