A quick hello from a newbie

Hi all,

Just a quick hello & introduction!!

Thought I'd join up here and give it a try to focus on losing some weight. I've often thought "Wouldn't it be great if you had some sort of read-out on your body, that showed how much energy we are using, and cancels out how much food we eat...." Wel - looks like this MFP tool does as close to that as we'll ever come!!

I'm a cyclist when it comes to exercise. I cycle-commute to/from work 3-4 days a week. At 1-hour/23km each way, that keeps me well-covered for physical activity!!

Main reason I am here is I'm about 10-ish kg above my normal weight. I got knocked off my bike just over a year ago - badly broke my left shoulder and arm. Needed 3 months off work, and had a couple of rounds of surgery to repair the mess... I only managed to gt back on the bike a few months ago - and I'm certainly feelng the 10kg I gained in the meantime, especially on the hills!! Hopefully MFP will help me get back to a good fighting weight...

So - hello everyone, and hope we all have progress well. :)


  • wildrosekasey
    wildrosekasey Posts: 26 Member
    welcome, good luck, and way to get back on the horse.. or bicycle in your case =)