I'm doing something wrong here...

Hey everyone,

I've been getting really run down recently. To the point I keep catching all sorts of what feels like bugs, stomach bugs...colds the works that I don't normally get. I posted a while ago about getting flu like symptoms after going and lifting to failure at the gym but it seems to be getting worse.

my normal routine:

First thing:

Cycle to work 10 miles (35 mins intense cardio)

Eat when I get to work..usually 2 eggs on brown toast, red sauce no butter!




I usually have something like chicken and pasta, or some hot chicken or some meat and salad, mostly a lot of meat, some bread and some carbs with a few veggies.

Late afternoon :

Ride home 35 mins intense cardio

(some nights I go to the gym for 45 mins for weights - been doing this a couple of weeks)


Something like Steak, wholegrain rice and some salad ..maybe with a bit of passata so it's not dry.

Sleep: go to bed about 11pm wake up at 6.40am

Water: At least 5 Green tea's a day (chinese proper tea's) and at least 5 cups of water.

I just can't figure out what's running me down so much, I rest on weekends, I don't eat too badly, why am I getting sick so much and why am I so shattered even when I have 8-9 hours sleep?!


  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    how long have you been doing your normal routine? Might be time to take a break for a week, drive/bus to work and give you're body some dedicated r&r
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Done that particular routine since July but the eating about a year and a half with weight sessions 4 times a week.

    I do take a break week every now and then though and go off the rails a bit eating wise..

    I'm wondering if it's when I relax? I know that sounds weird but I always seem to feel crap first few days on holiday too.
  • LoraMora
    LoraMora Posts: 41 Member
    slay0r: My friend has struggled with something similar for 15 years. If she gets less than 9 - 10 hours of sleep and/or works out, she feels tired, achy and flu-like. These symptoms can last for several days as a consequence of a single workout.

    Doctors tried to diagnose her with fibromyalgia, but she knew that wasn't it. No doctor has been able to discover the root of her problem. She has had every blood test that could possibly have a bearing and they are all normal.

    She recently found another possibility due to some people in her family recently testing positive for the MTHFR genetic mutation. This creates a genetic disposition to not absorb B vitamins and folic acid very well. She has read of a number of people with exactly the same struggles which were helped by taking a different form of B vitamins (more broken down) and folic acid, along with a baby aspirin. She is just starting to take them so can't say yet for sure if this is the problem. Apparently the MTHFR genetic mutation is more common in the US population than previously thought.

    Additionally, certain types of antacids (esp the prescription ones) further block absorption of these vitamins. She is so hopeful this will work because 15 years ago was about the time she started taking stronger antacids due various stomach/esophageal issues.

    If you want to check with me in a few weeks I can tell you whether or not this new vitamin routine helped her out and specifically what they are.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Please! That sounds exactly like what i get!
  • Bikini_Bound150
    Bikini_Bound150 Posts: 461 Member
    Do you take a multi-vitamin? If not, I would start.

    Personally, I could not function on 7 hours and 40 minutes of sleep. If you have a lot stress in your day or a particularly long day, I would try to get a bit more sleep during the week and keep a consistent schedule through the weekend. Of course get some rest on the weekends, but if you mess up your sleep schedule on the weekends, it will deprive you during the week. And make sure it's GOOD sleep! If you don't sleep deeply at night, take a supplement or a sleep time tea before bed. It makes a big difference.

    And lastly, I would add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. They're high in vitamin C and other vitamins and antioxidants that will keep you healthy :)
  • susanloveszumba
    I would definitely try and get more sleep if possible. Also, I personally wouldn't want to ride 10 miles on an empty stomach. If i were you I would eat something when you get up maybe a banana and some yogurt, then eat your eggs and toast when you get to work. You eat a banana as a mid-morning snack, but wouldnt something with protein be a little better? I would also eat a snack mid-afternoon with protein because you are biking home on an empty stomach. I think of food as fuel and i dont think your stomach should be empty when biking or doing other exercises :) just my opinion...hope you start feeling better!
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    That's some good advice. I'll give all of those things a try. How much sleep would you all get? I thought 7 hours 40 wasn't too bad. I do have trouble sleeping I always have done (I just randomly wake up every hour or so, means I don't get a lot of deep sleep)

    I'll start on the multivitamins, I wasn't using any before so I'll google which ones the best ones are that I can easily get in the uk and see if that helps improve a bit. I have been drinking some orange juice in the morning over the last few days to get some Vitamin C, hopefully this will help too.

    What would you suggest for a better protein snack midmorning that's easy and not fatty? The reason I have a banana is because I'm at my desk so it's quick and easy, just that I can't really dissapear to make food or anything.
  • jquick823
    I currently only sleep 5 hours a night which is plenty for me but not good for muscle building. 7hrs+ is good. If your daily routine is true is could be that you are zapping your body of every extra nutrient it contains. I don't do anything after I get up until I have a protein shake, this will stop your body from eating your muscle for fuel. I would try 2 scoops protein after waking and before biking to work and 1-2 more after any intense workout that isn't immediately followed by a meal. I would also recommend some Cassein protein prior to bed as it will feed the body during rest.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    I don't seem to get a lot of calcium and as I want to build would it be good to have like a protein milkshake in the morning? I usually have a protein shake with water if I have one, I only drink skimmed milk usually (not been able to find almond anywhere!)
  • jquick823
    If you're looking to build muscle you need protein and BCAA (branch chain amino acids) which are found in proteins like Syntha-6 by BSN. I never take my protein with milk as I can't afford the extra calories at the moment. A daily multi-vitamin should cover your calcium or you can check the labels of the proteins in your area. But without protein and BCAA's muscle building becomes difficult.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    I've been taking :


    As my protein shake and only once a day after my workout with water. Do I need to change my shake to something else? Just seen these:


    The casein one looks interesting as do a few others. Anyone got experience with them?
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Psh double post..