How many calories burned during Insanity?!



  • Hi! I have a Polar HRM... I just did the Plyometric Cardio Circuit workout and burned 238 calories. I'm 5 feet tall and 100lbs. Hope that helps!!
  • mexy04
    mexy04 Posts: 96
    I find it difficult to micromanage my consumed to burned calories while doing insanity. So I manually override most of the calculations of myfitnesspal. This is what has worked pretty well for me:

    Figure out your own caloric needs using the Harris Benedict:

    Men: 66 + (6.23 x weight lbs) + (12.7 x height inches) - (6.8 x age in years)

    Women: 655 + (4.35 x weight lbs) + (4.7 x height inches) - (4.7 x age in years)

    That will account for your sedentary calorie needs (everything before activity)

    Then take that number and figure out your activity level. If you're doing Insanity 6 times a week your activity level is probably 1.7 If you're doing it 3-5 times a week then your activity level is probably 1.55. If you are doing insanity 3-5 times a week and then you work as a server, than 1.6 may be more appropriate, etc.

    So take that sedentary calorie need amount you found in the equation above and multiply it by your activity level.

    If you are looking to lose weight. then subtract the necessary calories from that amount. 1lb = 3500 calories so if you want to lose 1 pound a week you would take 3500 x (pounds) / 7 and that's the number you want to lower per day. So if you want to lose 1 pound a week it's 3500 x 1 / 7 which is 500 calories to lower. If you want to lose 2lbs a week it's 3500 x 2 / 7 = 1000 calories to lower. Same with half pounds (.5) etc.

    Once you have calculated this final number of calories per day. Manually override the myfitnesspal to that number, I also have it stated that I want to "maintain" my current weight etc. But if you do this, it's important that you DO NOT ADD THE INSANITY EXERCISE TO YOUR DIARY as it was already accounted for in 'fitness level'.

    If you "record your new weight" often, you can still use the fun little scale to get closer to your goal, etc.

    I know it's longer and more complicated, but it's a bit more accurate, and then you don't have to worry so much about the calorie difference between recovery weeks, versus month one, versus month two.

    I know there are still some out there that insist on keeping the HRM store in business and want to nail every single calorie, etc. And that's cool, to each his own. I just found that this is a pretty easy way for those who are not into the "technical" side of fitness training to have a good base to go from, especially with making myfitnesspal compatible with Insanity, as the myfitnesspal is a great way to keep track of calories, and carb/fat/protein ratios.

    Hope that helps.

    Thank you so much!! I can't afford a HRM right now lol and this is a similar calculation that came with the nutrition guide of insanity. Thanks again :)
  • If i'm doing insanity, how many grams of protein am I suppose to consume with it? 1gram per pound?

    24 years old.
    156 lbs.

    Don'tg really mind my weight but trying to tone/ build lean mass and don't really want to lose muscle mass, just fat percentage.
  • I actually just started and it is the greatest work out ever. I did the plyometric cardio circuit today and it was def intense but felt great after wards:happy: :happy: :happy: . I wish they had some kind of guide so it would be easier to keep track of your calories burned
  • I just started INSANITY and I also love it. Hope I have amazing results :) But I also do Tae Bo and Billy Blanks Bootcamp. Kind of wish there was a way to calculate calories burned. But then again it's hard to determine how hard everyone works out. Best of luck to fellow INSANITY members LOL. Hope we all reach our weight goals :)
  • I just started insanity day 2 and i gather the average is 300 for low, 450 med and 600 hi insanity.
  • Alachofra15
    Alachofra15 Posts: 117 Member
    Yeah I wouldn't put it under 'Calisthenics' as the intensity is a lot harder.

    Today I did Max Plyo Circuit - it's a second month one, 55 minutes long and burned 760 calories, my average heart rate is always around 82-85% - therefore high intensity so I burn 12+ calories a minute. If you're smaller (height and/or weight) than me (I'm 5'9" 162lbs) you won't burn as much, and vice versa if you're bigger.

    It's a good idea to track your average heart rate to get an idea of your level of intensity. Your max heart rate is 220 minus your age.
  • Cindy_Fit4Life
    Cindy_Fit4Life Posts: 147 Member
    I have the same numbers. I burn anywhere from 750 - 1000+ on my Insanity workouts. On the recovery workouts I still burn a whopping 500-600!
  • Hi! I am a fitness fanatic and I hardly ever wear heart rate monitors. But I recently finally purchased one! I love get insanity workouts and I put it on today and did the Plyo Cardio Circuit workout and as you know its a total of like 42-43 minutes. My heart rate monitor said I burned 355 calories to be exact. I didn't stop and was very intense as they are in the whole workout! Hope this helps!
    Missy! ;o)
  • Hi! I am a fitness fanatic and I hardly ever wear heart rate monitors. But I recently finally purchased one! I love get insanity workouts and I put it on today and did the Plyo Cardio Circuit workout and as you know its a total of like 42-43 minutes. My heart rate monitor said I burned 355 calories to be exact. I didn't stop and was very intense as they are in the whole workout! Hope this helps!
    Missy! ;o)
  • I recently purchased a heart monitor when I should have years agoooo for the fitness fanatic that I am. I did the Plyo Cardio Circuit by get insanity for 42 minutes or so with my heart rate monitor on and I burned 355 calories. The whole time/workout I didn't stop! I hope this helps! ;o)
  • I recently purchased a heart monitor when I should have years agoooo for the fitness fanatic that I am. I did the Plyo Cardio Circuit by get insanity for 42 minutes or so with my heart rate monitor on and I burned 355 calories. The whole time/workout I didn't stop! I hope this helps! ;o)
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    My wife who is 5'8" 140, 27 yrs old burns about 400 in the 40 minutes. She's got pretty good sweat / intensity in my opinion. Follows the DVD, no stopping except during the 30 sec breaks.
  • I got a HRM at Walmart for like $50 and was surprised that it does calculate calories.

    You need to use the strap so it has a constant reading of your heart.

    Good luck!

    Which model did you get? I'm also looking for one :)
  • pensgal
    pensgal Posts: 4 Member
    I am so glad to find these posts! I am also on day 3. OMG i feel it!
  • I just did insanity for the first time and even though it was great, I could not keep up at all.. I really hope it does get easier.:smile:
  • shannonbrandy
    shannonbrandy Posts: 3 Member
    It's killer but you'll notice in a week that it starts to get easier to do the excercises. I started last Monday and seriously couldn't even complete the warm-up but you'll improve quickly! Keep at it...I hear the results are beast!
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I burn between 450-500 calories a workout. I'm on the first month.
  • I completely agree today is day one for me I did the fit test then the cardio workout......... My body is at a good hurt, but I feel so much more energized..
  • I've been curious to know about average calories burned so I can log this. I don't know if we can since all of us work at different pace and that is what I'm assuming will get us that number. If your just starting out you may be 320 c burned but if your in your 2nd wk or 3rd you could be higher. I have no idea what too put myself as I'm almost into wk 3. Its tough because if you over guess your eating way many calories but if you under guess your eating not enough so its hit or miss. I found one at Kmart but haven't purchased it yet, it was around $40.00. Just not sure how good it is.
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