Motivational Quotes

So Im a big believer inmotivational quotes. Seems like when I struggle in life at anything, there is usually a quote that will help motivate me. For that reason, I think every mourning I will share one with all of you, thats relevent to today.

March 17,2008
"Man cannot make himself without suffering, for he is both the sculpter AND the marble."
-Dr. Alex Carrel


  • TheTimeIsNow
    So Im a big believer inmotivational quotes. Seems like when I struggle in life at anything, there is usually a quote that will help motivate me. For that reason, I think every mourning I will share one with all of you, thats relevent to today.

    March 17,2008
    "Man cannot make himself without suffering, for he is both the sculpter AND the marble."
    -Dr. Alex Carrel
  • theGuest
    theGuest Posts: 117 Member
    Absolutely adore quotes.

    Thank you.
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    Great idea, inspire away!! Thanks!!!
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    So true:smile:
  • kingon8
    kingon8 Posts: 200 Member
    Here is another one for ya:

    "Many people treat their bodies as if they were rented from Hertz-something they use to get around in, but nothing they genuinely care about understanding"-Al Huang

    also my favorite Bob Dylan quote:

    "He not busy being born is busy dying"
  • TheTimeIsNow
    Yea, Bob's got some good ones, wait till i bust out the morrison's.