feeling a little lonely

I have been on a diet on and off for about 5 years now. This is the first time that i have stuck to a weight loss plan and i am actually doing great!! 47 pounds and counting!! why am i feeling a little upset? EVERYONE surrounding me doesnt support me. I was told today that i talk about my weight loss too much, and i obsess over wanting to work out everyday!! i feel like now i need to be quiet about how i feel, and shouldnt even be proud of what i have accomplished. is there anyone out there that has any of these issues?? anyone who would like add me i would appreciate it!! People on here at least support and know how hard this whole losing weight and keeping it off thing is!! thanks for reading my rant! :)


  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    I"m happy to be here, too. I feel the same way-people "in real life" look at me like I'm an nut job when I talk about fitness and workouts and everything I like to do, and how I eat, etc... It has gotten to the point that I rarely say anything anymore unless someone asks me a specific question. It makes me sad, but until the people in my life decide to be healthy and fit, I guess I have to keep my happiness to myself, too.
  • ssassy428
    ssassy428 Posts: 15 Member
    Keep on talking about it. If anything these people are not happy about themselves and their lack of motivation. You have done an awesome job taking care of yourself and inspiring people like me to get off the couch and into the gym.
  • galvodka
    galvodka Posts: 102
    I think that there has to be a happy/medium somewhere. Obviously you are working hard and deserve to feel very proud of your weight loss.....but no one likes to have a friend who only talks about one topic. Mfp is the best place to make new friends to talk to about it!!! People also tend to feel a little envious of people who have motivation and drive to reach their goals...as sad as that sounds.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    I know how you feel. You can always come here and gush-there's a whole community of people who are as excited as you are.
  • michiganderrdh
    michiganderrdh Posts: 151 Member
    Keep doing what you are. You're concentrating on you and health! That is what matters!

    Surround yourself with positive people with similar interests. I remember my dad commenting on how he was worried I was too skinny (a healthy weight but he wasn't use to me being lean). I finally said he needed to stop and support me.

    Stay focused and CHIN_UP!
  • BenjaminMckee123
    BenjaminMckee123 Posts: 58 Member
    THANK YOU EVERYONE!! its nice to see such a quick response to this!! i was feeling a low today, but thanks to you all, im feeling even more motivated to accomplish my goals!
  • shadshad
    You are a great person and what you are doing shows that you have a great mind and character....
    It is not possible to stop some one like you from achieving what you can.......
    Let no one judge you......you are your best judge....don't listen to short-sighted comments.....look at the larger picture and keep marching...because when you reach your goal.....you would cherish every moment of your journey...both good and bad......
    Go Girley!
  • loki3981
    loki3981 Posts: 249 Member
    You are a great person and what you are doing shows that you have a great mind and character....
    It is not possible to stop some one like you from achieving what you can.......
    Let no one judge you......you are your best judge....don't listen to short-sighted comments.....look at the larger picture and keep marching...because when you reach your goal.....you would cherish every moment of your journey...both good and bad......
    Go Girley!

    Ohhh I like this! You can do this no matter what anyone else says. Do it for yourself. You are awesome.
  • appleseeds
    appleseeds Posts: 212 Member
    In my experience it basically is better to save the diet/exercise talk for those who actually want to listen, like people here on MPF.
    It frustrated my BF because he couldnt stand me ever saying a bad word about myself,
    It frustrates a lot of my friend who want to lose weight but don't have the motivation.
    I still think they should be there to listen now and then, but I felt more isolated when I tried to talk about diet/exercise all the time to people who didnt want to listen. These days MPF is my outlet.

    EDIT: I feel like maybe its bad that I'm saying don't talk about, I just want to clarify I am talking from my experience and I DO get obsessive. Also, I think that you can be proud of you accomplishments without being obsessive
  • Tdk4685
    Tdk4685 Posts: 293 Member
    I am sure sorry to hear that those close to you are not supportive. It is a hard journey, most likely they just dont understand. Just know we are here for you. You have done an amazing job and you should be proud of your accomplishment.