30 Day Shred virgin!

So, after I kept reading posts containing that little phrase, I Googled it, and have just ordered my own DVD! I think these forums are keeping Jillian Michaels in bread and butter the way we buy her work-out DVDs!

I'm a little nervous, there were loads of reviews on Amazon (other retailers are available... Haha!) about how you can barely walk the morning after your first try and that they weren't going to manage every day, maybe every other day, but surely the point is that you keep at it for a month, no?

Is it really that awful?

If this is the case, I shall need a LOT of motivation!

(My mother's support doesn't count, listening to her makes me want to NOT do well, how childish am I?!)

I can do this! I can!


  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    you will be sore the 1st few days but it's a good thing. I was sore sore after day 2-3 that i was going to give myself a day break but i ended up pushing through it. since then i haven't been sore at all. I just started level 3 yesterday and it kicked my a**,lol.... it is hard at 1st but you will notice how your endurance will get better even by day 5! it's so worth it! i have lost a few lbs and 1 inch off my hips and waist and 1.5 off my belly so far....

    you can do it everyday if you wish or every other day, it's all up to you. I think as long as you are doing it, that the best thing!
  • sansouchi1050
    I just finished day 5 of level one. I started with 2 lbs weights and could barley finish work out one. Already today....I was able to keep up with the modified work out. I was a little tight after the first day or two, but nothing major, I would say just jump in, and push your self each day.
  • karenhs2
    karenhs2 Posts: 197
    Another 30DS virgin starting January 1st. I think it is pretty easy to help help and motivation on here with this and that will help. I am doing it with a group. That one is closed but I think I saw another in a recent thread. I think having a group to go through it with will help me a lot. Especially getting past that initial soreness and keeping on.
  • Eponine7
    Eponine7 Posts: 161
    I have done 3 full circuits of 30 DS.

    What I can tell you is that you will, in fact, be very sore for at least a few days. Ice and ibuprofen will be your friends. For me, the soreness disappeared entirely by day 4.

    You really have to push through it and do not give yourself the option to quit. It CAN be done and you CAN do it.

    Good luck!!
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    I presumed the people that complained of extreme soreness for a few days weren't used to exercise. Is that not the case then? I'm about to start 30DS so I'd like my illusions intact and not shattered thanks!
  • SlowlyFighting
    SlowlyFighting Posts: 34 Member
    Well I'm pretty used to exercise so I'm with you Sassia!

    Let's hope it doesn't kill me :)

    Thanks guys!
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    Let's see how we go. Good luck :)
  • nborsh22
    nborsh22 Posts: 72 Member
    I had completed the 9 week Couch to 5k running program right before I started 30 DS. I thought I would be fine, endurance was up, legs felt strong, figured it would be my arms that were sore. WRONG.....I could not walk for 2 days after Day 1. In total I took 4 days off and started over. The first day I had no trouble doing them, but it was the pain the next day that was unbearable. I took it much easier on the lunges and squats the second time. So my advice it to not go crazy the first couple days to see how your body is going to react. Ibuprophen and lots of water helped me when I started the second time. I finished Level 2 Day 4 today and love it!!! I was taking a break every 3-4 days and now we have a new treadmill so I plan to start running 3 days a week again so will alternate with 30 DS.

    It is a fun workout. It's 20 minutes so Jillian reminds you to push yourself and knowing it's only 20 min you can do it!!!
  • bjmmcw98
    I did it back in March and I will agree with everyone else, it was hard the first 2-3 days but then it gets a little easier on your muscles. It is only 20 minutes so just keep telling yourself you are going to do it because you want to be healthy and thin.
  • MsClaudiaMarie
    I presumed the people that complained of extreme soreness for a few days weren't used to exercise. Is that not the case then? I'm about to start 30DS so I'd like my illusions intact and not shattered thanks!

    That's not necessarily true. I work out 4-5 days out of the week and i just started 30DS (on my third day). After the first day I was a little sore the next morning, but I also started with the 5 lb weights. It challenges everyone from beginners to advanced.
  • BabyWishes2012
    I just started 30ds and the first few days I couldnt move..everything hurt. Legs, arms, chest....
    I havent been able to get my workouts in because of the holidays but, I am back in gear tomorrow.
    I have a goal to lose 25lbs by march, as I am starting IVF treatment and want to get down so im @ a good pre prego weight.

    Best of luck, Its hard but keep going it will get easier.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    If you've done any kind of regular exercise before, I bet you won't find '30 Day Shred' to be overly challenging at all! I occasionally do a level of the Shred when I don't have time for a full-length workout. The cardio segments are all short and the weights used for the strength portions are extremely light (3-5 lbs).

    You can do this! :-)
  • chellk71
    It kicks my butt. But I love it.
  • ajlarz
    ajlarz Posts: 155 Member
    I presumed the people that complained of extreme soreness for a few days weren't used to exercise. Is that not the case then? I'm about to start 30DS so I'd like my illusions intact and not shattered thanks!

    Not the case for me... I am an avid exerciser and after starting 30DS, my legs wanted to fall off. I was so shocked at the muscles that apparently are not used as much as they should be! It actually felt good in an odd way because I knew the work was paying off!
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    I knew you would all shatter my illusions!

  • ajlarz
    ajlarz Posts: 155 Member
    I knew you would all shatter my illusions!


    However...I did not find the actual workout itself to be too difficult. I was able to get through it fairly easily, so it was much to my surprise when I woke up the next day and could hardly walk!
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Don't be scared. I bought the dvd a while ago and then I fell off the wagon. Today was my first day back and it's not easy but it's worth it. When I first started I felt totally empowered and capable by day 6. but the soreness stopped around day 5. Today, my heart was more tired than anything. There's a part on the DVD where she says "I want you to feel like you're going to die" and I alway respond...I do haaaaaa I think it's level 2. I alternate between level 1 and 2. because I get bored very easy I have found the courage to go to 3 yet. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just tell yourself it's only 20 minutes.

    Good luck
  • nborsh22
    nborsh22 Posts: 72 Member
    However...I did not find the actual workout itself to be too difficult. I was able to get through it fairly easily, so it was much to my surprise when I woke up the next day and could hardly walk!

    Exactly what happened to me! But now I love it and just get the "I had a good workout" soreness when I increase weights and moved to level 2.
  • karnypops
    karnypops Posts: 21 Member
    I just ordered my 30 day shred DVD today, looking forwrad to trying it out. I have Jillian Michaels 6 week 6 pack already and it's really good I just wanted to tone up, but now I'm ready to lose these extraChristmas pounds, all the reveiws sound good aswell so good luck!
  • hungreeteacher17
    hungreeteacher17 Posts: 135 Member
    Santa brought the 30 day shred - I'm starting now - & I am a little scared - wish me luck:)