How many pounds are you trying to lose a week?



  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 241 Member
    1-1.5 pounds :)
  • thebigbige
    thebigbige Posts: 99 Member
    I say two, but it seems like I'm losing 5 lbs or so a week. Not going to complain though about that kind of loss.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm set to 2 pounds, but I notice it tells me I'm going to lose something like 1.8 pounds on 1200 calories a day. I can live with that.

    No way could I stick with it if I didn't exercise and eat at least some of my calories back, though.
  • I would love to loose 5 a week, but I don't think that's healthy/realistic.
  • sheppeyescapee
    sheppeyescapee Posts: 329 Member
    I have mine set on 1lb per week. I did have it on 1.5lb per week but was finding it difficult sticking to the calorie limit for it. Once I hit overweight category instead of obese I plan on taking it to 0.5lb per week. Then it wont be such a big jump when I finally make it to maintenance.
  • moxette
    moxette Posts: 104 Member
    If I am trying to lose I can't do more than 1lb a week, otherwise I starve and binge and that brings back all sorts of bad tendencies.
    Consider 2lbs a week "advanced weight loss". If you have successfully lost weight with improved eating and kept it off, then you are ready for 2lbs, or if you are more than 50% body fat then 2lbs is realistic. Otherwise, try mastering 1 lb a week for 4-6 weeks and see how that goes. I am not trying to hold you back, just trying to set you up for success!
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    1.5, i typically lose about that much a week. It has me set at eating 1690 calories, but I usually eat about 1400 unless I worked out that day.
  • CallieDerenthal
    CallieDerenthal Posts: 170 Member
    i'm set to a pound a week... thinkin about changing to 1.5 per week but i really like being able to eat all this food! :smile:
  • Atarahh
    Atarahh Posts: 485 Member
    3 to 4 a week. I get my calorie counts from this website and I change the calories weekly to match this site:

    2 lbs is not realistic for me as I burn over 2000 calories with no exercise a day. Since my metabolism is so robust I lost about 3-5 lbs a week. MFP site has a limit of 2 lbs, understood, but I usually exceed that.
  • sandredee937
    sandredee937 Posts: 18 Member
    mines set at 2lbs a week... i wanna lose like 60/70 lbs... im 5'11 and obese so its no to hard right now (1700 cal a day)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    0.5 lb/week. Yes, that is half a pound a week, not 5! I am in the home stretch with 2 pounds left until goal.
  • theprettyone1010
    theprettyone1010 Posts: 408 Member
    1.5 lbs a week
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    Mine is set for 2 a week. Some weeks I lose nothing and others I lose 4 or even 5. Always in chunks like that. I will never understand it. This weekend was bad and pushed up 3 bloody pounds....grrr
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 410 Member
    Originally I had it set for 2 lbs per week, changed it to 1.5lbs when I went from obese to overweight, changed it to 1lb at the begining of December for the holidays to help keep me motivated and will probably change it back in January to 1.5lbs for another 12-15 pounds the I will put it back to 1lb and 0.5 in June or so - I would like to be maintaining before December next year!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    My cals are set at 1300, so that might be .5 pounds a week. I'm not sure, I really only care about body fat%.
  • rockchalkgrove
    rockchalkgrove Posts: 44 Member
    I set mine for 1# a week. I exercise 6 days a week and the number on the scale is not near as important as the way I feel. (it is nice to see the numbers go back down though). I just started MFP yesterday and with my workouts, I should always stay under with calories.
  • watchmeshrink16
    watchmeshrink16 Posts: 205 Member
    2lb weekly!!
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    1lbs a week. I don;t want to up it, as I know from former experience, the more I push, the faster I reach a plateau and struggle. Also, the faster it seems to get back on. So I am taking it slow, it's not a race ^^
  • angee1126
    angee1126 Posts: 185 Member
    2 lbs a week and so far, so good!