Challenge group

I want to start a challenge group. Please message me
If you like to join. I want to know what ppl want to do or what they are interested in. That way I can make sure everyone is in the same path. Great way for support and to make new friends. Message or add me:)


  • hailz840
    hailz840 Posts: 136 Member
    im always keen for a challenge and i have just joined here also. my goal is to loose some weight. i am into running/biking etc. perhaps the goal could be something to do with amount of exercise per week or distance??
  • Jenene88
    Jenene88 Posts: 281 Member
    Depending in how many ppl it's gonna ba a group thing from 3-5 ppl. Have to eat clean/healthy, workout everyday. And everyday/week I'm gonna post a challenge thy you have to do. It's gonna be something like that. U have to log everything in. So let's just say its 10 weeks long, you get to see how certain things work for other ppl and how much weight everyone has lost.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I will join your challenge group. =]
  • LilMizDetermined
    LilMizDetermined Posts: 174 Member
    I'm down :) I don't really have access to a gym (I'm home for break from school) so I can't really do a lot of "gym-like" exercises.
  • hailz840
    hailz840 Posts: 136 Member
    i dont know that i could commit to working out every day as i have 2 young kids and depending on hubby's hours sometimes it is just not possible. i like the idea of posting a challenge every day though - what type of things did you have in mind for that?
  • I already exercise 6 X week. However, since I incorporate weight lifting, I always allow 1 day of rest. But I'm down!