First time using Polar F6 HRM

kimbo625 Posts: 12 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
So I tried my Polar F6 HRM yesterday for the first time. I was a little discouraged with it! I ran on the treadmill (5.8) for 35 minutes and it said that I burned 278 calories. I’m just not sure if this was accurate. Sure felt like I should’ve burned more than that!! A few times it told me my heart rate was at 90 bpm…. I know that wasn’t right!! My average heart rate was around 135. I felt like that should of been higher too! I know that I had the strap tight enough because it was almost uncomfortable to wear. Any advice?


  • kimbo625
    kimbo625 Posts: 12 Member
    So I tried my Polar F6 HRM yesterday for the first time. I was a little discouraged with it! I ran on the treadmill (5.8) for 35 minutes and it said that I burned 278 calories. I’m just not sure if this was accurate. Sure felt like I should’ve burned more than that!! A few times it told me my heart rate was at 90 bpm…. I know that wasn’t right!! My average heart rate was around 135. I felt like that should of been higher too! I know that I had the strap tight enough because it was almost uncomfortable to wear. Any advice?
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Make sure the strap was high enough and try to tighten the strap around your waist a bit more....mine is really tight - but now if I don't wear it I feel naked....:blushing:
    I don't burn nearly as many calories on a treadmill as an elliptical - try another machine just to see...
  • heygirl1954
    heygirl1954 Posts: 92
    I felt the same way the first time I used mine...But the figures sound about like mine.. I go 60-65 minutes, 4 miles run some and walk brisk some and burn 350 at the max..I was used to what the treaddmill monitor read 600 calories, so ya it was a little disappointing to find out otherwise.. but keep it up...
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    When I first got my HRM, it was a bit disappointing at first because according to it I was not burning nearly as many calories as my eliptical machine said. But the HRM is more accurate than the machines so I learned to push a little harder to get extra burn. Make sure you set everything for your height and weight. Some days I still get disappointed when I think I have had a great workout but only burn a few 100 calories. I have also heard that sometimes other electronic devices can cause problems with the signal.
  • kimbo625
    kimbo625 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you for you help!! I will try it again today!! :0)
  • librarygirl
    librarygirl Posts: 182 Member
    I'm sure you did this but make sure the sensors on the chest strap are moist.
  • momta2girls
    momta2girls Posts: 60
    Just my two cents....

    The chest strap shouldn't be uncomfortable at all. I barely feel mine. I keep it right under the bottom of my sports bra and have no problems.

    If your strap is not the non-interfering kind, it could be pick up from someone else's monitor. In the gym where I work out, sometimes mine goes crazy because my chest strap is the one that doesn't block out other monitors.

    Hope that helps out a little.
  • kwieringa
    kwieringa Posts: 4
    1st........The Polar HRM's will give a caloric expenditure with the information that you put into the HRM as well as the polar Own Index(VO2 Max) which is based on the assessment you do with your HRM. I am a personal trainer and fitness coach and I have to tell people all the time that every persons metabolism is different. The treadmill will give you an average caloric burn rate based on age and weight. eg. all 130 lb females burn the same amount of calories. Fact: A sedentary individual will burn less calories than a conditioned athlete who has maximized growth of lean tissue and trained their bodies to metabolize more calories.

    2nd......Its not about burning calories and working hard. Its about working smart! The harder you work the less fat you burn but you will improve your aerobic system. The lower your heart rate the less calories burned but most come from fat but stay here all the time and you wont improve fitness. You must vary your training intensities over the course of a week to train in your upper zone, middle zone, and lower zone. Then you will condition the entire aerobic system and you will teach your body to burn more calories and more fat too! Continually training hard will result in over-training, burning lean muscle tissue (which destroys your metabolism), a decreased immune system, overuse injuries, and the list goes on. so train smart. not to mention the more you burn the more you must eat. my recommendation is to take the calories burned each day over the course of a week and get a daily average. You will be just fine with adding only those calories for the day.

    I hope this helps. If any one has questions feel free to contact me.
  • lgolden
    lgolden Posts: 164
    Thanks for the info. I just ordered the Polar F7.
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