Anyone else looking to lose almost 100 lbs like me?

Hi everyone! I'm new to My Fitness Pal and need new friends that'll help keep me motivated. I really do feel more motivated than ever to FINALLY lose this weight and I'm looking for people who are looking to lose close to or more than I'm looking to lose so we can help each other. Deal? :-)


  • PurelyTheRealMe
    I'll add you! I'm new and need to lose 80-90. I need all the help I can get. :)
  • justahautemommy
    Add me I have about the same goals... we can hold each other accountable!
  • jcolon20
    sounds good to me. count me in.
  • tananichelle
    tananichelle Posts: 103 Member
    Friend request sent! :)
  • ligiasfonseca
    Me Adicionem...quem sabem juntos se torna mais fá
    GINAvsGINA Posts: 270 Member
    Sending you a request, I have 100+lbs to lose.
  • andiimarie
    andiimarie Posts: 114 Member
    Yup! I've got over 100 to lose and I'm ready to get it done! Feel free to add me. Good luck!
  • Doresoontobehealthy
    I'm in this with you.
  • debnelms
    I need to lose 50 pounds.:smile:
  • Jhulet
    Jhulet Posts: 32
    I have over 100 to lose- happy to help support and encourage anyone going through this along the way- the more the merrier- feel free to friend me :smile:
  • SarahBrown1979
    SarahBrown1979 Posts: 229 Member
    I need to lose it too! I have over 100 lbs to lose but looking to be down at least30-50 lbs by my wedding in May! Add me, we can def support each other!!
  • Cambiovida
    Cambiovida Posts: 13 Member
    I have 100lbs to lose... I am motivated to lose it all!!! MFP is a great community with very motivating people and success stories. Feel free to add me!
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    I have 123lbs to lose! I'm currently 323 and I want to get down to 200. My current short term goal is to reach 299lbs and finally be OUT of the 300's! But right now I'm focusing on at least getting down to 310lbs, which is still a number I haven't seen on the scale in a loooong time. I'd like to be down to 299 by my birthday, February 24th, and hopefully lose the rest by my NEXT birthday! :)

    Good luck and I wish you the best!!

    Love and Alohas,
    Ihilani Kapuniai
  • nicolebunny55
    Welcome!! I completely understand your journey I have about 60lbs to lose and maybe a little more. I have lost of total of 10lbs since I joined. This site has the most encouraging people on it. I know I will reach my goals and I am in agreement that you will too!!

    Feel free to add me:smile:
  • BeautifulVirgo
    BeautifulVirgo Posts: 72 Member
    I'm have to lose 140 pounds need all the support to get rid of this extra
  • empresslove13
    empresslove13 Posts: 48 Member
    yes!!! i do... gooood lawd help us all!
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    I have over 100 to lose, feel free to add me!
  • back2stacey
    I am motivated to lose the weight this year also. I am looking for support also and will be glad to help you reach your goal also.
  • monishia123
    ME! ME! ME! I'm not sure if I will make the 100 pound mark...but I can DEFINITELY hang in there with you and push for 50 this year! LETS DO IT!!!