Halfway there, yet I fell off - looking for accountability

(reposted from the motivation section as apparently it should be here instead)
I am roughly halfway to my goal, having lost 60 pounds over the last year and a half, bouncing along the way. Though I started off using MFP to keep track, I fell off, and never really got back. I still have another 40 to go, but I haven't been able to lose any for several months as I just can't keep myself accountable to myself
So, with that said, I am looking for anybody who wants to join me, set goals for each other, and, well, keep each other acountable. I know that working out in teams is a great tool, so why isn't keeping our diaries and the like?

Any amount, any size, whatever your stats, I am looking to help keep you in line and hoping you can do the same to me. Basically, i am looking for people to take this walk with me - Let's lose it together!


  • toddhin
    toddhin Posts: 3 Member
    Today is my first day and it looks like I have the same starting point you did. I am definatley looking for someone to hold me accountable.
  • Today is my first day and it looks like I have the same starting point you did. I am definatley looking for someone to hold me accountable.

    Gotcha, let's do this
  • MrRush
    MrRush Posts: 4 Member
    Hey guys, count me in. Same story. Need the motivation to keep focused. Too much other stuff gets in the way.
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    really happy to help pull along anybody serious about doing this!

    I've done it, I'm now using MFP to train with for my events next year!

    You may not keep up with me (lol) but if you use MFP the way I did when I lost my weight last year you will have at least one friend who you can try and keep up with - it made ALL the difference for me and got me fit and slim FAST.

    I treasure the friends that (inadvertantly) did that by making me think about what they were doing and the burns they were posting - it kept me accountable and made me realise that if they could do it then there was nothing stopping me :)
  • Bunny, if you want to burn me whenever I don't enter my journal (starting in the new year) or workout on schedual, I would love that
    what events are you looking at? My exercise goal is to hit a 5k (charity one organized by my law school) in april, followed by a 10k for Thanksgiving - my fitness is to, well, be where I should be
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    Bunny, if you want to burn me whenever I don't enter my journal (starting in the new year) or workout on schedual, I would love that
    what events are you looking at? My exercise goal is to hit a 5k (charity one organized by my law school) in april, followed by a 10k for Thanksgiving - my fitness is to, well, be where I should be

    I'm happy to keep an eye on you - I get very busy and sometimes seem like I'm not around but trust me, I haven't missed a day of logging in yet :)
    Why are you starting in the new year? You have 4 perfectly good days to start the habit NOW. Are you serious about this? There's no such thing as a new years resolution, you can start ANY day.
    You can run a 5km in April, no problem. And a 10km in October is a fantastic goal!
    Check my profile for the events I am planning on - but remember I came from where you are now - there's nothing stopping you except your mindset.
  • It's only because at that point I am leaving the parental's house to head back to school, thus allowing me to actually know how much I am eating (my parents are not exactly supportive, they have somehow decided I am starving myself)

    Yeah, I know, it sounds odd