Back again! and need a kick up the bum!

Yet again i am back! I have a habit of staying a few weeks seeing little progress and then giving up!

During the week i tend to be fine, its the weekends that get me! the wine & curries!

I am looking for friends who are determined this is the time! who will be cruel to be kind! as in not accepting the wimp out of 'cleaning' as an exercise because i went over my daily target!

Any one else keen to make a push for a new year new start! were going to get out there and exercise and eat right! and we wont let each other kop out! feel free to add me!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!


  • oliv2065
    oliv2065 Posts: 204 Member
    I am looking for the same kind of friends
  • satodog
    satodog Posts: 1 Member
    I am looking for support and motivation too. I moved to San Diego in May and since then have fallen off the wagon.
  • tstews
    I'm interested also. I've had a terrible time sticking to plan the last month. I'm tired of losing the same pounds over and over again and not making more progress to my ultimate goal.
  • Pkconarroe
    I give up easily as well. I am much more motivated this time though. Friend request sent. Let's cheer each other on!
  • hayley26d
    hayley26d Posts: 80 Member
    Yet again i am back! I have a habit of staying a few weeks seeing little progress and then giving up!

    During the week i tend to be fine, its the weekends that get me! the wine & curries!

    I am looking for friends who are determined this is the time! who will be cruel to be kind! as in not accepting the wimp out of 'cleaning' as an exercise because i went over my daily target!

    Any one else keen to make a push for a new year new start! were going to get out there and exercise and eat right! and we wont let each other kop out! feel free to add me!

    Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

    This is exactly what i said when i returned here in September 2011, but this time im still here 3 months on,
    I am starting to slip a little bit with the chocolates and lager after 7pm but im hoping once im back to work in the new year this will stop again.

    Ive send a friend request