Time to shoot some rainbows and sunshine.



  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    - i have Zoe.
    - i have not one, but two jobs
    - i have lovely friends
    - a segment of family that still loves me
    - marketable talent
    - a boss place
    - transportation
    - a lot of acheivments that make me proud even if no one else cares haha
    - my health is finally in a controllable state
    - i'm not horrid looking
    - all my current issues are in the scope of "fixable" and are being worked out in some way
  • Ashalena
    Ashalena Posts: 162
    I L-O-V-E this post.

    *I have good health and the opportunity to change myself.
    *I don't have a family, BUT I have AMAZING friends to replace them.
    *I lost my mother in April 2010. She made bad health choices, which I learned from. I have knowledge to not make the same mistakes she did. I have great memories w/ her and I was blessed enough to hold her hand as she passes away.
    *I have a job.
    *My job pays for school & books.
    *I have an amazingly smart & supportive boyfriend of 5 years now.
    *January 12 marks the one year anniversary of my best friends unexpected death. He taught me how to love myself & others with my whole heart...I have his wisdom, genuine heart and passion for others.
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    -I love boobs

    This! ^
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    i am always grateful for another day of life
    for shelter
    for food
    for health care
    for love of family & friends
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I brought my unicorn!!!!

  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    - I have a family that loves me unconditionally
    - I have a son that challenges and inspires me (and drives me bonkers)
    - I have a hubby that does dishes and laundry and is patient with me
    - I am fit and at a healthy weight
    - I have a job that pays the basic bills
    - I have wonderful MFPals.

    PS - I always KNEW that rainbows came out of the unicorn's butt like it shows in that picture!
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    I have a mother that will cry with me when i eff up instead of feed me lectures.
    I have a father that will drive with no complaints at 3 in the morning to pull my car out of a ditch.
    I have a protective younger brother that's not afraid to use the trigger if needed for me.
    I rent a nice house from my friend (which means i have the power or lowering rent myselfif i'm struggling without him getting mad).
    I've had the same best friends since grade school, who are too awesome to leave me.
    I have a very un-perfect boyfriend of 2 years, but is always there when i need him most and understands me more than anyone.
    I live with an eating disorder, but it's opened my eyes and good things have actually come from it.
    My legs are probably sexier than anyone I know
    Andddd, I'm very close to being confident enough to go streaking :wink:
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    -I have two jobs, and although I don't make quite enough money, I love what I do
    -I'm financially independent from my family. I mention this a lot, but mostly because it still surprises me. I just turned 20 and I have already become financially independent. That's more than anyone I went to high school with can say
    -I have an awesome fiance
    -I'm getting rats soon (and before anyone says anything about my rats, they think you're gross too.)
    -I have free internet and I can watch all the anime I want
    -I'm getting a free copy of 1984 by George Orwell
    -I found one of my textbooks for college online for $1
    -I'm getting my first car in April which will mean I'm getting another job (one of my jobs is about to end)
    -Last quarter I earned a 4.0 GPA for the first time in my life, let alone in college
    -I have a detachable shower head that makes it easier for me to wash my hair, which is to my waist. It also makes it easier for me to shower with other people.
    -I have the best MFP friends ever.
    -I'm going to go make cheese spaghetti, because I have both cheese and spaghetti.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member

    •I have an awesome car
    •I have 2 of the greatest dogs
    •I have a hubs who would really do anything for me
    •I have a great job and am successful in my career
    •I'll be getting a house this spring, what what!
    •I have a cooky, fun family that "understands" me
    •I have nice hair
    •I'm on the right track health-wise
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    *I have a man that works REALLY hard so that I don't have to.
    *My kids are healthy and happy.
    *I have someplace to live.
    *I have an INCREDIBLE support team on MFP
    *I don't really 'want' for anything.
    *I have AMAZING friends who would help me bury a body.
    *I get to travel.
    *I have lost a lot of weight and started to excercise because I am "able".
    *I have plenty of food to eat (led to the weight gain...)
    * I can lay in my bed (my favorite spot) at 10 am and play on the computer.
    * I have a hard drive FULL of music (43,000+ songs!!) I love music!!
    *I could go on about how fortunate I REALLY am. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    All I've seen this morning is whining about your situation. Blah blah blah. Time to shoot some rainbows and sunshine straight to where the good Lord split you.

