Buddy systems

Okay so how well has this worked for other people? Was reading a post about someone who had a water buddy to help make sure he was getting in all his water. For me I have always thought the buddy idea would work however what do you do when your buddy falls off the band wagon so to speak?

Any ideas or anyone serious enough to buddy with others on here?


  • mommamindi
    I have always wanted a buddy....someone to send me a text/message to kick me in the butt when I am struggling. Its this time of night where I want to binge even though I am not hungry
  • Dove1984
    I'm the same way. Can't sleep at night so I get bored and what better way to fill time then to sit and eat and watch TV. Well not anymore.
  • mommamindi
    I'm the same way. Can't sleep at night so I get bored and what better way to fill time then to sit and eat and watch TV. Well not anymore.

    Exactly! I love to relax and watch my TV, my problem is that I think I need to snack while I do it...maybe I will lay in my bed and watch TV that way....I dont know yet.
  • Dove1984
    I think I found that drinking water with lemon juice might be my key. I can't stand water that has no flavor and lemon juice has no calories. It's just the motion of putting something to my mouth that I need.
  • mommamindi
    Maybe I will try that...I dont know, I just know I need to keep myself busy and NOT SNACKING
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    My entire friends list is "my buddy".
  • andy2797
    andy2797 Posts: 7 Member
    For me I've found that when I have friends as buddies all we do is laugh and joke around and don't really get down to business at the gym. But since my boyfriend and I started working out together it has been very successful. I think if you find someone with the right personality it can be great. I just can't do anything serious around my best friend... all we do is laugh! LOL
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    i sometimes trick myself with drinking some chicken/beef/vegetable broth. Its nice and warm... lasts a while and "tastes" like real food. should drink a glass of water with it too. Some broths can be high in sodium.

    Just a little trick i use. maybe it will help you!
  • Dove1984
    My mom and I were going to do it but because of her medical all she can do is aqua therapy and I want machines. Had another friend who was all gung ho about it but couldn't afford the gym and as we live in WI and it's winter we can't walk outside. And she was all like super gung ho more so then I could have been. And yes we have friends lists on here but how often do we pm or check in with our friends here?
  • Dove1984
    That's an interesting one. What is the calorie on that one?
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    That's an interesting one. What is the calorie on that one?

    if this was aimed at me most broths are only like 5 calories.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I tried working out with friends and boyfriends and kids and hell random strangers in classes but in the end it always comes back to me. I have dear friends on here that are amazing and I check in with them online and also by texts almost daily....heck tomorrow I am going to lunch with two of them that I have never met!

    late night snacks were/are my downfall...start with 100 calorie snack packs! I am cheap so I bought them and refused to let myself eat more than one a night because I didn't want to spend the money! I also found these carrot and ranch packets at walmart too. They are like 50-100 calories and crunching on carrots makes for a long *kitten* snack!
  • Dove1984
    I apologize for not directing that better but yes it was on the calories in the broth. It's been a long day.