
Hello! I am a new member referred here by my new workout buddy. I'm 45 and need to lose at least a hundred pounds. It sounds so insurmountable, but then I perused the success board and I became incredibly hopeful! A year and a half ago I lost 40 pounds, then gained back 50. I'm hoping with a support network, I can stay on track and finally reach my goal. I'm truly hoping this site proves to be a useful tool for me!


  • katynoel09
    katynoel09 Posts: 1 Member
    You go girl! :happy:
  • zontuin
    zontuin Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome! You can do it! Glad to have you on board. Sounds like you have a wonderful friend there in your new workout buddy. I'm happy to help however I can as well.
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
  • tim_w13
    tim_w13 Posts: 101 Member
    congrats for taking step forward for healthy life style. I never been an exercise person but with incredible MFP friends, I am here completing my 30 day shread. It is like missing lunch now. wish you luck and would lovve to support if you ever need. GL.
  • So it's been a week, and I have to say, "WOW!" There is so much support here, it's amazing!!!! I love the supportive messages every day!! I now have to get on the ball and reciprocate. Thanks to all of you, so very very much. I look forward to this year being the year I finally take charge and take care of my health.