Does anyone have results from P90X?

I've started the program again, but I've never been able to finish because of stress and distractions. Im trying again, but this time with P90X2. Has anyone had success? If so, did you do exercises outside of the program? Thanks!


  • I was just going to ask a similar question. I am just getting on the bandwagon with P90X again and was wondering if there was a simple way to input that in my exercises instead of entering every single exercise individually? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  • I used P90X with a few friends for a while. I ate healthy along with using p90x videos 5 times a week for about roughly 2 months. I could tell the drastic changes after and during the two months. Along with feeling more energized and lighter, I noticed less bloating and I could fit into my old jeans again. I lost 10 pounds, but I lost a bunch of inches :] I know I gained a lot of muscle, and I would definitely recommend it.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    you can see mine in my profile....Im not sure how to paste them on here! Sorry!
  • TyatKU
    TyatKU Posts: 31 Member
    So far I've been wearing a heart rate monitor during my workouts and recording the calories lost that way. When you input the exercise the first time, it should show up the next time without having to type it in all over again. You can modify the calories burned and time spent when you enter in the exercise.

    Any other success stories??
  • Jenene88
    Jenene88 Posts: 281 Member
    Ousted p90x and went from lifting a 5lb weight to 8-10lb weight. I also lost inches but I didn't care to much for the caruso videos so I switched them or the insanity videos. But you will see changes and notice how much stronger you have gotten
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    I was just going to ask a similar question. I am just getting on the bandwagon with P90X again and was wondering if there was a simple way to input that in my exercises instead of entering every single exercise individually? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    To enter p90X workouts as cardiovascular you go to exercises, then select my exercises and on the right there is a setting to "create my exercises" then you enter the name, how long and calories and it will come up in your workouts
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    I finished my first round of P90X on Dec 11. I lost 30 lbs and 23 inches. I started round 2 on December 26. There is a group of us from MFP logging daily and supporting one and other. You can join in if you'd like. I can send you the invite. I also have my pics from day 1, 30, 60 and 90 posted in my profile.
  • StatusSan
    StatusSan Posts: 2 Member
    I have a question about that also. From a guy's perspective, will you lose a lot of muscle mass by doing it? I wonder if I should still strength train on the side if doing this, or is P90X by itself enough to shred the fat while slowly toning and bulking up your muscles for that fitness physique?
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I have a question about that also. From a guy's perspective, will you lose a lot of muscle mass by doing it? I wonder if I should still strength train on the side if doing this, or is P90X by itself enough to shred the fat while slowly toning and bulking up your muscles for that fitness physique?

    in my opinion, no need to do anymore strength will get plenty with p90x!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I got great results with P90X program....I liked it so much I did the complete program twice this year. I posted pictures way back, and they are on my other computer so I can't post em right now, but I totally think if you stick with it, it works. I never did any other workouts and I NEVER EVER missed a day!!!

    I plan on doing beach body insanity starting Jan 2nd to kick off the new year..... and then I want to do P90X again for a third time!!

    I love it!!
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    I have a question about that also. From a guy's perspective, will you lose a lot of muscle mass by doing it? I wonder if I should still strength train on the side if doing this, or is P90X by itself enough to shred the fat while slowly toning and bulking up your muscles for that fitness physique?

    DIET is very important... for best results do the workouts and eat good food, cut out crap (I did doubles... I added extra cardio to my routine, my goal was weight loss)
  • paulmmichaud
    paulmmichaud Posts: 59 Member
    I'm starting this program in January.

    I want to get overall much more fit and toned and drop fat.

    Is this the best way to go...doing this alone or should I supplement with more cardio?
  • Jonbev
    Jonbev Posts: 5 Member
    I did P90X earlier this year and I'm totally hooked on BeachBody programs. I've now got Insanity, The Asylum and P90X2.

    There is a very active group on Facebook for any of you that are in the UK
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    I have done both classic and doubles, great results each time, if diet and protein levels are sound. I also recommend to push yourself to lift heavy as you are able (lower reps) I noticed dramatic results that way. (men and women)

    The program alone will meet strength training needs, if you are focused, push yourself, and increase weight levels appropriately.

    I personally dropped more fat doing doubles, where I added a second cardio component into the workout in the evenings. Ether Plyo, kempo or CardioX (with wrist and ankle weights), or Rushfit, or Treadclimber. 45-60 min in the PM

    But people DO loss fat, without the doubles program, using only the classic. So it probably depends on your condition, and needs. I am (now) in pretty good condition, and needed an extra challenge beyond the standard Classic range, having already completed the program 7 times.

    Generally as a beginner, its recommend one start with Classic first. This will give good all around results in strength and cardio, while allowing good muscle conditioning and improvement - without the mental and physical stress of the doubles plan, which can be very taxing for a beginner (you would be looking at 2 hrs a day workouts)

    Lean is the "lite" version. And though will provide changes, you loss a good chunk of the strength component, which is super important for the "dramatic" results many prefer. (men AND women needs the strength traing, three days a week, covering all body areas)

    Good Luck
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    I have a question about that also. From a guy's perspective, will you lose a lot of muscle mass by doing it? I wonder if I should still strength train on the side if doing this, or is P90X by itself enough to shred the fat while slowly toning and bulking up your muscles for that fitness physique?

    DIET is very important... for best results do the workouts and eat good food, cut out crap (I did doubles... I added extra cardio to my routine, my goal was weight loss)

    I have to agree with this...I did one round of P90X and although didn't eat "bad", I didn't eat very well as far as my protein/carb ratio. While I definitely got stronger, I did not get the lean looking figure I could have. I'm starting round 2 Sunday with the intent of being much stricter with my eating habits.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    also did rounds, with not as good eating - results were not as nice. I never ate horrid, just not as careful of calorie levels, protein levels.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    I'm starting this program in January.

    I want to get overall much more fit and toned and drop fat.

    Is this the best way to go...doing this alone or should I supplement with more cardio?

    Check out the P90X manual.... I wanted weight loss so I followed doubles. The book suggest starting extra cardio at week 5, I started off the hop (probably why I dropped 30 lbs in 90 days). I did not do P90X cardio, I substituted for insanity... I started round 2 on december 26th and I am adding Insanity workouts.

    However the P90X routine in the manual suggests adding cardio X 3 to 4 times a week.

    I hope this helps!