Newbie - W/ 100+ To go

I am just starting out. I've lost 18 lbs over all. 8 of that since I joined. I've tried this before and failed. I actually think I'm scared of dieting, as crazy as that may seem. Over the years I think I've formed an emotional attachment to food. And changing that will be life changing and hard. I decided if I'm going to do this I need some help. And what I need is some encouragement and someone to say "I've been there and you can do it!"

Here's to a journey!


  • cbbn11
    cbbn11 Posts: 121 Member
    Don't think of it as a diet. Think of it as a lifestyle change. The problem with diets are when you come off them you go back to the old ways of eating. I too have a love for food but now instead of eating empty calories or junk food I try to make my food count. You will find that a healthy eating habit will keep you fuller longer. I had lost around 65 lbs before I got sick by just changing the foods I eat and how often I eat.
    I know what your thinking, no I did not get sick because of the eating, it was a bad sinus infection that needed
    So after a year and a half of giving up (waiting for surgery) I have now put more weight on than I lost so I just signed up here and am going to do it again.

    And yes you can do it.
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    I was there 6 months ago and have now lost 45 pounds. I agree, this is not a diet, but a lifestyle change. I want to be healthy and this change will last for the rest of my life. If you would like to add me as a friend, that would be great. I can encourage and share. Carla
  • Poohsta0
    Poohsta0 Posts: 147 Member
    ^^ What he said. I have only been at it 3 weeks and am making better choices without feeling slighted. Diets never worked for me, I think, because I felt like I was punishing myself. here I am making positive choices and seeing results (small ones so far) and that is helping me avoid feeling punished.
    Also I find getting busy keeps me from eating when I am bored etc.
    Feel free to add me!
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    I am right there with you feeling a lot of the same things. I am totally addicted to food. One step at a time toward a heathly lifestyle. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Don't think of it as a diet. Think of it as a lifestyle change.


    Don't diet! Change your lifestyle to be healthier. Don't starve yourself or cut corners. Eat healthy, whole foods and find an exercise program that works for you. You can do it! I joined 30 days ago and have lost 5 lbs on here and 10 before joining (I need to lose 50 lbs total). After trying tons of different diets, I am now addicted to this site. It is the best by far, and you will be supported here by all of your new friends!
  • Ambo00
    Ambo00 Posts: 38 Member
    I know how you feel! Its been my experience that if you make a healthier version of your favorite comfort foods! I love to eat chilli dogs but they are sooooo bad. However, turkey hotdogs with turkey chilli and fat free chilli knows how to make my day a lot better!
  • kemeko
    kemeko Posts: 158 Member
    Welcome! MFP is a great place for the support and motivation you are seeking. As Cynduck stated, take it one day at a time. You will get to your goal. Feel free to add me as a friend, I'd be happy to cheer you on! :smile:
  • Hey there Newbie,

    Congratulations on you success :)

