Turbo fire, p90x, 30ds.. which one?

Right now I am pretty sedentary. I work in an office and occasionally have to go up and down stairs a few times a day (three flights) at the apartment community that i work at. That is about as much exercise as i get. So i'm kind of a beginner. I am wanting to know which is better to start off? 30 day shred? Turbo Fire? P90X? I don't want to overwork myself to the point i want to give up, but i'm serious about getting a bangin' beach bod by summertime too. I don't really care about the number on the scale as long as i look good. Here are my stats:

Height: 5'8
Weight: 149
Goal: a toned/lean 135/140 (definitely not any less than 130)
Pants: size 9

I'm really fluffy in the middle, thats where i carry most of my weight, love handles and lower stomach. my upper body strength is laughable.... HELP!


  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    Supreme 90 Day is 20 bucks and without a doubt more bang for your buck. You can go to Collage Video to view the dvd. You get 10 workouts and the program is awesome.
  • Oplesandbanonos
    Oplesandbanonos Posts: 99 Member
    what is supreme 90 day?

    also, I'm planning on joining a gym to start lifting some when i get my finances back in order from christmas, but probably not until february.
  • Oplesandbanonos
    Oplesandbanonos Posts: 99 Member
    what is supreme 90 day?

    also, I'm planning on joining a gym to start lifting some when i get my finances back in order from christmas, but probably not until february.
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    Check out Collage Video. Supreme 90 Day is what some call a knockoff P90X. I never tried P90x because I just couldn't see myself paying all that money. That's too much. I know for a fact that Supreme 90 Day works because I've done it and I am on my second round. Check them out on Facebook. I know some have purchased it at Target, Dollar stores, Bed Bath and Beyond an other places as low as 10 bucks. It is so worth it. Do yourself a favor for your body and your wallet.
  • Oplesandbanonos
    Oplesandbanonos Posts: 99 Member
    I'm not very familiar with all of the different videos, is turbofire and insanity part of p90x?
    do you have to have a lot of weights and pull up bars and such to do any of them? I don't really have TOO much room, and don't have any actual equipment.
  • mom1520
    I started 30DS 3 days ago and would recommend that. I'd fallen out of my workout routine and find it helpful to start with a manageable 30 minutes a day to get back into a routine. P90X is great, but quite a time commitment. I plan to work my way up to that.
  • clocklady
    clocklady Posts: 111 Member
    You sound just like me! Same current weight, goal weight and I'm 5'10".

    I have tried P90X several times and just couldn't get into it, I found it boring. I started Turbofire last week and I LOVE it. I actually look forward to working out. It's fast paced so it holds my attention and I'm soaked in sweat when I'm done. Turbofire is it's own set of dvds.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    30DS is prbably the best for starting out, because it is shorter. However, I did TurboFire and was out of shape at the time, and absolutely loved it. The good thinkg about Turbo Fire is there are a lot of different workouts so you don't get bored. Personally, I would get tired of doing 30DS everyday, but I do it on occassion when I want a short, intense workout. Haven't tried P90X so no thoughts on that, but I hear it is more intense than the other two. Also, you can find Turbo Fire on ebay for about 1/2 price usually.
  • darina23
    darina23 Posts: 114
    I'd say to start out with 30DS. I was pretty out of shape and started out with that and my endurance definitely rose up.
  • CynGetsThin
    Slim in 6 is also great -- but gets rather boring, repetitive. Regardless, it delivers great results!
  • stevenronaldson
    I like P90X... the only one I have used is Ab Ripper X (I wish that showed up when adding exercises to your log?). The trainer is extremely cheesy, but in quite a likeable way. The program seems quite comprehensive.
  • ssunshine619
    I think you might like "slim in 6". that is also from beachbody as well as "hip hop abs". They are both very fun aeasy to start with.
  • Ruz456
    Ruz456 Posts: 99
    Right now I workout using P90X and i LOVE it. the workouts have many different ways to either make the exercises more difficult or modify them to make them easier as your starting out. I feel it hits many of the things people miss and emphasize some weaknesses that many people have, including myself, as a result of this modern lifestyle.

    What ive done is ive ripped the audio from the dvds and put them onto my iphone and I do the P90X workouts at the gym. Working out at the gym gives me more space, easier time switching dumbbells and more weight, and a sturdier pullup bar. some of the workouts I still do at home but mostly I do them at the gym. its a great workout system, and will definitely challenge you and get you in awesome shape