busy bee.. looking for buddies

so i'm new to this whole thing. i'm really bad at keeping up with these things but i'm SOOO wanting to try this time!! that means i need help and support and someone to say "hey, what in the world are you doing" lol really i just want to make some new friends who know where im coming from. i work full time AND am taking a full load trying to finish my degree.. so i really struggle with maintaining a diet and exercise plan. like i said though, i really want to get serious this time and stay on track. i think i can, i think i can, i think i can ;) buddies would be much appreciated!!


  • welcome! I am in the same boat, I will add you! having friends on here is great, it really keeps you motivated and accountable!
  • I fell off the wagon with my diet and it is my new year's resolution to lose weight and get fit. I can completely relate to what u are saying and I know how life can get in the way. I will push u if u push me.
  • Ambo00
    Ambo00 Posts: 38 Member
    If all else fails I know how to find you! I will find you and motivate you! :)
  • wildrosekasey
    wildrosekasey Posts: 26 Member
    thats exactly what ive been saying for the last month - "i fell off the wagon"
    sadly, i just never got back on LOL