911!!! Have a Last Minute Dinner Date Tonight!



  • cozylove
    cozylove Posts: 33 Member
    I wish I was able to "like" your reply... Thanks for the sound advice.
  • toabetterlifestyle
    either indulge in moderation and get back on track tomorrow, or look up the menu and decide ahead what you are going to get!
  • cozylove
    cozylove Posts: 33 Member
    BTW..I'm really not that psycho person that would be fighting with her inner food demons on a date. I'm not worried about being OCD on a date about my food choices...I just know that this last minute notice (4 hour notice) get together was not part of my "plan" to get back on track with my weight loss journey.

    I would soooo be ready for the entire Boudreaux's menu prior to finding this site and support system 48 hours ago.

    But y'all have made me a little bit stronger in this very short time...

  • cozylove
    cozylove Posts: 33 Member
    either indulge in moderation and get back on track tomorrow, or look up the menu and decide ahead what you are going to get!

    Lookin up the menu ahead of time...

    Thanks a bunches!
  • walkwithme1
    walkwithme1 Posts: 492 Member
    Ok, so reading this has really made me mad. Cozy, enjoy yourself tonight. But do NOT give up on your goals. Choose healthy, and ordering a salad won't make you appear crazy. I commend you for wanting to stay on track, but enjoyment on a date can no longer be about what you consume food wise. And the first few weeks you change your life are the hardest. I went on a cruise 3 weeks after I decided to change my life and guess what, I LOST weight. No I didn't not eat, I just made healthier choices, fish, chicken, salads, veggies all were delicious and I enjoyed it because I knew I wasn't putting JUNK in my body that would hurt my progress.

    I don't agree with anyone that has told you to just "get back on track tomorrow". This website is supposed to be about encourgement TOWARDS your goals not JUSTIFYING your actions. You will feel much better about the date if you make good choices and don't obsess over what is on your plate. With that said, order a grilled chicken salad with dressing on the side and no croutons. Order a lean steak or grilled fish with veggies.

    If you are serious about the changes, don't look at this like a diet, diets fail, it has to be a change in the way you live. I manage my families restaurant and it's hard to make good choices but it's something I have to do. You will be proud of yourself for the choices you make now. Good Luck!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    On a date you will blow it if you don't just eat and have a good time. If you go on about some silly diet tonight, forget having him ever call you again.
    Let today be your weekly "free day" - HAVE FUN!

    And tomorrow, buckle down, and no more dates until next week unless the date is meeting at the gym for a workout and a smoothie afterward.

    I'm not quite sure how to edit my reply with "quote post"...but let me try this again...

    Naw! I ain't going out like that! It's only day two of my journey! If I was one or two months in..then i would be more open to a total cheat night...BUT NOT DAY TWO!!!

    Appreciate your input but...NEXT!!

  • rthompson81
    rthompson81 Posts: 305 Member
    You will look like a freak if you order salad with nothing on it...

    Damn, I guess I'm a freak. I order salad with nothing on it all the time, with some limes on the side for dressing.
  • surgesilk
    Who the heck takes a doggie bag home on a first date...well, I guess if you want it to be the last date it's ok.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Deep breath and remember to drink water with lemon in it. Try for a greek salad with shrimp and dressing on the side. Stay away from the bread and deserts. If going for an appetizer try for something not fried. Granted have no clue what they offer for dinners. If you do order a meal, ask for a to go bag and stick half of it in there before you start eating. Lunch for tomorrow!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    quote "Will I sound psycho if i keep telling myself "Be strong B!tch!" while on this date... Please advise how to handle this situation because now-a-days restaurant salads seem to have 1000 frickin calories easily!"

    Only if you say it out loud LOL

    Relax try and find the healthier option on the menu and enjoy. You can always eat better over the next few days to make up any overindulgence.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Who the heck takes a doggie bag home on a first date...well, I guess if you want it to be the last date it's ok.

    Excuse me.....I did and guess what? 24 years later we are married and quite happy!
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 403 Member
    Totally disagree with those say you should skip it and have fun and you will "look like a freak" if you eat a salad. Come on. This is a lifestyle. A commitment. If your "date" can't handle who you are and that you might like to eat healthy, then they aren't worth hanging around. You would want someone who would be supportive. You don't have to be all militant about it. You can order healthy things quite nonchalantly. You can ask for dressing on the side. You can ask for food to be grilled without butter/sauces. You can ask and have quite a nice time and FUN with the company but you do not have to compromise your healthy lifestyle for a date. That is just .... unwise. and it isn't who you are or who you are wanting to become!
  • cozylove
    cozylove Posts: 33 Member
    Ok, so reading this has really made me mad. Cozy, enjoy yourself tonight. But do NOT give up on your goals. Choose healthy, and ordering a salad won't make you appear crazy. I commend you for wanting to stay on track, but enjoyment on a date can no longer be about what you consume food wise. And the first few weeks you change your life are the hardest. I went on a cruise 3 weeks after I decided to change my life and guess what, I LOST weight. No I didn't not eat, I just made healthier choices, fish, chicken, salads, veggies all were delicious and I enjoyed it because I knew I wasn't putting JUNK in my body that would hurt my progress.

    I don't agree with anyone that has told you to just "get back on track tomorrow". This website is supposed to be about encourgement TOWARDS your goals not JUSTIFYING your actions. You will feel much better about the date if you make good choices and don't obsess over what is on your plate. With that said, order a grilled chicken salad with dressing on the side and no croutons. Order a lean steak or grilled fish with veggies.

    If you are serious about the changes, don't look at this like a diet, diets fail, it has to be a change in the way you live. I manage my families restaurant and it's hard to make good choices but it's something I have to do. You will be proud of yourself for the choices you make now. Good Luck!

    You're my new MFP Buddy!...YOU ROCK!!!
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 403 Member
    Right on, Walkwithme!!!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I don't agree with anyone that has told you to just "get back on track tomorrow". This website is supposed to be about encourgement TOWARDS your goals not JUSTIFYING your actions.
    How is encouraging someone to be realistic, and exercising moderation, not helping?
  • carlisle19
    carlisle19 Posts: 9 Member
    They offer fresh seafood you can get it grilled with vegetables.
  • MarceloFigueroa
    MarceloFigueroa Posts: 1 Member
    If the restaurant has Dirty Rice or Red Beans & Rice on the menu, these are good entrees that should keep you within your calorie count. Also, grilled shrimp, grilled red fish or grilled tilapia. And don't be afraid to ask for nutrition info. They may actually have it.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I don't agree with anyone that has told you to just "get back on track tomorrow". This website is supposed to be about encourgement TOWARDS your goals not JUSTIFYING your actions.
    How is encouraging someone to be realistic, and exercising moderation, not helping?
    This website is about learning from those with RESULTS.

    People can have their theories about fitness and philosophies about health.
    I prefer results; that's what I respect.

    Learn from those who are already where you seek to be,.
  • Hola723
    Hola723 Posts: 159 Member
    When your meal arrives, have the waiter bring you a to-go box. Immediately put half the meal in the to-go box and set it aside. I find I don't miss the other half at all and leave full and satisfied.
  • cozylove
    cozylove Posts: 33 Member
    Okay peeps! Take it down a level!! I'm having the Boiled Shrimp...Okay!!?? LOL!!!

    Will give the basic "Good Date"...."Bad Date" details later...NO BIGGIE for me...Just another night out for a single chick! Only difference..I'm trying to eat better and within "Portion Control"..That's it Folks.