    Things I'm happy for:

    - I have a job.
    - I have a car.
    - I have money. ...ish
    - I have a man friend with a libido to challenge Ron Jeremy (He was Ron for Halloween a few years ago... yikes.)
    - I have beer.
    - I have a family that doesn't suck most often times.
    - I'm moving into my OWN apartment next weekend.
    - I have clothes that fit.

    ..hmm. think I'm about all rainbowed out. Your turn!

    Seriously?? *strumming fingers*

    I think you forgot something...
  • PandaofDestruction
    * I have tracked and planned ahead all my food for the day! Yippee
    * I have a great husband who loves me unconditionally
    * I have two adorable cats
    * I have 2 awesome friends
    * I have a great family and in laws
    * I didn't ask for anything for Christmas because I am content with what I have
    * I have healthy food in my fridge
    *Hubby and I are going on a date on Friday
    *My cousin and I are making Menudo together on Thurs. ( I really love my little cousin)
    *I love my job
    * I love my car
    * I love that my hubby and I are going out of town for NYE
    * I love that 2012 may be the year that I finally have a baby!!!!
    * I am exercising tonight and then cleaning, double exercise yay!

    I am so content and so happy with my life, that even though I only have $1 in the bank today, I don't care or worry because I am wealthy in life, love, and health!

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    * i have some of the BEST and most fantastic ppl on the planet to call friends and they think i'm ok too
    * i have an amazing mom
    * my dog is fantastic and wonderful and thinks i walk on water
    * i have a car that is truly awesome
    * my two jobs pay my bills as long as i'm careful
    * my family is loving and supportive, even when we drive each other insane and think of nothing but murder.
    * i'm taking control of my own life for the first time in a long time
    * even though it sucks right now, my finances are on the way
    * i might be able to go back to school next year
    * i found MFP - and all of the amazing and wonderful ppl on here - and i'm not feeling like i'm on a "diet" for the first time in my life
    * for the FIRST time i feel like this journey isn't too long and daunting to even try to start. in fact, i'm on my way.
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    yay for positivity!! thanks for posting..

    I'm grateful I wake up every morning :)
    I have an amazing, loving and supportive family, friends and boyfriend.
    i have a job
    i have a passion (s) - running, zumba, dancing, photography, graphic design.
    i have the ability to run
    i have a car that gets me from point a to b and makes me smile

    that's what i got for now :)
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    I have friends like you to remind me that all is not sucky in the world. I have family that delivers the same message daily. I have a job, health, and a husband who means the world to me and I to him.

    Thank you for starting this post. My the unicorn of life touch you with its golden horn.
  • ckatastrophy
    ckatastrophy Posts: 112 Member

    ^This! ♥

    I have a lovely 18month old granddaughter
    I have the most caring, thoughtful, loving son
    I have a sister who's the best friend I could ever have in the whole world
    I have a job, a roof over my head, a vehicle, clean healthy food & water (so many people in this world are without these basics needs)
    I have good friends & coworkers & family
    I have MFP & my awesome pals!

    Thanks for posting this! What an awesome idea! Nice way to wish the winter blah's away! :flowerforyou:
  • catfish9
    catfish9 Posts: 138
    Yes, yes, yes! Positivity for the WIN!

    I have three beautiful kitties, all of whom are curled up and sleeping on the new blanket Santa brought me (which may be the warmest blanket in the history of blankets. Seriously.) I have an amazing girlfriend, with whom I will be celebrating a two-year anniversary next month. Right now, she's at work, making money to get us by while I am unemployed.

    My best friend came over the other night, and the three of us played Scrabble. I lost horribly, but that's our running joke. I'm taking it easy today, because I got my wisdom teeth out on Tuesday. I was told I would be in a lot of pain, but I feel great! I'm grateful that they were able to schedule me before the 1st, which is when I will lose my health and dental insurance.

    It's sunny today. I'm going to make every attempt to drag girlfriend out for a walk in the woods when she gets home. :)
  • BFit40
    BFit40 Posts: 163 Member
    I have a great life.
    I have choices.
    I have a future.
    I have a lighter future.
    I'm just happy!