    I have been where you are. I spent much of my 20s and all of my 30s as clinicly obese. In my 40's I decided to take control of my life and with diet and excercise lost 95 pounds. I have kept it off for 3 years now. My experience has been that everyday is about choices and outcomes. Unfortunately, my experience has been that for those of us that like to eat and may have emotional attachments to food , that the struggle never gets easy. I wish it did. However, remind yourself that when you really want to cave in, that if you quit now you will never get to where you are going. That motto helped me alot. Also, through this, I have learned the long term benifits of living a healthy lifestyle far outweigh the temporary ones that Haggendaz brings, and that life on the other side of the 200+ pound mark doesnt have to be all about deprivation. A planned indulgence is good for morale :) Stay strong sista. I am rooting for you.
  • Hello Newbie from a fellow newbie! Have just done the DREADED weigh in & measure - what a sickening feeling to face those numbers but here we go together! Let's encourage each other to reach our goals - Just about this time last year I was at my goal & feeling fantastic - had a bad experience, family issues blah blah blah & here I am having put on 11 of the 15 kgs I had originally lost. Not letting the other 4 back on. I wish you AND me well in our quest - healthier & happier & proud of ourselves! My 17 year old daughter said hey Mum your're 53 - you CAN'T be a skinny 27 year old ...why not I say - no more excuses. Good luck to us & all of those just starting out.
  • To echo what everyone else here is saying, this is NOT a diet. If you think of it like that, you will get nowhere. Don't go on a DIET, make a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. When I started here at MFP (somewhere around mid-November) I had no idea what I was trying to get into. Now, a little over a month and a half later, I've lost almost 16 lbs, I feel better, and my body is starting to show it. Stick with it, choose your food wisely, exercise at least 3-4 times a week even if it's a walk around the block. My wife found all kinds of low-cal recipes, mostly from Taste of Home. They are delicious! I don't feel like I'm giving anything up except my old self, and I really hope that once he is gone I never see him again. This takes willpower, determination, and most of all heart. It's rough at the beginning, but think about where you will be when you end up. Stay strong and ask for help if you need it!
    Good luck!
  • Quirkybelle
    Quirkybelle Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a newbie to weight loss. I'm glad I'm finally doing something about my weight. Oh btw my name is Brittany and I'm from Georgia. I have a one year, Olivia and a husband, Rocky. I gained 100 pounds after delivery. I weigh 268 and I have lost 10 pounds. This is first time I have ever did anything and not giving up. I'm finally doing something I want to do. I want to lose weight for me and not for anyone else. I have plenty of support from my husband. I would love I hope to get a friend or two on this website.
  • cchall78
    cchall78 Posts: 3 Member
    I have done the dreaded weigh in. YIKES! Talk about a sickening wake up call. But I can make a change. We've just got to keep working.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Welcome!! I have over 100 to go myself. I'd lost a bunch earlier this year then stopped taking care of myself, so now I'm back to the beginning and this time I will prevail! :D Add me as a friend if you would like, I'd love to support you and get some myself!!
  • cchall78
    cchall78 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you all for your support. I was feeling pretty down about today. I did really good on my intake. Just a funk I guess. Thanks for the support. I look forward to sharing encouragement with each of you.
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    I'm there with you. I have a horrible "addicton" to food and I also think I suffer at times with some binge eating. I will eat and eat until I can't eat anymore and then feel horrible. I have some awesome support on here and would be glad to add you to my list of people I would like to support. I have to lose 99lbs. I am starting over again.. hopefully for the last time.

    Good Luck to you!!
  • KathyWel
    KathyWel Posts: 140
    Anyone can feel free to add me! I have about 70 additional pounds to lose!
  • You can do it! I am a Newbie also! Let us support and motivate you! Cheers to this journey, Good Luck!
  • Hi !! I just joined today and I have 115 pounds to lose for my goal weight. I can use all the support I can get !!! The diet part is not what bothers me, it's the exercise. I have degenerative bone disease in my back making it hard to walk for a long period of time. I must find alternative methods of exercising - any ideas ???
  • mscc67
    mscc67 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi...I'm 45 and I'm new at MFP. I have over 160 pounds to lose. Wow, I need to lose a whole other person. I'm just getting started and I need alot of support and motivation. My closest friend, who is also my size, just has gastric bypass surgery. I'm so happy for her, but I know when she starts losing and I'm still this size I will be so depressed and then I'll feel guilty for not being excited for her. I am going to need someone to talk to. I would love to make friends and would be glad to listen to anyone that just needs to talk or needs support.
  • Hi Newbie! I was there 2 years ago! I agree with the lifestyle change! You have to look at it as a new way of living, and adapt the things you know will stick forever. Ive lost close to 90 lbs, its totally do able! You will have your bad days, we all do. However don't beat yourself up about it. Pick up where you left off and move on. Enjoy the journey, there is a ton of support out there for what your doing. I’ve adopted a new way of life and will never look back, just booked an appointment with a college admissions counselor on becoming a fitness coach, and nutritionist....making this a permanent fixture in my life.