I Appreciate the Holiday Pudge =)



  • krisntraining
    krisntraining Posts: 226 Member
    Apparently YOU have never known anyone with an eating disorder. Many of us DON'T have the willpower. And your comment was kind of rude.
    Apparently YOU don't know what the phrase "most of us" means. I'm sorry if you think it's rude for me to point out that in reality, you CANNOT gain 5-10 pounds of fat in a couple of days. If you look at the numbers, it's completely ridiculous. You can certainly gain that much water weight, but not fat.

    If you gain 5-10 pounds over the holidays, it's because you think "the holidays" means Thanksgiving through New Year's. If you don't want to stick to your calorie goal for MOST days during the entire month of December, obviously you're going to gain weight, but don't blame the holidays.

    Elizabeth, do you sit on this site all day, waiting for a chance to be nasty? I've seen you in 2 other posts, both acting like an obnoxious know-it-all!!!!

    Really! No one needs that kind of negativity, especially on this type of site!

    Nice perspective from the OP!
  • tlilly80
    I gained 6 pounds but 4 pounds of it was following a surgical procedure I had on Dec. 23rd. I can only contribute it to my IV fluids because during that time I didn't eat. Either way...I am not allowed to run like I usually do (4-5 times a week) until I get the all clear on Friday :( It's been a really bleh week for me and I feel so lazy and depressed about it. Looking forward to the New Year!!!!
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I gained 8 lbs (according to my scale) and am hoping it will be off in a couple of weeks. You r right. Last year I was 160 and lost down to about 143. Now back up to 151. It is like my definition of fat has changed and the size of my "fat clothes" have changed. That mind shift is a great thing and allows us to stay on track!

    And for the chick who said she didn't gain anything or lost, good for u but u r in the minority!! Most of us struggle with this eating thing on a daily basis. If u can't say anything positive then keep your mouth shut!
  • RochelleBlack
    Apparently YOU have never known anyone with an eating disorder. Many of us DON'T have the willpower. And your comment was kind of rude.
    Apparently YOU don't know what the phrase "most of us" means. I'm sorry if you think it's rude for me to point out that in reality, you CANNOT gain 5-10 pounds of fat in a couple of days. If you look at the numbers, it's completely ridiculous. You can certainly gain that much water weight, but not fat.

    If you gain 5-10 pounds over the holidays, it's because you think "the holidays" means Thanksgiving through New Year's. If you don't want to stick to your calorie goal for MOST days during the entire month of December, obviously you're going to gain weight, but don't blame the holidays.

    The OP said "over the holidays". From Thanksgiving to New Years is the "holiday season". You completely ignored the spirit of her post and slapped her in the proverbial face. This site is to ENCOURAGE others, not pronounce yourself as "holier than thou". Get over yourself, Elizabeth.
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    This was a great post, Worldhurdler! I gained closer to 10 lbs over the holiday season which included birthday right smack between Thanksgiving and Christmas and you know what? I'm okay with that. I'm back to my normal routine and the weight will come back off. There was a time when something like this would have sent me into a tailspin of overeating but I've finally realized that it doesn't have to. I love your attitude! Keep up the good work!
  • worldhurdler
    worldhurdler Posts: 153 Member
    I'm really glad to hear that my thoughts resonnated with several people =)

    I know that, for myself, a huge portion of gaining mastery over my eating and exercise habits was viewing choices more as a set of balance scales than an all-or-nothing/pass-or-fail experiment. When I mentally picture how much weight I've lost on one side of the scale, and then add a few pounds back on the gain side - the scale is STILL tipped way to the loss side! This keeps me from freaking out, taking things out of perspective, and overall re-charges me. It's similar to how many people will factor in a cheat day in their weekly food totals, knowing that they'll make up for it throughout the rest of the week. For me, I have about a 6-week "cheat window" (totally due to lots of exposure to yummy things and lack of total self-discipline: I freely admit it and don't justify it) that is balanced out with my choices throughout the rest of the YEAR. Same concept, just taken to a macro viewpoint.

    Great job to everyone, and I loved reading how so many of you are in a healthier place than last year!
    A few extra pieces of fudge can't take that away from us!!