911!!! Have a Last Minute Dinner Date Tonight!

This is only day two of my journey to a healthier slimmer me and BOOM!!....Meeting a friend tonight at 7:30 at a cajun restaurant, Boudreaux's. I have to be strong...I can do without the fries..but need guidance... I still have 519 calories to spare for the evening since I'm not making my own dinner....but I don't want to blow it on my second day.

Will I sound psycho if i keep telling myself "Be strong B!tch!" while on this date... Please advise how to handle this situation because now-a-days restaurant salads seem to have 1000 frickin calories easily!

What to do? What to do???!!!



  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    Try a plain garden salad, no cheese - and stick to vinegar & oil as a dressing - don't clean your plate, you may need to leave some grilled chicken on the plate if it is more than 4-6oz (that's about half the size of a chicken breast)
    I think restaurants tend to give more meat than we need
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member

    Not sure if this is the same restaurant but I found the menu
  • casey1966
    casey1966 Posts: 1 Member
    Water...drink a couple of glasses during the meal. Eat slow and enjoy the food & the company. No need to clean the plate...look for veggies on the menu & stear clear of bread ( even if it's yummy).
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Um. Enjoy yourself and the company, then get back on track tomorrow?
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    This is only day two of my journey to a healthier slimmer me and BOOM!!....Meeting a friend tonight at 7:30 at a cajun restaurant, Boudreaux's. I have to be strong...I can do without the fries..but need guidance... I still have 519 calories to spare for the evening since I'm not making my own dinner....but I don't want to blow it on my second day.

    Will I sound psycho if i keep telling myself "Be strong B!tch!" while on this date... Please advise how to handle this situation because now-a-days restaurant salads seem to have 1000 frickin calories easily!

    What to do? What to do???!!!

    On a date you will blow it if you don't just eat and have a good time. If you go on about some silly diet tonight, forget having him ever call you again.
    Let today be your weekly "free day" - HAVE FUN!

    And tomorrow, buckle down, and no more dates until next week unless the date is meeting at the gym for a workout and a smoothie afterward.
  • RosalindaP
    RosalindaP Posts: 31 Member
    You will not have fun if you are freaking yourself out over your meal plan all night. Get the menu, make the wisest decisions you can and then ENJOY!! Drink water or unsweetened tea and put your fork down and get into the conversation in between bites. You may go over your calories a little but I bet not nearly as much as if this date were last week.

    Then tomorrow make sure you eat lots of veggies and get some exercise.
  • You can make smart choices off of the menu.
    Go for lean meat and fresh veggies. In the evening it is better to order double veggies instead of a side of potatoes or rice. even fruit is sugar so consider that. Stay away from the bread and butter and dont order alcohol or soda. order a side salad with low fat vinagrette on the side. only use two tablespoons worth and no crutons. iced tea or iced water is always best.
    Pick a meal off the menu and then plug it into MFP.
    I went to a place called Ghengis Grill. I thought i made good choices. A bowl with steak, chicken, veggies, sauces and brown rice..
    it added up to 800 calories!! double what i should have had for lunch. Its all about smart choices.
  • asamuels85
    asamuels85 Posts: 170 Member
    pleeeeaaase don't think of it as "BLOWING IT!" You are in charge of your new healthy lifestyle, not the other way around! :)

    I agree with Maximallife, choose a chance to find that someone! and maybe after dinner you will be even more motivated!! If this person means something to you, let him/her in on the situation, if its a blind date style, idk you very well thing, then have a good time and be cautious about the menu. Many websites offer glimpses of nutrition facts and might even have good advice for "swapping"

    search "eat this not that" for some "swaps" of your favorite meals.
  • RoosterB
    RoosterB Posts: 214 Member
    Walk to the restaurant. That should buy you some more cals.
  • brookelyn2030
    brookelyn2030 Posts: 84 Member
    Um. Enjoy yourself and the company, then get back on track tomorrow?

    I agree with this one. You're better off just watching your portion sizes, vs. coming across as having OCD with food. Enjoy your date!
  • brendabuckeye
    brendabuckeye Posts: 53 Member
    Knowing what you are going to choose ahead of time and how many CALORIES you are putting in your mouth will help, and yes, order water. Add some lemon to make it special maybe? Good luck!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    eat some fish and veggies and have a great time! You won't blow it on the 2nd day. This is a life change and some days are better than others....
  • auntie_missy
    auntie_missy Posts: 113 Member
    I'd have something grilled (shrimp sounds good, fish if you like it, they have chicken too), broccoli or green beans, and yep, fries - just eat half the order. Should end up around 500, and if it's a little over, you should be able to burn it off.
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    You can eat something light before you go. A salad, a yogurt, fruit, etc. This may keep you from overeating. You also can eat half your meal and take the rest hone.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    A few of their menu items are in the database. Look at those before you go. And look for their nutritional information online. If it's in the database, chances are it's also on the web somewhere (you might be able to find more options).
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    You will look like a freak if you order salad with nothing on it...

    Stick with a lean protein and side of veggies...look for heart healthy symbols on the menu if they are there...eat half of it and bag the rest.

    Most importantly, have FUN!!
  • cozylove
    cozylove Posts: 33 Member
    [/quote]On a date you will blow it if you don't just eat and have a good time. If you go on about some silly diet tonight, forget having him ever call you again.
    Let today be your weekly "free day" - HAVE FUN!

    And tomorrow, buckle down, and no more dates until next week unless the date is meeting at the gym for a workout and a smoothie afterward.

    Naw! I ain't going out like that! It's only day two of my journey! If I was one or two months in..then i would be more open to a total cheat night...BUT NOT DAY TWO!!!

    Appreciate your input but...NEXT!!
  • cozylove
    cozylove Posts: 33 Member
    On a date you will blow it if you don't just eat and have a good time. If you go on about some silly diet tonight, forget having him ever call you again.
    Let today be your weekly "free day" - HAVE FUN!

    And tomorrow, buckle down, and no more dates until next week unless the date is meeting at the gym for a workout and a smoothie afterward.

    I'm not quite sure how to edit my reply with "quote post"...but let me try this again...

    Naw! I ain't going out like that! It's only day two of my journey! If I was one or two months in..then i would be more open to a total cheat night...BUT NOT DAY TWO!!!

    Appreciate your input but...NEXT!!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Naw! I ain't going out like that! It's only day two of my journey! If I was one or two months in..then i would be more open to a total cheat night...BUT NOT DAY TWO!!!

    Appreciate your input but...NEXT!!
    How does it matter if it's today or a week from today?

    Oh well, you have fun...
  • cozylove
    cozylove Posts: 33 Member
    YAY!! I figured it out how to post with a previous post! quote

    And BTW...I think my beauty and wonderful convo will not be oversighted by my lack of desire for fried shrimp and Fondue Dip.

    The date is about getting to know the person and their personality..not how much cheese sticks or buffalo wings were downed.

