I have to again!

Hello there:) I'm starting out on this weight loss road once more and I really feel like 2012 will be my year to finally lose weight and get into shape and make healthier choices! I know people who know me may think 'oh here we go again' in fact I am tempted to think that of myself. It is crushing when you go to the scales and realise you're going to have to start ALL over again but I want to be positive and just press on. My 30th birthday is in June and I feel like I can really make some great progress by then. I want to buy a new dress (the first dress I have bought for myself in like 8 years other than my wedding dress!) and twirl around in it on that day! I would welcome any support I can get and am very interested in other people's weight loss journeys! hopefully chat to some people very soon! :)


  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Hello :-) I could have written that post word for word apart from instead of turning 30 in June I will be turning 31 in July! I have stopped and started soooo many times but I realise I need to do this NOW! I need to get healthy and fir for my family and me. Good luck and I know we can do this!
  • heronbird82
    hi!! thank you!!! we CAN do this!!!
  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Yes we can! :-) Feel free to add me as a friend and we can help each other.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i was on and off on this site starting in august of 2010. it wasn't until i discovered the message boards and started making a community here, that i really became dedicated. reading about what others have experienced and helping others really makes a difference.

    good luck!
  • heronbird82
    thank you very much!! :) I will remember that and try and get on here as much as possible to be inspired and hopefully encourage others too! :)
  • rmball
    rmball Posts: 6 Member
    Hey lovely sister, if I can get so far you definitely can!! You can still enjoy yourself and eat a little of what you like but it's all about balance.
    You will look beautiful on your birthday and I will be with you every step of the way. Love you! xx
  • heronbird82
    Thank you Rachie!! :):)
  • appleseeds
    appleseeds Posts: 212 Member
    Birthdays are a great motivater. I have the same problem with the up and down and I think your right when you said just push thoughts like 'here we go again' out of your mind. I've been feeling that way since my birthday week sent my weight back up 4kg. Its taken 2 weeks but I think I've lost 3 of them now. You've just got to get back on the wagon hahaha. Add me as a friend if you like?
  • Prozack1964
    hello and welcome here hope you have a great day