
scarlettd12 Posts: 111 Member
I am NOT a runner. But I am trying to be. My goal right now is to run a 5k. So when I go to the gym, I do intervals of running and walking. It depends on the day but lately I have been walking for 5 minutes, running for 5 minutes. Sometimes I only run for 5 minutes, then walk for 10. It just depends. Today I told myself I was going to push myself to run for 6 minutes so I could increase my run time. So I walked for 5 minutes to warm up, ran for 6, then walked right? WRONG. At my 6 minute mark for running, I wasn't even tired. So I kept going! I ended up running (ok, jogging...it was at a 5.0 pace) for 15 minutes straight! It was equivalent to 1.25 miles. This may not seem like anything to many of you, but to me it was a major accomplishment! I can't tell you the last time I could run a mile, or for 15 minutes. I'm slowly making progress on my way to a 5k.

Pardon me for being silly....but I am on top of the world :happy: I feel great!


  • keesh1123
    keesh1123 Posts: 229 Member
    Great job! I understand your excitement! I have been thinking of trying to train for a run but had no idea where to start. You just gave me inspiration!
  • Congratulations! That is a huge achievement. And you'll be surprised how easy it is to go just a little further every time. You'll want to challenge yourself more and more! Great job!:happy:
  • suzruns2
    suzruns2 Posts: 16 Member
    Good girl! Make sure you stretch , refuel, and hydrate. That is an accomplishment of which you should be truly proud!
  • HM1971
    HM1971 Posts: 63 Member
    Woo hoo!! I remember when I first started running outside~each day I would run to the next mailbox or "the red car" up ahead. Each day a little further....and soon 3 miles!!!! You can do it.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 406 Member
    Totally not silly and HOORAY for you. Are you doing the Couch to 5K or C25K program? There are some great ones out there -just google it. I did C25K at the beginning of the year and have run in two 5Ks, an 8K and a 10K. Started right where you are and have even won 2nd and 3rd place in 2 races for my age group. Running is addictive! Keep moving! :smile:
  • CnocNaCu
    CnocNaCu Posts: 536 Member
    That's not being silly at all. It is fantastic and I know exactly how you must be feeling. I am 52 and quit smoking 7 weeks ago after 37 years of heavy smoking. I haven't been running since 1978 when I was 19 and last week I ran my first 2 miles (15 mins). I was as happy as Larry:laugh:
    We can be very proud of ourselves. May the steps be small, but we're getting better and better and one day we can do 5K.
    Today I ran 3 miles and wasn't even out of breath.
    Hey girl, be proud of your achievement :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • MercedesV
    MercedesV Posts: 70 Member
    I totally understand. Running scares me but hearing people on MFP talk about how they love it is motivating! WTG. Your helping me get a little less scared of running. lol
  • You may want to try the couch to 5k program. It is designed with intervals of running and walking and after 9 weeks you should be up for a 5k! Might want to check it out.
  • scarlettd12
    scarlettd12 Posts: 111 Member
    Great job! I understand your excitement! I have been thinking of trying to train for a run but had no idea where to start. You just gave me inspiration!

    I'm glad I could be your inspiration! Good luck! I know I haven't got far yet, but it is honestly becoming addicting.

    To everyone else, thanks for the kind words!! I have checked out the Couch to 5K program. I have the app on my phone and use it occasionally. It has been a great help! But sometimes I just want to keep running when the program tells me to stop, so I have found that sometimes it is just easier to do it myself and listen to my body.

