Im back!..third time lucky?

So Ive tried so many things to loose weight and ive join MFP three times now lol ive tried herbalife but way too expensive for me!
So back to counting calories for me!
Would love some friends on here for motivation etc =]


  • TinaAK
    TinaAK Posts: 18 Member
    I'm a newbie too. I'll send you a friend request. Third times the charm right!? Good luck!
  • fingers crossed third times the charm! thanks ive accepted ya =]
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    I'm right there too. I hit my goal in September and was soooo excited by the size 8 pants. Now I'm 10 pounds heavier. I'm also starting over. I guess the alternative to starting over is quitting and just continue getting bigger and sicker. To Health, To Committment, To Making this the LAST TIME we start over. GOOD luck!!!