Stomach Exercises after C-Section

Hi, I had a baby a year ago (1/9/11) and pushed myself too hard working my abs that I reinjured my c-section.

How do I get rid of this baby belly without doing ab exercise? Any ideas?

I have lost 58 lbs. so far and have 42 to go!, but it is getting harder and if I can't push myself without injuring my c-section I'm worried I'm going to be stuck here at 58!!!


  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Ab exercises will increase your ab strength, but will NOT reduce fat in that area. The only way to get rid of belly fat is to lose fat all over your body. If the problem is the extra skin from being pregnant, ab exercises aren't apt to do much for that either. That said, strong abs are a good thing to have in general, so I wouldn't give up on working them altogether, but I'd talk to my doctor about what exercises are safe to do.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Abs are made in the kitchen. Good healthy eating and cardio will get rid of flab. Everyone has abs, fat just covers them up!
  • nborsh22
    nborsh22 Posts: 72 Member
    Cardio is the best way to blast fat. If you are interested in running, or have a treadmill so you don't have to leave the house, the Couch 2 5k program is great. It works you up slowly to be able to run a 5k. It's 30 min, 3 times a week. I completed it Thanksgiving weekend and couldn't believe how far I had come. I needed a program to follow and be accountable to and this is what got me going. It was great for getting rid of my problem areas too!
  • melissammundy
    Hi! i had a c section too on 4/30/10 so its been about a 1 1/2 yrs. i noticed that my belly went down after a lot of cardio. I run & do the elliptical. Now its not completely flat, but sometimes you can't even tell i had a baby. So maybe cardio will help? Also a change in diet. When i eat a lot of sodium my belly bloats, so thats why its never completely flat. Feel free to add me.
  • Mdarcey
    Mdarcey Posts: 6 Member
    I've had two c-sections (one in July 2005 and one in November 2009). How quickly after your c-section did you reinjure yourself? If the reinjury was a while back, you may be able to try ab excercises again. YOu should talk to my doctor about what he/she thinks you can do.
  • nicolemariedwyer
    nicolemariedwyer Posts: 46 Member
    Any ideas on how to get rid of the extra skin from pregnancy? or will I always have a 'pouch' ?
  • melissammundy
    Any ideas on how to get rid of the extra skin from pregnancy? or will I always have a 'pouch' ?

    i would like to know also, because while my stomach looks flat with clothes on..... under its just really loose.
  • nicolemariedwyer
    nicolemariedwyer Posts: 46 Member
    I've had two c-sections (one in July 2005 and one in November 2009). How quickly after your c-section did you reinjure yourself? If the reinjury was a while back, you may be able to try ab excercises again. YOu should talk to my doctor about what he/she thinks you can do.

    I just reinjured yesterday. It has almost been a year (daughter born 1/9/11). I thought I was free and clear!
  • melissammundy
    I've had two c-sections (one in July 2005 and one in November 2009). How quickly after your c-section did you reinjure yourself? If the reinjury was a while back, you may be able to try ab excercises again. YOu should talk to my doctor about what he/she thinks you can do.

    I just reinjured yesterday. It has almost been a year (daughter born 1/9/11). I thought I was free and clear!

    I dont ever think we're free and clear... i still get pain in that area all the time, even when im sitting down doing nothing or lying in bed. my friend does also and her c section was 11 years ago!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I've had two c-sections, 20 months a part, so I know what you're saying (and fyi, it got worse after my 2nd :wink: ). I am just focusing on cardio and when the lbs drop I'm just praying some of it comes from my stomach region. :laugh: I know it won't be flat, but I'm ok with that as I have two handsom boys that were so worth it!
  • nborsh22
    nborsh22 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi, I had a baby a year ago (1/9/11) ...........

    By the way, congrats on your babies upcoming 1st birthday! What fun! Also my triplets share her birthday.....we go from Chirstmas mode, to New Years mode, to Birthday mode within 3 weeks! It's exhausting.....but fun. :-)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I've heard many women say pilates and yoga helps because it's stretching you and the stuff on top isn't necessarily fat, it's skin from cutting through your muscle. And when did you reinjure it? You may have started exercising too soon after the C-section and you could be okay to try again.
  • candisweet
    I too have had two C-sections (2007 and 2010). I am 50 lbs overweight and even after my first C-section, my stomach was never the same. It's not a pouch, it's completely saggy. I've spoken with two doctor's about it. I've been told that once I reach my goal weight, my big stomach will be gone (obviously) and some skin will shrink, but chances are, the saggy skin I have will never completely give way to a flat stomach. It has been suggested that a Tummy Tuck might be in order. keep in mind this is for my specific situation, but just sharing what I've learned. I hope you are able to find other solutions and good luck on your journey!
  • meganscitworks
    Have you ladies heard of It Works! We have a wrap that helps tighten, tone, and firm your troubled areas. It's a lot cheaper and easier than getting a tummy tuck.
  • OverDoIt
    OverDoIt Posts: 332 Member
    Read This:
    pelvic thrusts, abdominal vacs, and hip flexor contraction and extentions. The idea here is to really squeeze and get a good contraction. This takes a very long time however it can be done in private to reduce embarassment. I was taught this technique by Larry Scott (mr.olympia) he has been training for over 50 years. I think he knows what he is talking about. Doing this routine brought my abs in and tight all the way down to my nether regions. imagine a V shape again this takes time.