    Thanks for all the encouragement!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    I know exactly how you feel and you should feel proud/happy/silly/giddy/boing-boing/yay!
  • cmcravens
    cmcravens Posts: 53 Member
    I do know how you feel. I also have been training to walk/jog a 5K. I learned the training from another site I use to go to. It is basically the way your doing it, in intervals. Today I jogged at 4.8 for 2 Min. and walked at 3.8 for 3 min. Did this for 20 Min. I loved it. This was my first time going 4.8 at a jog. so I can't say that what you did for 15 min was silly, I sure can't wait tell I get there. You are an inspiration, to many of us including me. I know that I will get to 15 min. jogging just like you did.:wink::wink: ::bigsmile:
  • brendabuckeye
    brendabuckeye Posts: 53 Member
    Great job! I started doing 5k's last year, but I hang out with the schloggers (run a little, walk a little) still. Keep pushin on!
  • Lolamako
    Lolamako Posts: 89 Member
    I don't think that's silly at all! It's a HUGE NSV!

    You PUSHED yourself just a bit and look what you did! If someone asked you before if you could do it, you probably wouldn't have ever considered you could run for 15 minutes, let alone said "Yes I can!"

    I think that's a good indicator that you maybe don't want to listed to your MIND, by all means listen to your body, for me the hardest part about running is my mind telling my body "you're tired, this is hard, let's not do this anymore" etc... I have a GymBoss interval timer and from starting out running to now, it has been one of the best $22 I have ever spent. I set it for say 60 minutes of 1 minute walking, one minute running, and just go! I ran my first 3 miles non stop in the middle of August, now I can run 8+ miles. It's all a head game!
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    On a good day, I can run for two hours or more now -- Outside. I still struggle to make 2 miles on a treadmill. For whatever reason it just kills me to run on one.
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    Great NSV!
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    SAME HERE! I am working towards being a runner also and the feeling when you push yourself is over the top amazing! Congrats!!!!!!!!!
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    On a good day, I can run for two hours or more now -- Outside. I still struggle to make 2 miles on a treadmill. For whatever reason it just kills me to run on one.

    I can't do treadmills either. They make me dizzy and I just can't hang with them..not sure why....though I can't say that I can run 2 hours...YET. :)
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    WOW!! that's awesome!! It's a huge thing to me because I'm doing the C25K program now and I'm "running" for 60 seconds... at 4.5... :blushing:

    but, great job!! I can't wait until I can break my 1 minute run!
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    Good for you... thats exactly how I started out too and today I jogged 40 minutes straight at 5.3! Keep at it and you will get there too! So happy for you...it IS a HUGE accomplishment!!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Can I just say that running at 5.0 on the treadmill is NOT jogging!!! That's RUNNING!!!! Anytime you are moving faster than a walk and both feet come off the ground at the same time, it's RUNNING! You are doing great, and I'm glad to see more people become runners. I've only been doing it for 1.5 years but I LOVE it and it's been the best thing ever for my health and fitness... can't wait to get back to race season!

    5k's are addictive... and so are every other race distance I've done... like half marathons!!! Yay for NSV's like this!!!!
  • That is great!! Way to go!
  • hello77kitty
    hello77kitty Posts: 260 Member
    Congrats! I had a similar victory yesterday, I ran 5mph for 2miles with stopping for a couple of minutes to pick up a phone call from SO to huurry up cuz we are leaving the gym lol. But yeah, I felt great, I don't think I have run 2 miles non stop ever! Oh and a bonus, I didn't get shin splints for once. I don't know why...
  • congrats!! That is awesome. BTW you are a runner! :) There is no test to pass, you run therfore you are a runner. Own it girl!
  • sakamanojr
    sakamanojr Posts: 378 Member
    That is awesome. You are now well on your way. It is great to see that your are so giddy, that is the norm when it all starts to click. You are hooked now baby :)
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 203 Member
    That is Incredible! Such a huge accomplishment to go from 5min to 15!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
  • Moriarty_697
    Moriarty_697 Posts: 226 Member
    I had the same sort of breakthrough lately. It does feel great. Congrats.
  • creeperlegume
    creeperlegume Posts: 171 Member
    Good for you!!!! Doesn't it feel amazing?
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    That is so AWESOME! Good for you! I have been running since the beginning of November and still am having a hard time getting my breathing under control, I notice that my legs are not tired, it just my breath. Anyone have any suggestions?
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