motivating myself with a little black dress

I haven't tried any real kind of goal or motivating tool thus far, fearing that i'll pick something unrealistic and give up when I can't reach it. But now I feel it's time, so here is my promise to myself, made here in public for all of you to see: I will go to the gym at least four times per week doing cardio and strength training, and keep my food choices in check for the next two(ish) months. On February 15th, I will take a good look at my body and go out and buy a little black dress, to be worn at a party with my boyfriend.
(we celebrate valentine's day on the 15th because we're poor!)
I am so excited about this! Having the ideal little dress in my mind will help me motivate myself to get to the gym and work harder. I will rock that dress!


  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    I haven't tried any real kind of goal or motivating tool thus far, fearing that i'll pick something unrealistic and give up when I can't reach it. But now I feel it's time, so here is my promise to myself, made here in public for all of you to see: I will go to the gym at least four times per week doing cardio and strength training, and keep my food choices in check for the next two(ish) months. On February 15th, I will take a good look at my body and go out and buy a little black dress, to be worn at a party with my boyfriend.
    (we celebrate valentine's day on the 15th because we're poor!)
    I am so excited about this! Having the ideal little dress in my mind will help me motivate myself to get to the gym and work harder. I will rock that dress!

    Yay for you!
    Honestly I think that is one of the best ways to motivate yourself.
    Also you WILL rock that dress!
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 614 Member
    Best of luck. Look forward to February when we see an even more stunning you!
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Yay! You can do it!!
  • What a great goal! Buying new clothes is always a nice reward, I say. :)
  • thanks everybody! it's funny a coworker tonight heard me say i was on a diet and he said, "why? you're beautiful! who said who have to lose weight?"-he's from Cameroon and a really sweet guy. I told him there was nobody making me lose weight, i just wanted to. I agreed with him that I am beautiful, but added that i wanted to live long and prosper. it was interesting to hear myself say that i am beautiful now- even with 35lbs to go.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    i bought a new bikini that fits but i want to look more toned. i have it hanging in my closet with my pics of me at my heaviest and that is so 45th bd is may so i have plenty of time. its good to have goals but if you dont make it by then just reevaluate it at that time